Taiichi Ohno’s “Workplace management” Opening chapter 2

Taiichi Ohno’s “Workplace management” Opening chapter 2

Taiichi Ohno’s “Workplace management” Opening chapter 2 (hmoperationsmanagement.com)

Continuing from my previous post , how would I translate 【君子】 and 【小人】?

I would translate those as follows;

【君子】; True leader with virtue. A person of noble character, cultured with morality. Faithful practitioners.

【小人】; A person without morality or noble character. Fake practitioners.

Why did I translate in such a way? Because the comparison of these two was the central theme of Confucius. There are numerous comparisons between the two inside the Analects. Confucius’s work is about the fight against fake religion.

Sounds familiar? Taiichi Ohno’s battle overlaps the work of Confucius. First, internally. And then externally. It is not surprising to think that Ohno respected Confucius as a role model in philosophy and change. And, Ohno never said he is par to Confucius or the 【君子】. Instead, he admits that he makes mistakes, which is normal. The Analects is the self-reflection guide for us.

Final, TPS twist. 【小人】is pronounced as “Shoujin” in Japanese. The third “Shoujin” of TPS. My coach will say, “Don’t be satisfied with “Shoujin-ka”【省人化】. Always think about “Shoujin-ka”【少人化】. Never develop a “Shoujin.” 【小人】 ”

Confucius was the gentleman who developed Confucianism, but he did not invent it from scratch. Before Confucius, ancient China had tribal cults and Shamans who practiced some part of what we know as Confucianism today. Confucius rationalized such cults and organized them into a religion. (In TPS words, he did the Seiri (Organize the logic).) The core philosophy of his thoughts was on Kou 【孝】, respecting your parents and family’s ancestral spirit. He started to organize the ceremonies and teachings around this philosophy. As Confucius developed the religion, he began to conflict with fake and copycats. The imitator might copy the rituals without the philosophies. Words spread without actions and practice. To fully implement the ideal of Confucius, the leaders of the country have to perform virtue-centric politics. To reach the ideal state, Confucius started to differentiate between true practitioners and fake. The words he used were 【君子】 and 【小人】.

Comprehending these words as criticism might be too shallow an understanding. Why? Because Confucius never said that someone is born to be a 【君子】or 【小人】. His lessons were to practice good actions with virtue to become a 【君子】. (If this saying were to practice daily zen, it would connect to Kaizen. But that is Buddism, not Confucianism.) And he asked to self-reflect on the actions taken. One of Confucius’s students noted, “I reflect on three things daily. Did I faithfully think about somebody else? Did I trust my colleagues and friends? Did I accurately communicate what I learned from Confucius?” The comparisons of the two words are great reflection tools.

And there is a Toyota Production System twist. 【小人】is pronounced as “Shoujin” in Japanese. “Shoujin ” appears twice in TPS. First is “Shoujin【省人】,” meaning the reduction of manpower. The second is “Shoujin【少人】,” meaning flexible manpower. How was this third “Shoujin【小人】” used? The original meanings from Confucius are still relevant. It is intended to highlight those actions which copy the tools without the philosophy. The classic one is Kanban. Ohno wrote about the six rules of Kanban, but they were frequently violated. The most important rule is that this is a tool for Kaizen, but many ignore it. And there is one more meaning that my coach used as part of “Shoujin【小人】.” That is “to think.” “Good thinking, good product.” This has been the slogan of Toyota for decades. TPS is a system that drives people to think about problems and improvements. Any change in the system which eliminates the necessity to think is evil in this philosophy. This is a different kind of “Kou【考】,” not the Kou 【孝】from Confucius.

This is the reason why my coach used the “Shoujin” in the following way;

“Don’t be satisfied with “Shoujin-ka”【省人化】. Always think about “Shoujin-ka”【少人化】. Never develop a “Shoujin.” 【小人】 ”

It was his philosophy about how to manage mechanisms & systems.

DrM .


2 年

It’s all in the “ Mind : A belief System”. ( It’s a “ Brain Game “ ) . Is it ? The above statement of mine, Obasan is my “ Belief “ , influenced by ‘ Parental Messages. ‘ These parental messages are not only from my biological parents but from others sources . I have a “SCRIPT “ in my belief system . I play my role as per that . Is it appropriate or otherwise: is the issue, when I interact with individuals or group, who may or may not have the same ‘ belief system’ . Incidentally, I may be totally wrong!??. Functionally, I ?? this narration of yours … “ TPS is a system that drives people to think about problems and improvements. “. I have heard this , in impromptu chats with Tracey Richardson?? , Dennis Dio Parker , Ernie Richardson .. whom I trust . The have lived the ‘ Toyota Way’ . Hide Oba , this calls for further discussion with you. Appreciate your deep dive & interpretation . Honestly! I need more clarification. …

Krishna Gopal Misra

Enjoy making your applications upon my foundation.

2 年

Character and organization behaviour are two different . Gold is unchanged in character within and outside an organisation. Na or sodium and chlorine have toxic characters but they are when combined as NaCl common salt or an organisation they become useful . Character is natural state of a person. Not everyone has a suitable character. Organisation is therefore useful as organisational behaviour makes them learn it by working together. Regards

Yoke-Yin Purcaro

Tech Spec, Senior Specialist at Southern California Edison (SCE)

2 年

Unfortunately, there are more fake practitioner than the true leader in nowadays society, in my opinion.

Mike Santarelli

Quality Improvement Professional | Driving Toward Something Greater

2 年

Thank you for taking the time to provide insights like these. The idea of seeking perfection is rooted in the details. Bread without salt is 99% bread, but it will not rise, and a car without spark plugs is 99% a car, but it will go nowhere. It must be 100% and nothing else.


