Table of Contents for my postings 1
Walter Lee
GDE, GCP, AWS, Azure Cloud Expert, CKA/S, ex-Oracle, 38k Followers. Many X Certified in Clouds, DevOps & k8s. Hackathons Winner. Writer, Speaker, Mentor. Opinions are my own and not the views of my employer : )
New ToC 2 -
A friend asked me where is my Bigquery GIS post ? Another friend asked me where is the Spinnaker demo, etc... ? So, try to build a T.O.C. here and I will update it regularly.
1/ Spinnaker demo from Git commit to Canary release at this LINK and more at LINK
2/ Deployment Strategies and comparisons at this LINK
3/ Kritis demo and details in PROD deployments at this LINK
4/ Blackduck, JFrog and Kritis security discussions at this LINK
5/ Istio demo with Envoy at this LINK
6/ Knative and riff at this LINK
7/ Kubernetes:
- CD Pipeline with Jenkins on k8s at this LINK
- Vault and k8s at this LINK
- Security and k8s at this LINK
- Terraform to deploy Nginx on k8s at this LINK
- Tigera and Calico on k8s at this LINK
- Apache Ignite on k8s at this LINK
- Helm install MongoDB, Postgre and MySQL on k8s at this LINK
- How to run Cronjob on k8s at this LINK
- Kubernetes Declarative Object Management at this LINK
- Container runtimes comparison at this LINK and this LINK, Kata Containers at HERE
- k8s dev tools at this LINK
- Weaveworks scope at this LINK
- redis on k8s at this LINK
- Helm charts and commands to install redis, elk, mysql and nginx at this LINK
- Skaffold at this LINK
- Halyard at this LINK
- debugging kubernetes at this LINK
- securing kubernetes at this LINK
- kubernetes extension for vscode at this LINK
- How to secure the supply chain of images/artifacts in kubernetes at this LINK
- CNCF project Rook at this LINK
- How to write and use ready to go Helm charts at this LINK
- KataContainers at this LINK
- Kubernetes networking options at this LINK, different network plugins comparison at LINK
- Tillerless Helm at this LINK at this LINK
- Prometheus and Grafana and this LINK
- Kubernetes security scan with NeuVector CIS checker
- Kubernetes source code
- Understand etcd, how to debug, config files, etc.
- CNCF TUF to secure a software update system, against attackers similar to Uptane for the automotive industry and Deep Dive into TUF
- CNCF Cilium -API Aware Networking and Security using BPF and XDP
- kubernetes development workflow tools, e.g. skaffold, kubectx, krew, vscode extension, dive, stern
- installed serverless platform Apache Openwhisk on kubernetes
- 9 Kubernetes Security Best Practices Everyone Must Follow
- Migrate (develop, build, test, deploy and monitor) a traditional sample Spring Java Application to AWS EKS. This has a lot of interesting tech inside, e.g. eksctl, how to build docker with Jib, use customer JRE to build minimal image, helm install/list, Istio on EKS, Canary Deployment, Distributed Tracing, Metrics using Grafana, Chaos using kube-monkey, Skaffold for continuous development in k8s.
- k8s configmaps demo and how to decode secret and official configmap doc
- Sysdig Falco realtime kubernetes and container security logging and monitoring
- Elotl Virtual Kubelet and CRI to save Infrastructure cost by 50%
- helm charts for Elastic Search in ELK
- GKE cluster upgrade
- kube-batch is a batch scheduler for Kubernetes
- podcast of @kubernetesio workloads by Brian Grant
- is a new home for the Kubernetes community to share Operators
- EKS workship - to configure VPC, ALB, and EC2 Kubernetes workers, and Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes
- k8s and docker CVE-2019-5736 - Sysdig Falco and Aqua Container Runtime Protection
- Container Storage CSI and OpenEBS
- k8s Operators for Couchbase on Redhat Openshift
- k8s Operator Framework by Redhat Rob Szumski
- k8s Redis Operator on GCP by Kenneth Owens
- k8s Operator for Kafka
- k8s Last week in Kubernetes Development
- new 2019 Tiller-less at HERE, how to convert to Tiller-less Helm at HERE, Tillerless plugin for Helm v2 at HERE
- Local Kubernetes, Kind (Kubernetes in Docker), Why Kind, Duffie Cooley demo
- gVisor by Yoshi Tamura at SE Daily and at NEXT 19 and videos and HERE
- new Kubernetes 1.14 features
- new LOCAL Persistent Volume
- Sysdig Kubernetes Monitoring
- Container Storage Interface
- KubeCDN - How to build your CDN with Kubernetes, terraform and AWS below.
