Take Action: Your Profile Picture
Anzel Botha
I help founders rise above with marketing research and development, creating solutions that are as rare and unique as purple giraffes. Happy founders mean delighted customers.
It’s astounding how many people have a really poor photo of themselves on LinkedIn, or a picture of their dog! This is a BIG don’t.
LinkedIn Profile Tips:
HEADSHOT ONLY: Nothing else should be in the picture but your head, neck, and possibly the top of your shoulders. No far away shots of you, so we can’t see your face. Look straight at the camera or turn your head slightly into the LinkedIn profile so when others are viewing it, the direction is to your right. Skip side view shots. People want to see you, so look at the camera.??
BE IN FOCUS: Don’t use a filter or mess around in Photoshop to soften the image too much. You want a sharp picture where we see your eyes. If you wear glasses, watch out for glare on the lens. You want to ensure that your eyes are clearly visible with a bit of sparkle in them you get when you are happy and smiling.
ATTIRE: To convey the right professional image, choose your outfit carefully.
For men, the formal business suit and tie is not seen much on LinkedIn so unless that is your daily work attire, relax the dress a bit. Options to choose from: plain colored (no stripes) dress shirt open with suit jacket works very well for a classy look; dress shirt and tie; or just a collared dress shirt. No casual shirts, Hawaiian or golf looks, certainly no t-shirts.
For women: Plain solid colour outfit works best. Wear a solid colour you look great in. A dress, jacket, sweater, or blouse is fine. Avoid wearing anything that is sleeveless or too revealing. No prints, plaids, or stripes as they are too distracting. Makeup applied well will help you look better. Test the lipstick to ensure that it is not too stark – no reds, softer pinks, and corals are better choices.
SMILE: You must come across as friendly, warm, and engaging. Show some enthusiasm for life. We need to see a twinkle in your eye—a zest for life. A warm, friendly smile will make you look accessible and encourage others to want to connect with you.
LIGHTING: Everyone looks better in good lighting. Warning: Your picture will make you look older and less attractive without great lighting. Indoor light, especially home or office lighting, can be the worst selection as it is often harsh and uneven. Natural light standing back from a window usually works well. Ensure you balance the lighting so your face is fully light from all sides. Try taking your photo outside. Pro photographers recommend the best time to take a picture is on a cloudy overcast day.
BACKGROUND: It’s essential that you have a plain background behind you. So many photos on LinkedIn have a busy background and look so distracting. Nothing should take away from YOU.
Let the world see the best you possibly can. Your connections all want to see your warm, inviting face when they get to your profile page. Be sure that is what they find.
If you can’t afford a professional photographer, you can use your smartphone. Just don’t take a selfie, and let someone take it for you, with no busy backgrounds. Do not crop the profile picture out of a group photo.
Example of a good profile Picture: