Table Reports

You can access and extract data from the system for reporting purposes using Table Report.

Table reports provide a flexible, intuitive platform for users to easily create custom list reports and share them across the organization. They're designed to be simple to use, allowing you to easily select data from the SAP SuccessFactors modules and to output that in a simple table. This table can then be easily exported as required. Table Report was earlier known as the Ad Hoc Reports.

The information presented in a Table report can be:

  • Used as a simple list report of the data.
  • Used with “BIRT” (Business Intelligence and Reporting Tool) to create a report that can aggregate, summarize, and transform the data.
  • Used as a data source where the data can be imported into a 3rd party reporting tool.

Table Report Roles:

You can perform actions based on the role you’re assigned to. There are three different roles available in Table Reports.

  1. Administrator: Manages Table Report permissions and grants access to create and view reports.
  2. Creator: Creates customized reports and shares them across the organization.
  3. Viewer: Runs reports and exports report data configured for their team or user group. Viewers can’t edit or delete reports.

Important Points to Plan a Report:

Consider the following points before creating a new Table report.


  • The user running the report.
  • The permissions that exist for this user.
  • The audience for the report.


  • What information do I need to be displayed in my report?
  • Is there a specific information that will be needed for future analysis?
  • Is there a preferred order of the information?
  • How does it fit together?


  • Is there a specific characteristic to the data I need?
  • Do I need to refine further based on business need?
  • How will the information be presented?

User group:

  • Do I need sub groups or totals within the report?


  • Will there be easier ways to review and interpret the report based on the organization of the data?

Table Report Types:

You can create three types of Table reports.

  1. Single Domain Reports: Single Domain allows you to query data from single reporting Domain and is the default Report type option.
  2. Cross Domain Reports: Cross Domain report joins data in the query from multiple Reporting Domains. This information is displayed in a single output list. You can add the same subdomain more than once to allow multiple joins.
  3. Multi Domain Reports: Multi Domain Reports don’t join data together and the report results from each selected Reporting Domain appears on separate tabs in the output. As there are separate tabs in the output, the file is an Excel Spreadsheet and can't be a CSV file.

The different domains/datasets added to a Multi Domain report are independent from each other. Multi Domain reports are mostly used to create BIRT reports where the data from different data sources are stitched together by the BIRT template to render the desired output.

Available Product Schemas for Live Data:

The table lists the subdomain schemas and their corresponding module-specific switches. Login data and Security and Proxy reports is enabled by default to all customers.

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Prerequisites for Creating a Table Report:

  • Enable the Time Zone and Default Locale information entered for the users from Admin Tools > Manage User > Time Zone/Default Locale.
  • Enable the required module-specific features.
  • Enable Create Report permission.

Row Level Permission in Table Report:

Row Level Permission determines which entities of data you have access to. This permission is defined by the Target Population of RBP.

If you’re determined to have no access to a Row, then, when viewing a Table report the row wouldn’t appear.

Note: In Table reports, the cell level and field level permissions are supported only for the Employee Profile domain and not for the other domains of the Employee Central schema.

Assigning Permission to Users and Groups:

Assign a role to the user to access the Table Report features.


1.?Select Create Report or Run Report to the assigned role under Reports Permission Settings.

2.?Select a group to which you want to grant this role.

a.?Define whom you want to grant this role permission to.

b.?Specify the target population whom the granted users have permission to access.

Note: You can also restrict the user from seeing their own data by selecting Exclude Granted User from having the permission to access....

Enabling Permission Switches:

Enable the following functions for the respective domains in Provisioning.

  • Employee Profile Only means that field/cell level permissions are applied only for the EP schema.
  • All Sub Domain Schemas means that field and cell level permissions are applied when the EP fields appear in other schemas.


  1. Enable Ad Hoc Field Level Permission (Employee Profile Only).
  2. Enable Ad Hoc Cell Level Permission (Employee Profile Only).
  3. Enable Ad hoc row level permission for Succession subdomain schema (only support MDF Position).
  4. Enable Ad hoc field level permission for Succession subdomain schema (only support MDF Position).
  5. Enable Ad hoc cell level permission for Succession subdomain schema (only support MDF Position).
  6. Enable Field Level Permission for data model elements (in all Sub domain schemas).
  7. Enable Cell Level Permission for data model elements (in all Sub domain schemas).

Creating a Table Report:

You can create a Table report using Report Center.


Enable Report Center and Create Report permission for the corresponding report type.

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1.?Go to Admin Center > Reporting. The Report Center page appears.

2.?Choose New to create a new report.

3.?Select Table.

4.?Choose Select.

5.?Select the Domain you want the report on.

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6.?Select the data source for reporting domain from the dropdown.

Note: You can select only one data source in the initial stage.

7.?Fill in the required information in the General Info page.

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8.?When creating a custom report,

  • Deselect Remove Styling for all standard BIRT template reports (default BIRT template) with date or time columns.
  • Select Remove Styling for all standard BIRT template reports (default BIRT template) without date or time columns. This selection processes the XLSX files faster with improved memory and performance.

9.?To add the additional reporting domains for Cross Domain and Multi Domain reports, Select Add Domain in the General Info tab.

The domain gets populated in all the tabs.

10.?To select set of people that can be included in the report results, choose Refine Criteria in the People tab.