- Local snap microk8s for Ubuntu
- How should I Pronunciate "Kubectl" : )
- The easiest Kubernetes learning video
- kubernetes bash shell autocomplete and min alias k
- Super easy to deploy your first k8s appSuper easy to deploy your first k8s app
- Excellent deployment strategies guide, e.g. shadow release
- helmfile for templatization
- k8s recover from any down scheduler
- k8s manage secrets and env variables
- Knative serverless on GCP Cloudrun in 10 min
- 857 helm charts now in helm hub
- Install Openshift on AWS and GCP
- Learning Openshift the Easy way
- First impression to develop/deploy applicatons on IBM/Redhat Openshift in 5 min !
- Helm 3 beta
- Top 2 animated Youtube videos to understand Kubernetes core concepts
- Deploy and scale your first test application to Kubernetes in 2 min ?
- Learn Kubernetes the Quizlet way
- Bringing your k8s cluster back from death — K8s recovery series Part 2
- My k8s talk at GDG 2019 SF
- What is new in Kubernetes 1.16
- Why you better learn and know Kubernetes Cartoon by Dilbert
- Updated Kubernetes the hard way by Kelsey Hightower
- Deploying to Kubernetes with Helm and GitHub Actions
- Kubernetes Patterns - Declarative Deployments
- Monitor Kubernetes with Splunk
- Study Aid for CKAD exam
- Weaveworks Flagger and what is new in Flagger 1.0
- helm 3 new features, e.g. helm-2to3, kubeval, conftest, etc.
- Ingress controller for k8s comparisons
- cloudrun and Knative
- Google Anthos
- Container Registry Comparison
- Helm is most talked at Kubecon NA 2019
- Google skaffold make dev for k8s easy
- k8s kubeadm alpha certs check-expiration
- HPA with Nodeless k8s
- Tim Hockin slides on Service Mesh
- Helm 3 here
- CI/CD pipeline workflow with k8s
- Traefik and Maesh
- Elotl Nodeless Kubernetes
- installed k8s the hard way from ground up
- nodeless Openshift by Elotl Madhuri Yechuri
- Adobe Multi-tenant k8s solution
- Luc Juggery Local k8s solutions
- Harbor
- GitLab and CI/CD with Weaveworks GitOps
- Secure Kubernetes - the Path less traveled: Abusing Kubernetes defaults by Duffie and Ian
- Kafka Kubernetes Operators comparisons
- Confluent Kubernetes Operators and Kubernetes 101 by Viktor Gamov
- What is buildpacks ?
- What is Knative ?
- Linkerd by Buoyant CEO William Morgan and demo at Blackrock
- Armory Spinnaker on AWS MarketplaceArmory Spinnaker on AWS Marketplace
- Laugh on new Kubernetes magic quadrant and comparisons LOL
- show and learn Kubernetes pictorially
- Canary Deployments with Nginx in Kubernetes
- APIs on Kubernetes with Kong
- CKAD exam guide by Walid Shaari
- VMware Getting started with Kubernetes
- Splunk connect for Kubernetes
- What is new in Kubernetes 1.17
- Kong Kuma service mesh
- VMware Contour ingress controller
- Linkerd slides, hands-on labs, github, youtube, mTLS and new 2.7 security features and dashboard options
- Kubernetes Storage with Minio and Portworx, e.g. HA, Expand volume, backup snapshot and restore
- Pavan's Sad Kubernetes videos by Memenetes (LOL and you will hear all the cute tech names there)
- Harbor private repo registry github, doc, test playground, additional security features
- Most popular container images in 2019, top 10 searches - nginx, traefik, mongo, mysql, busybox
- Envoy slides, talk, learn and hands-on labs
- Anthos service mesh, some interesting labs, e.g. observing services using Prometheus, Grafana, Jaeger and Kiali
- hashicorp 2020 videos, slides, agenda
- How hashicorp Vault works
- Compare Popular 5 Load Balancers, Proxy
- Demo Splunk to monitor Kubernetes, demo, github, helm charts
- Uber Jaeger Hot Rod Application demo
- Opentracing and Jaeger code sample demo
- Gitops with ArgoCD
- OpenFaaS by Alex Ellis demo
- CyberArk Secretless side-car and demo labs
- DoD US Air Force using Kubernetes and Istio on weapon systems
- Uber Jaeger vs Twitter Zipkin
- new OSS project arkade which provides a clean CLI with strongly-typed flags to install charts and apps to your cluster in one command.
