Following a break in Calendar Week 40, the TaiyangNews PV Price Index remains unchanged in Calendar Week 41. The Chinese n-type silicon is up 3.9% MoM, while all the other listed types are stable MoM. The 3 wafer varieties maintain their prices MoM, while the PERC cell types are down high single-digits MoM.
All this and more in this weekly overview on prices from TaiyangNews. To read the detailed report, please visit our website: https://taiyangnews.info/category/price-index/
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Also, do not forget to #register for our upcoming 2-day #VirtualConference on Reliable PV Module Design 2024: Building Long-Lasting Solar Modules, which will take place on October 21-22, 2004. For Agenda and Free Registration. More details below.
Following a break in Calendar Week 40, the TaiyangNews PV Price Index remains unchanged in Calendar Week 41.
The Chinese n-type silicon is up 3.9% MoM, while all the other listed types are stable MoM.
While 3 wafer varieties maintain their prices MoM, the p-type 210 mm variant is down 1.7% and the n-type 182 mm is up 3.7% MoM.
The PERC cell types are down high single-digits MoM, while the TOPCon cells have seen flat to low-single-digit declines MoM.
As with cells, PERC module prices are down in the high single-digit range, while those for n-type are down low single-digits MoM.
The 3.2 mm (thicker) solar glass has declined 8.3% MoM while the 2.0 mm (thinner) glass is down 13.3%.
The TaiyangNews - All About Solar PV Price Index has seen greater price declines upstream than downstream in CY2024. All Chinese polysilicon types have crossed the 39.3% price decline mark YtD. Among wafers, the n-type variants have lost more than half their value thus far this year. The decline for TOPCon 182 mm cell (down 43.8% YtD) is disproportionately higher among cell types. The declines for module prices have ranged from 21.8% to 29.1% YtD. And finally, solar glass prices have declined in the 21.4% to 35% range YtD.
The data refers to average product prices in China. The data was collected by Chinese market research firm Gessey PV Consulting.
Disclaimer: TaiyangNews does not guarantee reliability, accuracy or completeness of this price index’ content. TaiyangNews does not accept responsibility or liability for any errors in this work.
#Block21-22October for TaiyangNews Reliable PV Module Design 2024 Virtual Conference
With record low prices, everyone in the solar module segment is severely under pressure. And with fierce competition in times of huge overcapacities and companies extremely challenged to further innovate and stand out with their products through very high power ratings and efficiencies while improving on cost, there is one particular feature to watch out for these days: Solar Module Reliability. PV module suppliers offer very long warranties for their panels, of around 15 years for the product and around 30 years for performance.
TaiyangNews Reliable PV Module Design 2024 Virtual Conference is spread across 2 days: from 12:00 to 14:30 CEST on #Oct 21, 2024 & from 10:00 to 12:30 CEST on Oct 22, 2024. Sponsored by LONGi Solar , JA Solar , Astronergy Solar , JTPV, Hangzhou First, GCL System Integration & Endurans Solar , the event will bring together major stakeholders in the module manufacturing and product testing segments to discuss how to build long-lasting solar modules, which is also the theme of this event.
For the #Agenda and #FreeRegistration, click here: https://taiyangnews.info/our-events/oct-21-22-2024-reliable-pv-module-conference
#ReliablePVModules, #ReliablePV, #SolarPV, #SolarEnergy, #SolarModules, #SolarPVModules, #Solar