Is the tail wagging the dog?

Is the tail wagging the dog?

People are in business for many reasons, some want to change the world, others want to give back and others want to leave a legacy. Many just want to provide a better life for themselves and their families. I am pretty sure nobody gets into business to be a slave to their commitments. Working to pay landlords and meet other financial commitments is no fun and is the equivalent of the tail wagging the dog.

Being tied into any long term commitments in an economy like Western Australia is a mugs game. I have never seen a commercial climate that is so volatile and unpredictable. Committing to anything that isn’t nimble enough to change as your needs change will be your downfall, and there aren’t many commitments bigger than your office space.

With office vacancies and incentives at an all-time high and rents low in Perth you could be forgiven for thinking now is the right time to sign a lease and lock in the deal of the decade. There is a reason the vacancies and incentives are so high – people have no idea what the future holds and they do not want commitments greater than their order book.

Smart businesses recognise the value of flexibility and they are fully cognisant of the costs associated with getting decisions wrong. Smart businesses are opting for a different way of working, to step away from the egotistical office space and embrace a new way of working, a new way of looking at their accommodation solutions.

At Liberty, we are the only operator in Perth that provides a full suite of solutions from Mailing Address and Personalised Call Handling for home-workers, to purpose built Co-Working Facilities for transient Corporate workforces, start-ups and SME’s to fully Serviced Private Offices for more established businesses.

Our facilities are fully supported by our very own Liberators and you can take as much or as little space as you want for as short or as long as required meaning you should never be a slave to a landlord ever again.

Smart businesses are staying in control of their commitments, working for reward and achievement and ultimately wagging their own tail!

If you want to see how you can flex your overheads in-line with your workload please contact me: [email protected]



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