- coursera course on Google Anthos - Architect Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure
- demo on new Redhat build tool buildah
- build docker images with tar and no need to "docker build"
- mindmap for kubernetes (need some updates to include newer projects, e.g. CRI-O, Cilium, Maesh, Kuma, etc)
- Demo how to monitor Kubernetes clusters with EfK *** (6500 reads, 91 likes, 13 reshares in LinkedIn alone in 2 days)
- Why use FluentBit instead of Fluentd in EfK monitoring k8s ? (11,720 reads, 49 likes and 17 reshares in Twitter alone in 1 day! )
- Intro to Istio - 5 part series
- RSA 2020 Ian Coldwater and Brad Geesaman showed attacks via k8s API servers, oversized annotations, how to steal Secrets in all 3 major clouds, new features to test/secure, etc.
- testgrid is open-sourced
- kubectl-tree CLI
- Production Checklist for web apps on kubernetes
- Deploy your first Serverless Function to Kubernetes
- How to build Container Image from Scratch with buildah ?
- Dockerfile LINT online
- *** Alex Ellis post and test on multi-stage build to reduce image size from 293M to 12M
- ***Istio Bookinfo Sample + Uber Jaeger to demo Envoy sidecar telemetry and control, e.g. canary deployment, fault injection/time delay with Jaeger Tracing/Spans
- How to connect k8s service mesh telemetry, e.g. Istio to Opentracing backends, e.g. Jaeger, Lightstep ?
- use alpine images whenever you can
- What is Singularity runtime container and how to build its image ?
- What is weaveworks flux, flagger, Cortex, footlose, Ignite, Wksctl, Eksctl, Scope ?
- What is lightstep and sandbox ? easy to try 3 scenarios in 10min
- 3 ways to implement distributed tracing, e.g. Istio + Jaeger/Lightstep
- kubernetes operator for Jaeger
- use Apline base image whenever you can
- How to connect service meshes telemetry, e.g. #Jaeger, #zipkin, #lightstep, etc.. ?
- What is k3s
- Istio book MEAP live version
- Julia Evans can make complex concepts (container networking) simple in her super drawings !
- What is new in #kubernetes 1.18 (released on 3/24/2020) and by Sysdig
- Kubernetes up and running ebook by VMware
- Why OpenShift 4 ?
- HAproxy kubernetes Ingress Controller
- Codefresh kubernetes troubleshooting
- Mirantis Image scanning, signing, trust repository registry
- helm3 safer and better, e.g. 3-way merge
- Harbor k8s operator
- Rejekts conference
- IBM kubernetes security talk, KMS, scan, Istio mTLS, Falco, etc.
- Redhat CoreOS Clair image scan tools
- Redhat Quay builds, analyzes, distributes container images
- What is wksctl ?
- Paul Curtis talk on “A GitOps model for High Availability and Disaster Recovery on EKS”
- Hashicorp workshops, e.g. cousul courses
- microk8s
- Quarkus : Supersonic Subatomic Java
- docker-slim to analyze and reduce image side
- Excellent to see #Istio #metrics in #Grafana
- DoD k8s on Fighter jets and Spacecraft
- GitOps workflows with GitLab and Anthos (Config Management).
- Open Policy Agent (OPA) which can help secure Kubernetes, Envoy, Applications, OS, etc.
- Kubernetes top 10 must-know design patterns
- k8s flowchart when you deploy an app
- k8s used in Super B-21 Stealth bomber
- Excellent diagram of k8s architecture, data flow and trust boundaries
- new CNCF Technology Radar
- IBM Redhat Openshift is a great k8s platform ! To learn more, you can go to free Redhat learning portal
- Why you need Kubernetes - reasons !
- the famous book "Kubernetes Up and Running -2nd Edition" by k8s experts Joe, Brendan and Kelsey! Super useful, MUST READ !
- Free Microsoft AKS k8s resources
- k8s patterns resources: blogs, books, etc.
- k8s is not for everybody. Nomad is a strong candidate
- I just put together a user knowledge based k8s choice table.
