Tailor your training
Guy Clapperton MCIPR
The media trainer that helps you avoid being misquoted, misunderstood or misrepresented. My team will ensure you get value out of speaking to the press.
I sparked an interesting debate this week with a post in which I took an unnamed contact to task over pricing. Basically someone had asked "how much is media training?" and someone said they'd asked a contact and they'd come out with a figure.
It seemed ridiculously low to me but then it would. If you say "how much is media training" and someone can give you a figure without asking how many people, whether the trainer needs to organise the room in which the training will take place, whether it's a one-off "lunch and learn" session or a several-day thing involving senior executives and whether there is any need for a camera trainer, you're basically going to get the lowest figure they can think of. They believe - possibly rightly - that this will secure the business. You'll then get their idea of "media training" regardless of the questions you need addressing.
If you approach us then the first thing you'll get is "can we schedule a quick chat with Guy" so we can establish whether we're the right people to help, how long it's going to take and even whether any sessions will be happening in this country. To me it would be insulting to think otherwise - your company or clients are not commodities, why should you accept a commoditised approach to your training?
You can find the full debate on my LinkedIn feed. If you'd like a chat about your media interview skills or presentation training needs (or if, like many of our clients, you're a public relations company and want to chat about your clients), feel free to get in touch.
To the podcast
I have a new edition of the Near Futurist podcast coming out on Friday (this is me reminding myself to edit and upload it). Meanwhile here's the current episode, about the confused messages noise cancelling headphones can send to your brain and other such sound-related matters:
A word on Linkedin profiles
One of the things I do to prepare for a media training session is to check the delegates out on LinkedIn. Here's what I found last week.
Meanwhile if you're on video...
I did a lunch and learn session over video for a client last week. Here's the biggest tip I have on presenting online:
Get in touch
And if you like what you're seeing feel free to get in touch - you can find me on LinkedIn or drop my assistant Lindsay Simons a note - [email protected], and she'll arrange a time for us to speak about your training needs.
See you in a couple of weeks.
Guy Clapperton