TABLE Generation Strategy
Ankesh Mishra
SERVING NOTICE PERIOD Development Engineer - Backend Technologies | Java RESTful APIs, Spring Boot
In Hibernate, an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) framework for Java, the TABLE generation strategy is a way to generate primary key values for entity objects. This strategy uses a database table to maintain and generate unique identifiers. Here's how it works and how you can configure it:
How the TABLE Generation Strategy Works
The TABLE strategy involves creating a separate table in the database that keeps track of primary key values. This table typically has columns to store the name of the sequence and the current value. Each time a new primary key is needed, Hibernate reads the current value from the table, increments it, and then updates the table with the new value.
To use the TABLE generation strategy in Hibernate, you need to:
Let's consider an example where we use the TABLE generation strategy to generate primary key values for a Person entity.
Step 1: Create the Sequence Table
First, create a table to hold the sequence values. This table can be created using the following SQL script:
CREATE TABLE hibernate_sequences (
sequence_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
sequence_next_hi_value INTEGER NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (sequence_name)
-- Insert an initial value for the sequence
INSERT INTO hibernate_sequences (sequence_name, sequence_next_hi_value) VALUES ('person_seq', 1);
Step 2: Annotate the Entity Class
Next, annotate the entity class to specify the use of the TABLE generation strategy.
import javax.persistence.*;
public class Person {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.TABLE, generator = "person_gen")
name = "person_gen",
table = "hibernate_sequences",
pkColumnName = "sequence_name",
valueColumnName = "sequence_next_hi_value",
pkColumnValue = "person_seq",
allocationSize = 1
private Long id;
private String name;
private int age;
// Getters and setters
Explanation of Annotations
The TABLE generation strategy in Hibernate provides a flexible way to generate primary key values using a dedicated table. While it is database-agnostic and customizable, it may introduce some performance overhead compared to other strategies. This method is particularly useful when working with databases that do not support sequences or identity columns natively.