Take '5' - 07/10/2022
Stephen Briscoe ACMI
Social Care Conversationalist & Owner of Valued Care Solutions
This weeks ‘Take 5’ has range of good news stories, information, and reminders focussed on good #mentalhealth and wellbeing as well as resources for all services to get people talking on ‘World Mental Health Day’ – this Monday 10th October.
Quote: "There is no standard normal. Normal is subjective. There are seven billion versions of normal on this planet.” — Matt Haig, Reasons to Stay Alive
1.???Mental Health – as it is World Mental Health Day on Monday 10th of October and the theme this year is making mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority, the HSE have put together some great resources for organisations to use in engaging and starting conversations on mental health wellbeing. The talking toolkit is very good resource to opening those sometimes difficult initial conversations within work.
2.???Mental Health – this time of year some people find difficult at times to adjust to the colder darker days and the looming pressures of the winter period, with lots now understanding this could be Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) Mind have produced some excellent resources for both summer and winter SAD feelings to help support your mental wellbeing –
3.???Dementia news - News from over the pond with the Washington Post reporting that a recent closely watched clinical trial has reported that an experimental Alzheimer’s drug slowed cognitive and functional decline by 27 percent in testing. Maybe too early still to see what this means however positive developments in this area of study –
Link – Washington Post news
4.???More Dementia News – Good news network is reporting this awesome story on Singapore leading the way in making towns and city environments more dementia friendly and accessible to navigate. Simple yet distinctive visual cues serve as visual anchors for clear identification by colour zone and are positioned throughout the cities of Khatib Central and Chong Pang City.
5.???CQC reminder – this is a reminder for all registered CQC services that from the 1st of July it is now mandatory to ensure that all staff receive training in learning disability and autism, including how to interact appropriately with autistic people and people who have a learning disability. This should be at a level appropriate to their role.
Take Care, Stephen