Take Action!
As a leader, you undoubtedly analyze (and even over-analyze) why you and your team haven’t produced the results you are committed to producing, and as you’re surrounded by spreadsheets, charts, and other tools, you might even find?yourself thinking it best to just wait out whatever is?in your way.?But, guess what? You have no time to wait. This is not a dress rehearsal. If you want something, now is the time to go for it. Take action now! You can spend your time looking for the answer to the question, “Why?” and certainly there are things we can learn from this analysis. However, wallowing in "Why?"?won’t change anything about the present, and won’t create anything for the future. Take action instead!
Stop letting your fear of the unknown or failure stop you from moving forward. When did “playing safe” become your life commitment? If a lack of a valuable commitment that lights you up is at the root of your stagnation, change your commitments. Get really, really committed to what you really, really want - not what you think you are supposed to want, but to?what you really want.
You can talk all day, have meetings, create?written reports, make lists out of your lists and review them until the cows come home, but leaders who accomplish great things TAKE ACTION! So don’t just sit there; do something, sell something, create something, change something, volunteer for something! Do something bold! A definition of procrastination is “the deliberate act of excessive postponing.” Notice that word: deliberate. That means it’s a choice! Don’t fall into the trap of believing all of the excuses for not reaching the goals you and your team committed to.? The truth is in your actions. You have the power to choose your actions, no matter the circumstances. Choose to get unstuck!
Yoda had it right… “Do, or do not. There is no ‘try’”.