TAG Leadership
Barry Lewis Green
I am an Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, and Creator ... advancing high functioning Purpose and Unity through elevated conversations, capacities and Character. Let's move forward together, stronger.
Consider Gratitude. Grateful for Life. Feeling the seeds of Thankfulness and Appreciation. Finding value in tests. A constant and sincere attitude of that Thankfulness and Appreciation. Indeed, I have long suggested that Gratitude is our inner sense. Thankfulness is our verbal expression of that inner sense. And, Appreciation is our action around same.
In this special Thanksgiving Edition of Aim High, I ask that you think about it. I humbly offer that Gratitude is the inner practice; a countenance, if you will. It is the source of Sincerity around being thankful and appreciative. Thankfulness could be considered that practice of acknowledging same...
... and Appreciation is the action that appreciates the value of someone or something. If depreciation is devaluing, Appreciation is valuing someone or something through our deeds and actions.
Recently, I posted a bit of a mega post on Leadership, and I humbly encourage the read and reflect. That said, I also offer up a thought that great Leadership is grounded in a genuine spirit of Gratitude, expressive in words through Thankfulness and actioned through Appreciation. Indeed, these words immediately above inspire my own Understanding of same on this Canadian Thanksgiving Weekend. Please allow me to offer up on...
The Art and Act of Appreciation
My take is that Appreciation is action engaged.
TAG Leadership
Thankfulness and Appreciation, duly noted, are grounded in a spirit of Gratitude. Expressing our Thankfulness in words and practicing our Appreciation in action... both find foundation in a sincere spirit of Gratitude.
Such forges a noble leadership that leads, inspires, educates and unites. Gratitude is cultivated, especially through Perceptiveness, Empathy and Humility, I do indeed suggest.
Finding time for such daily practice to build our own sincere Gratitude... helps ground and fortify our practice of Thankfulness in words and Appreciation in deeds. Let these inhabit our lives... thusly. Consider such and Aim High.
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving.
Justice, Peace and Unity...
Here are some other offerings to possibly consider...