Tahitian Blue
It’s interesting when you look back at photos how you can pick the client just based off something as simple as the angles, the shot selection or the retouching.
Head over to https://www.ryanlahiff.com/tahitian-blue/ to see all the pics.
In this case it’s the retouching and none other than my very good friend Murray Walls down at Max Walls International on the Northern Beaches of Sydney. You see Murray was never backwards in coming forwards, and sure you might think that applies to pretty much every real estate agent in the World, but Murray took it up a level.
When it came to photos Murray liked colour, and not just a little bit, he likes to in huge slabs. So when we’d deliver a set of photos to Murray it was a case of setting the stop watch going and just waiting for the request to come back to pump up the colour!
If it had ocean views, which their properties inevitably did, it had to look Tahitian blue – that phrase still rings in my ears even after all these years. Murray described Tahitian blue to me once and it went along the lines of “I want buyers to feel like if they bought this house they’d feel like they were on holidays every single day.”
And so it was, saturation turned up to eleven, water as blue as blue can be, and colours that leapt off the page – that was the Max Walls International setting we had saved in Photoshop.
For this property in Fairlight though a really interesting mix of clever design by renowned architect Ian Moore, with the lap pool at the very front of the property, dropping away through a void to the lower level in a moat-like arrangement with the house accessed over a suspended walkway.
Perfect blue sky day when I took the day shots, and pouring with rain by the time I arrived back that night to do the dusk shots, I consoled myself by thinking about a beach, the warm sun on my face, and my feet being lapped by blue waters, maybe in Tahiti! :)