- What's new in Istio 1.6
- When to choose Kubernetes flowchart (Azure edition)
- Bring external traffic into Kubernetes - part 1 (basics) - 4 ways to bring traffic
- Bring external traffic into Kubernetes - part 2 (Tim Hockin) - details, e.g. AWS, GCP, Nginx implementations
- Bring external traffic into Kubernetes - part 3 (Ingress controllers comparisons, e.g. Nginx, HAProxy, F5, Traefik, AWS, GCP, Kong, Istio, Contour, Voyager, Gloo, Skipper
- Let's Encrypt and Jetstack Cert-manager
- Gitlabs demo part1 - basics - workflow, pipelines, code/build/test/review/Dast/Perf/Final Deploy stages
- GitLabs demo part 2 - CI/CD, Auto Devops pipelines, integration with Hashicorp terraform and vault, other integrations, e.g. Jaegar, Knative, cert-manager, etc
- GCP Kubeflow and pipeline demo
- Autoscaling, HPA, VPA, Cluster Autoscaler for GCP, AWS, AKS
- Redhat openshift MarketplaceRedhat openshift Marketplace
- Demo to use #Redhat #OpenShift #ContainerStorage for #elasticsearch.
- What is #Redhat #Openshift #Container #Storage ? Example: how to use it for #Jenkins pods to save up to 98% build times in #CICD ?
- Why not even distribution of requests across your pods out of the box ? Load balancing and scaling long-lived connections in Kubernetes
- CVE-2020-8559: Privilege escalation from compromised node to cluster · Issue #92914 · kubernetes/kubernetes
- Nicholas Chase showed us how to do docker image signing, OPA, DevSecOps and many others , e.g. docker trust key/signer , etc.
- container solutions GitOps family tree !
- Autoscaling :
- What is k8s autoscaling ? HPA, VPA, CA ? How they interact and work together ? When to use what ? (3257 reads in 1 week)
- Airbnb real life autoscaling experience in k8s to improve workloads and Cost Efficiency (1437 reads in 1 week)
- k8s resource planning guide: allocatable CPU/memory on Kubernetes nodes and optimizing resource usage (4214 reads in 1 week)
- sysdig security demo, use cases, tech talks, videos, whitepapers
- GitSecOps - Gitlab + Hashicorp -> GitSecOps ! I heard the name DevSecOps often, but think better add one more, *GitSecOps* : )
- #IBM #Redhat #openshift 4 #CICD #workflow tutorials, FREE labs, videos
- demystifying and comparing different container runtimes.
- A lot of OSS/Vendors for #kubernetes #ingress #controllers. At least 15 below !
- thanks #Mirantis for #kubernetes lens at
- Thanks to #weaveworks to compare Rancher, Red Hat OpenShift and Weave Kubernetes Platform (WKP) below.
- troubleshooting kubernetes Pod Security Policies
- Thanks a lot to #neuvector Fei Huang on this detail blog on #doki #malware. which can Infect other Docker Servers in the Cloud!
- CRIU - Checkpoint/Restore In Userspace for Linux/docker
- Right sizing k8s autoscaling - IBM Kruize
- 3 Pillars of "GitSecOps" = GitOps + Key/Secret Management + Security/Compliance tools.
- Great post to simplify the original CNCF landscape map.
8/ Jenkins-X at this LINK, newer 2019 Jenkins-X tutorial at HERE, decisions at HERE, cloudbees demo and tutorials at HERE
9/ CNCF gRPC test at this LINK
10/ Quantum Computing at this LINK
11/ Amazon Alexa voice skill with dashbotio at this LINK
12/ Google Voice Assistant with dashbotio at this LINK
13/ IBM Watson Chatbot with dashbotio at this LINK
14/ Kafka IoT stream at this LINK
15/ Spring app on PCF at this LINK and this LINK
16/ Pivotal new features at this LINK
17/ Google Video Intelligence API at this LINK
18/ Bigquery GIS hurricane map at this LINK; Bigquery for httparchive at this LINK
19/ MLflow at this LINK ; Spark, Hive, Pig, ML Pipeline demo at this LINK
20/ Akamai new tools at this LINK
21/ Puppeteer headless chrome demo at this LINK
22/ Pull Requests to Kritis at this LINK, Vault on GCP at LINK, IBM cloudant at LINK
23/ Teamwork at this LINK
24/ GCP:
- GCP Scheduler API (cron job) at this LINK
- GCP performance comparisons in Asia at this LINK
- GCP CDN comparisons at this LINK
- GCP deployed with Chef at this LINK
- GCP Container Analysis API and Kritis at this LINK
- Scaling GCP at this LINK
- Tensorflow on GCP at this LINK
- GKE has On-Prem now at this LINK
- Hadoop, Hive, Pig, Spark, ML pipeline on GCP at this LINK
- Skaffold at this LINK
- Google ML/AI Colaboratory with GPU/TPU
- GCP billing alerts
- GCP Next19 - Anthos , GKE Advanced, Anthos Migrate, from VMWare to GKE
- ALL GCP Next19 videos
- CloudRun in simple terms
- GCP has a great interactive auto-completion tool for CLI
- GCP Cloud Run GA
- a lot of new GCP products/services/partner solutionsa lot of new GCP products/services/partner solutions
- GCP Anthos - One button deployment of Anthos 2xclusters in 9 min
- Anthos Migrate, Config Management, Connect, Mesh labs
- Anthos Migrate example/demo - few migctl , then moved a VM workload to k8s !