11.?To select a form or template to be included in the report, choose Select Template in the Data Sets tab.

Note: You can see the Data Sets tab only if you choose to report on Performance Management, Career Development Planning, Goal Management, 360 Degree Multi-Rater Subject, Compensation Eligibility or Compensation Planning as the data source.

12.?To select the columns to add to your report results, choose Select Columns in the Columns tab.

You can also Sort, Group By or Rearrange Columns from the same page.

13.?Optional: To configure the data type values displayed in the column output, Choose Configuration.

14.?Optional: To refine the report scope with additional filtering within user groups, choose Filters. You can also create Filter Groups.

15.?In the Relationships tab, select the column that needs to be combined, under each of the domains specified.

16.?Select the relationship type from the dropdown.

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Note: You can find the Relationship tab only if you choose to create a Cross Domain Report.

17.?Choose Save.

18.?To view your output before running the report, choose Preview.

Note: You can Preview your report anytime while creating a report.

19.?Choose Generate to run the report.


  • Multi-domain reports without a Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) template that return more than 100 million cells are blocked. To run these reports, you can reduce the cell count by applying filters or by modifying the report definition.
  • You can now download the Excel file for single-domain and cross-domain Table reports that are scheduled or generated using the Offline mode, Online mode, and Export mode in the XLSX format by default.
  • The Multi domain reports are downloaded in the XLS format as usual.

Adding User Data:

You can select the set of people you want to share your report with when creating a new Table report.


1.?Choose People > Refine Criteria.

2.?In the Team Manager field, select the option from the dropdown.

Note: By default, Logged In User is displayed. If you don't want to choose from the dropdown list, you can select Find Another and search for the required user and choose OK.

3.?In the Team Reporting Type field, select the required type.

4.?Select the Include inactive user check box, if you want to include the users who aren’t active.

5.?Select the Include starting from user check box, if you want your data also to be displayed.

6.?Choose OK.

The Scope of User Data:

You can select the set of people you want to share your report with when creating a new Table report in Report Center.

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Adding Data Sets:

You can add the templates or forms as the data source to create a Cross domain or Multi domain report.

You can see the Data Sets tab only if you choose to report on Performance Management, Career Development Planning, Goal Management, 360 Degree Multi-Rater Subject, Compensation Eligibility or Compensation Planning as the data source.


  1. On Data Sets tab, choose Select Template.
  2. Select a template (Data Sets) from the list available.
  3. Choose OK.


  • You can only choose one dataset per Compensation Planning report.
  • Reports for the rest of the domains you can choose multiple templates while creating the report.

Uploading a Custom Template:

You can upload a custom template when creating a new Table report to create custom reports using BIRT (Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools) to build complex logic and layouts.

A Report - Table appears as Report - Custom on the Report Center page when you upload a custom template to it.


Ensure that you have "Visual Publisher" enabled for your tenant.


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Adding Columns in Table Report:

You can add columns that you want to appear in your report.


  1. In Columns tab, select columns in the order you want them to appear in your report.

2. Select Enable Distinct to avoid duplicate entries in the output of the report.

Note: The Enable Distinct function applies only when the content of the rows, shown in the report, is exactly the same (duplicates). If the content of the row is different for any column or fields, the row won’t be hidden.

3. Select Sort to create different sorting orders.

4. Select Group By, choose the required Aggregate Column and Function from the dropdown.

5. Select Rearrange Columns and drag and drop the selected columns as required.

6. Choose Save.

Adding Configuration Types in Table Report:

By configuring the selected columns, you modify the data output for Date and Time and Picklist fields. This is an optional procedure and can be skipped, if not necessary.


  1. Choose Data Type Configuration, in the Configuration tab.

2. Select either Date or Timestamp data output from the drop down.

Note: If Timestamp is chosen, you have the option to choose localized timestamps and can make the report fetch Localized time.

3. Choose OK.

4. Select Show Value Id Configuration.

5. Select either Id or Value data output from the drop down.

6. Choose OK.

7. Choose Save.

Adding Filters in Table Report:

You can add filters to refine your report results.

Filters help you refine the data (columns) that you already selected for your report.


1.?To add one or more filter groups, choose Add Filter Group in the Filter tab.

2.?Choose Refine Criteria to select filters for the different columns in your report output.

You can also refine your criteria within a Filter Group.

3.?Select the required field.

4.?Select the By My Selection tab and choose the By My Selection button to select specific data from the listed results.

5.?Enter the search criteria for columns you want to be added to your report.

If the column is of type picklist, then searching for filter values do not return proper search results.

6.?Select User Prompted to make changes to the filter when running the report.

7.?Choose Add Filter Group on the Filters tab to add more Filter groups.

8.?Choose Done.

9.?Select By Rule.

10.?Choose Add Rule.

11.?For each rule, select a condition and a value to be evaluated.

12.?Join rules with AND or OR.

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13.?Choose Done.

Thank You for taking time to read this Article. Please leave your feedbacks/suggestions in the comment section.

Venkannababu Kothagundu

Associate Consultant SAP-SUCCESSFACTORS-Employee Central

2 年

Thank you so much Vasanth Kumar. Your daily postings are very useful to revising the knowledge and learning new topics. I am requesting please continue the same. Thanks again.


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