Tag line management with overhead fall protection systems
Having worked with engineered fall protection systems for over 25 years, I’ve seen my share of poor execution, use and maintenance of these systems by others.?My stance when working with clients to remedy these issues is always the consultative approach rather than let my surprise (and occasionally horror) show.
Today’s short topic relates to overhead lifelines or rigid rails and the proper use and storage of suspended self-retracting lifelines (SRLs).?These cable-based systems may be either a single span or multi-span, suspended from existing structure or purpose designed and erected columns mounted to concrete piers with arms to reach over the working area such as a rail spur.?The rigid rail systems may be I-beam with trolley or enclosed track and trolley, either suspended from existing structure or affixed to columns and arms.?They may even be semi-mobile in nature with large, counterweighted bases.?All have the need for proper storage of the SRL and remote access to the user from the lower level.
This short article is not intended as training for the use of these units but is intended to supplement user and competent person training as there are some pitfalls with improper use which come up frequently.
Each SRL has a clock spring which provides tension on the cable or well spool and retracts the substrate as required.?This clock spring has a memory, but can be compromised should the SRL be stored in an elongated state for an extended period of time.?If the users clip the snap hook of the extended SRL off to structure for storage, the clock spring may lose its memory and over a period of time and may not fully retract in the future.
Most reputable companies who design, engineer and install these systems will use some sort of tagline management system to allow the SRLs to retract fully for proper storage and easy user access from the ground.?These “clothesline” type systems are rather low-tech, but extremely functional.
The other concern with improper storage of SRLs, even for the short term, is potential conflict with moving objects.?There have been many cases where the user of the system has climbed down from a truck or railcar and “for just a minute…..” tied off the SRL in the extended state to the rail car or over the road tank cars ladder bottom rung.?During their short biological or snack break, the truck or railcar was moved.?You can imagine the result!?Often the rung of the ladder or complete ladder on the truck or railcar is damaged, the SRL is destroyed, and the overhead lifeline or rigid rail and supporting structure will also need inspection and potentially repair.
This is where proper design, installation, process, training, inspection and supervision all must come together to keep your overhead fall arrest systems in serviceable condition.
To further complicate overhead SRL use, there may be bridge cranes in use inside a facility.?In these cases, there can be high-tech or low-tech solutions for SRL stowage above the crane and access from the ground.?Either way, there must be a process in place for locking out the crane while the fall protection is in use if there is any chance of conflict.
The low-tech solution for lower height systems may be as simple as a short tag line with loops that may be reached by an extension pole with fixed hook, such as a painter’s pole or first man up type pole.
The high-tech (at least in this industry) approach is a winch with counterweight which is mounted in the roof structure and well above the crane.?The snap hook that would attach to the user’s harness is attached to this counterweight when not in use and winched up above the crane for storage.?These are often hardwired into plant power and activated by wall switch or remote pendant.
Regardless of the type of solution, the goal is to ensure that there is no conflict between the fall arrest SRL or tagline and any moving object such as a crane, truck, railcar, or machinery.
Whether you are working with an application that requires a single SRL with tagline or multiple rail car spurs or truck bays with the need for your workers to access the tops of these movables, Tritech Fall Protection can help you with an engineered solution as well as proper training, implementation, and inspection.?Please reach out to our team and let us know how we can help.