- Anthos Mesh and demo - good visualization and SLO/SLI/metrics
- VM migration analysis, plan, inventory, assessments tools with
- VM migration analysis, plan, inventory, assessments tools with cloudphysics
- GCP AppEngine is great of easy app deployment
- if you use GCP, then better try this tool, CFT scorecard.
- My new flowcharts on Cloud journey with new Anthos for those don't know how to containerize
- GCP Kubeflow and pipeline demo
- GCP cheatsheet github
- new security and other features, e.g. Shielded GKE Nodes, Workload Identity, Application-layer Secrets Encryption, etc...
- Autoscaling, HPA, VPA, Cluster Autoscaler for GCP, AWS, AKS
- GCP has cloud Reference Architecture that showcases different industries (#Finance, #Energy, #Retails, #Gaming, #Healthcare, #Media,...etc), use cases and topics (e.g. #AI/ML, #Devops, #streaming, #chatbot, service #meshes, #database
- GCP just announced NEW serverless Network Endpoint Groups (serverless NEGs) so you can now use GCP http(s)/http2 LB to use SERVERLESS services, e.g. App Engine, Cloud Functions, and Cloud Run (Knative) as backends.
- Load Balancer (LB) post to show you all the options in Google Cloud and GKE/Anthos (L4/L7, http2, kube-proxy, iptables, regional/global, etc)
- Good and new #GCP #GKE #security and #features, e.g. Shielded GKE Nodes, Workload Identity, Application-layer Secrets Encryption, etc...
- GCP has cloud Reference Architecture that showcases different industries
- Concise and updated GCP summary in <= 4 words with doc and intro urls!
24/ brotli compression at this LINK
25/ Google SRE book and best practices at this LINK
26/ IBM ready to use code patterns
27/ asciinema tool - record and play back the shell commands
29/ Ready to use and FREE IBM ML/AI code samples
30/ Automation with Selenium demo, e.g. search WF mortgage rates
31/ Python web automation with Selenium + chrome webdriver demo for same WF mortgage rates
32/ Python + Akamai API for real-time errors monitoring and Twilio sample SMS and jq tool
33/ Automation with Beautiful Soap, e.g. scrape WF mortgage rates
34/ use code to compose my first song easily
35/ use simple d3.js and observable code to draw a rotating spiral stack
36/ simple A-frame demo to draw 3D web page
37/ kaggle kernel runtime demo
38/ npm security audit/fix and ls
40/ Webassembly demo
41/ graphql demo
42/ MongoDB demo
43/ video.js demo
45/ chocolately
46/ simple blockchain demo with IBM Hyperledger and vscode extension
47/ Gradle
48/ Akamai tools: Data Stream, Site Analyzer, Test Center
49/ IBM serverless Functions support any languages via Docker
50/ Twilio Autopilot voice assistant demo
51/ Automate Postman API testing with CLI Newman and Publish your API doc in 1 min
53/ Slack Block Kit
54/ NSA GHIDRA Reverse Engineering Software
55/ HackerRank
56/ Aqua security
57/ codefresh
58/ HyperMinHash algorithm to compute similarity and probability by Shrif Nada
59/ Okta hooks to integrate with Slack, Twilio, etc.
60/ Tuning to save memory in AWS Redis
61/ Redis is Super Fast in IoT Edge and Time Series DB
62/ Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF)
63/ My daily motivation song - One Moment in Time
64/ What is Twilio ? by CEO Jeff Lawson
65/ Uber Unified Scheduler (Peloton)
66/ Python Music Theory for humans
68/ Mapbox Vision API for Autonomous driving
69/ Python emoji module with Twilio SMS
71/ Try and Fail, Do not fail to try !
72/ "The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts!" in Python code
73/ Chrome tips , e.g. If you ever close a tab by mistake, hit Ctrl- or Cmd-Shift-T.
