Dania Punjani
Student at Huron university college | copy writer and content strategist who helps companies grow their social media presence
First of all i want to thank TajiZuri Organisation for being able to work with them . A week before the school closed for the academic year i was approached by Ms Khadija a teacher in my school to pick up a CAS project surrounding the donation of pads . I picked the project knowing i only had one week the goal was 1500 packets of pads out which 500 were donated . Within a week 300 students got together to donate pads for the girls . I had no idea if i was going to pull something off but all i had to do was initiate the project and with in the first day we had collected enough to buy 20 packets and so it went on and at the end of the week in counting 500 pads had been donated . I am not stopping here and have made this a on going project coming in with the next academic year i will continue this project with the help of students and hit above the goal . My experience with this project lead me to realize its so worth it to put yourself in a position to seek discomfort and see the outcome pay off . I am going to be honest there would be days i would just come to school to collect the donations pack them up and leave to go home but this project was so worth it and will go on for a while .
Thanks to Arjun and kaveri for pulling through and really pushing it out . To my CAS coordinator Mr Makuba thankyou for guiding me through the process and approving my project on the spot