Table plan and headaches
Who sit at the head of the table? How many times have you scratch your head in a private or professional context to solve this equation? lt will be "HIM" because "HE" has a decent head, or rather "HER" because "SHE" is at the head of the business......Yes, but then it means that a well-made head is better than a well-filled head ....Yes but watch out, others will sulk and "Him", he will become big headed ! Therefore with wisdom, experience and deduction, this is what I always had in my head: Crowned heads will always be head of the table and head of the list, and after.... Repeat the exercise with a clear head, and closely follow the rules of priority related to the event! Never try to conquer the table plan hot-headed, and despite your best efforts there will always be in the troop of guests, mules and linnets heads. An idea for your table plan: f you have an instant development camera, shoot each guest on arrival, and place the photograph on the place setting you prearrange for her or him at the table.