74/ My FIRST public speaking at SF Python Users Meetups
76/ replicated/SHIP for on prem deployment
77/ dockerhub security issue of 190k accounts
78/ Seth Vargo talk on Devops vs SRE
79/ Good to understand serverless cold start is NOT just for FIRST REQUEST.
80/ demo-magic
82/ How to use "MISMATCH" and find the job fit you BEST at Medium1 and Medium2
83/ How learn new tech fast at Kafka in 10 min and AI (Face Recognition) in 5 min
84/ docker security
85/ Weaveworks footloose - containers ~ VMs
87/ github actions and github new beta feature "Jump to definition" and cross-references
88/ Kafka Summit 2019 slides and videos
89/ Why software fails even you do not change anything ?
90/ How to test if your site running TLS 1.3 ?
91/ Learn anything the fun and easy way with Quizlet !
94/ tensorflow to recognize my handwritings and Convolutional Networks in a nutshell
95/ AWS 2019 SF Community Day slides and videos
96/ IBM AI/ML Model and Data Asset Exchanges
97/ My career talk at Yelp 2019-09 - How to choose your next job ? Avoid MISMATCH !
98/ Weaveworks Footloose to save memory instead of using VMs
99/ VMware Tanzu
100/ How to use Serverless and Twilio to automate your communication channels
101/ Open tracing with Uber Jaeger
102/ Terraform Cloud
103/ Kafka Operator for Kubernetes to establish a Cloud-Native Apache Kafka Platform
104/ How to use "MISMATCH" jobs comparison tool ?
105/ Splunk:
- .conf19 all videos?
- Good Splunk Apps and use cases in Financial Services Industry (FSI)
- Splunk Data to Everything promos
- Predictive Maintenance Made Easy with Splunk Machine Learning App!
- Free Splunk trainings, more free resources and free part1
- From Busy to Easy — Splunk makes oncall SREs have a good life again!
- From Zero to Hero in Anomaly Detection with One Simple Command in Splunk !
- Top 10 list I did, earned and learned in Splunk .conf19
- Splunk means ?
- Splunk APP for Akamai SIEM data
- Splunk Base has many good APPS already, check it first before writing any code !
- Splunk Covid19 App and demo screens/reports/dashboards
- Splunk Density Function in MLTK and metric stores/indexes
- What/Why Splunk Metrics Store, 100-500x faster, use less resources and save license cost
- I exported all my iPhone and Apple Watch data to see them in Splunk for Covid19 Shelter in place period
- Splunk for Personal Finance analysis with Anomalydetection
- Splunk conf 2020 call for paper
- Splunk MLTK 5.2 and Density Function samples
- Easy 3D Scatter plot to see new MLTK Smart clustering outlier detection with Kmeans
- Splunk Lantern site, use cases, step by step, tips, etc.
- Philipp Drieger Splunk ML and AI, Customer user cases, MLTK, Custom ML, Advanced Containerization, Expansion with MLSPL API, DLTK, DSP
- I think Machine Learning is the new 4th Pillars of Observability!
- Splunk RMSE and R-square idea/bug
- Splunk CI/CD Detection Engineering
- Splunk Free courses
106/ Stay positive in the dark part 1 and part 2
107/ Who moved my Reliability ? B.L.U.E ? and Why software fails even you do not change anything ?
108/ Typescript with Boris Cherny
109/ Know 3P well to excel in your job !
111/ Better config parameter in easy to understand human format
112/ ML CNN with Lavanya Shukla, face mood analysis code, slides
113/ TiDB playground
114/ Splunk made oncall SOC and NOC easy
115/ CD Harness
116/ Thousand Eyes State of the Cloud Performance report 2019-2020
117/ What I did in 2019 ?
118/ How to install and learn complex software easily ? helm, marketplace, docker, bitnami images
119/ Uber Causal ML and Uber Open source
120/ Databricks ML flow
121/ Terraform - infrastructure as code byMike Pfeiffer
122/ AWS re-invent 1 page summary at a glance
123/ Postman for API, e.g. Akamai API EdgeGrid Authentication
125/ new AWS features after re-invent: 2019
126/ Learn and install ELK stack fast with GCP marketplace
127/ Deep Learning courses by IBM and Lavanya
128/ Machine Learning vs AI by IBM joke
129/ CNCF NATS Pub/Sub simple, secure and high performance open source messaging system demo
130/ Google Developers Technical Writing courses
131/ Good HBR post - "If You’re Overworked, Learn Which Tasks to Hand Off"
132/ 12-factor App Manifesto on Logging
133/ Chaos Engineering
134/ SF Bay area library card to learn for FREE at Skillsoft, e.g. k8s, java heap dump analysis
135/ Not sure the differences in various Java JVM profilers ? What is Safe Point Bias ?
136/ Good Post - Using the Elastic APM Java Agent on Kubernetes
"By the end of this post, you should be able to get the PetClinic application deployed on Kubernetes and traced with Elastic APM" Thanks to @Eyal Koren !
137/ Book - Mastering Distributed Tracing by Yuri
138/ What is Splunk SignalFx NoSample tracing ?
139/ What is tail-based sampling ?
140/ Tracing for Java Developer by elastic Philipp Krenn
141/ What are elastic filebeat, metricbeat, packetbeat, auditbeat, heartbeat, functionbeat, winlogbeat
142/ IBM MAX ML models
143/ elastic Machine learning slides, videos
144/ Splunk new MLTK 5.0, e.g. New Density Function
145/ IBM Removing Unfair Bias in Machine Learning , AI Fairness 360 Open Source Toolkit
146/ A picture is Worth a thousand traces talk by Steve Flanders, Splunk & Yuri Shkuro, Uber
147/ AWS:
- What is NEW AWS Kendra search ?
- AWS IAM access analyzer and Zelkova
- AWS HTTP API vs RestAPI , latency, cost, performance, etc.
- AWS cloudwatch, servicelens, logininsights, synthetics, etc. monitoring tools
- Sysdig secure to manage Falco at scale for kubernetes
- Kubernetes - A complete Devops Cookbook
- AWS database (DynamoDB and Aurora) for Games
- AWS WAF and OWA top 10
- AWS optimize Lambda performance , cold start, architecture, designs, profiling, concurrency, etc. (Good)
- AWS MS, Flink, Kafka, Kensis, etc talk
- AWS Chime to build real-time voice, video, chat conference like zoom
- AWS: file data migration to AWS
- Free AWS learning resources, courses, videos, etc.
- AWS SageMaker ML debugger, Pruning, TSNE, etc.
- AWS public data lake for Covid19
- AWS Snowball service to migrate large quantities of data to AWS Cloud
- AWS Well-Architected patterns
- AWS common API/message/queue/topics/events services
- AWS free image scanning at ECR
- AWS EBS and Snapshots Optimization, e.g. cross region replications, delete, cost savings
- AWS github for ALL user/dev guides/tutorials/docs
- AWS Cloudfront, field-level encryption, speed tests/comparisons, etc.
- AWS Container services (ECS, ECR, Fargate, EKS, AppMesh, etc...) roadmaps
- AWS Personalize allows us to build a real-time personalization and recommendations easily and fast, based on the same technology (ML, Kenesis, search, Kafka, etc.) used at Amazon web site
- Tested AWS Trusted Advisor, Security Hub, GuardDuty, Macie, Inspector, IAM Access Analyzer, Config, Firewall Manager, etc. Very Impressed
- AWS Redshift Data Warehouse/Lake - Super optimized and fast ! Just tested a JOIN with 574 million rows returned in 2 seconds
- Just tried AWS Kinesis Firehose streams + Lamdba (data transform) + elasticsearch.
- AWS managed elasticsearch has new ultrawarm store and Index State Management to save $$$ (82% below).
- Data planes (e.g. CSI, PV,PVC) are always complex to me : ) Please look at new #mayadata #kubera !
- the new AWS serverless LAMP stack (Lambda + API + Aurora + others).
- Good summary of Serverless.
- Super useful AWS OG - Must read/fork/file a PR ! Great basics, tips, gotchas, cross-reference matrix so you can see the similar/equivalent in all 3 major clouds: AWS, GCP, Azure and others!
- Just tried AWS System Managers - no more need to ssh into individual host and do tasks
- Super good cross references, so AWS ECS = Azure ACS ~= GCP GKE (all k8s, not container only) = Oracle OCS = IBM Containers Trusted Compute
- AWS Well Architecture part 1 - intro and 5 important Pillars : Operational Excellence, Security, Reliability, Performance Efficiency and Cost Optimization
- AWS Well Architect online learning
- AWS Well Architect git and labs resources
- AWS Example of well architecture!
- AWS just announced the New Version of the Well-Architected Framework
- AWS lightsail demo, e.g. many easy one click-to-launch OS and Apps, e.g. Gitlabs CE., Deploying Docker Containers on Amazon Lightsail
- AWS "Cost Optimization Guidelines for Amazon S3", e.g. S3 Intelligent-Tiering class.
- AWS ML and Data Science workshop (Full 9 hrs long) by Chris Fregly and Antje Barth
- AWS CDK - "The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is an open-source software development framework to define cloud infrastructure in code and provision it through AWS CloudFormation."
- Andrew Brown on AWS Cloudwatch Alarm Anatomy
- AWS Copilot CLI is a tool for developers to create, release and manage production ready containerized applications on Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate.
- understand #AWS Service Catalog
- ML + Logs/events --> reduced (or even negative) MTTR ! How to apply Machine Learning to detect Anomaly in AWS logs/events with AWS Elasticsearch
- #AWS #Lakeformation workshop
- AWS has industry specific resources, e.g. Financial Services at
- What is AWS Solutions Implementations
- What is AWS Solution Contructs ?
- What is new in the 5 pillars of AWS Well Architect framework?
- AWS Well-Architected Security
- cdk8s uses the same structure and methodology, but rather than outputting Cloudformation, it outputs k8s object files suitable to "kubectl apply"
- How to save 60% of cost ? Increase 409% in ROI ? Gain $20.7 Millions higher revenue per organization ? Improve Developer productivity by 33% ? Shorten Development Lifecycle by 66% ? The answer is "Go SERVERLESS"
- What is AWS FSx for Lustre ? How it can help make compute-intensive workloads simple, fast and cost effective ? How Toyota, T-Mobile, etc. using it for ML and SAS ?
- What are AWS Config and CloudTrail ? How they help in Configuration, Compliance & Audit ? Why they are important for Corp. Security, Governance, Audit and Compliance ?
- Mainframe to AWS and other clouds ! Must watch if you got any such "technical debts" ! Real life example is DoD USAF which refactored from 3 millions lines of COBOL -> Java on AWS.
- Lens Kubernetes IDE overview
148/ #lightstep easy to read docs which help understand the basics of #opentracing
and lightstep 3 clicks to find out root cause demo
149/ elastic:
- "Slow Query Logging for Elasticsearch and Elastic Cloud"
- Observability is More than logs, Metrics and Traces
- to use Logstash or not ?
- Schema on write vs on read
- Open and free SIEM by elastic
- elastic real life demo site
- Live kubernetes debugging with elastic stack
- APM distributed profiling, inferred spans, async profiler, safepoint-bias, etc.
- elastic Philipp Krenn talk on "Logging in Spring Boot with the Elastic Stack"
- Explain Unassigned Shards? Insight into the Elasticsearch Cluster Allocation API
- Design the perfect elasticsearch cluster guide
- Resizing your Elasticsearch Indexes in Production
- Ultimate cheatsheet to ideal cluster design in Elasticsearch — Part 1
- A new era for cluster coordination in Elasticsearch
- github for "Operating Elasticsearch for Fun and Profit"
- SEMplicity: Scaling Large ECE Deployments
- Kibana Lens
- elastic just opens the security detection rule github.
150/ IBM new API connect/moniter and local client
151/ Splunk monitor remote usages, e.g. VPNs, Zooms, Slacks, skypes, etc.
152/ Splunk Covid-19 dashboards, data, githubs
153/ Julia Evans good pdf for Take on Hard projects, learn coding, ask questions, etc.
154/ IBM call for code 2020 - How to Quickly Build Solutions that Fight Back against COVID-19, video, github code sample for quick start, skills network demo portal, many video replays to take on Covid-19, github for remote education
155/ Hashicorp:
- Consul workshop
- Using Terraform to Deploy to Kubernetes
- Nomad is an easy-to-use, flexible, and performant workload #orchestrator
- Hashicorp HashiConf Digital community conference 2020-06
156/ Devops mindmap
157/ Free Virtual Grafana Conf schedule
158/ #twilio has some good code samples ready for your apps
159/ #gremlin chaos engineering tool.
160/ Julia Evans (@b0rk) for tips on your next 1:1 talk with your manager
161/ Devops tools mindmap
162/ What is JAMstack ? sample to deploy on netlify and video for AWS lambda@Edge
163/ curl "--resolve" to pin the request to a particular IP
164/ VM migration analysis, plan, inventory, assessments tools with
165/ VM migration analysis, plan, inventory, assessments tools with cloudphysics
166/ python cheatsheets
167/ AWS vs Azure vs Oracle cloud
168/ Stackoverflow Developer annual survey
169/ Optimizely demo
170/ Good Machine Learning Algorithms explained in Plain English
171/ Thanks to Julia Evans for this great CDN Q&A - it helps to clear a lot of misunderstandings in CDN
172/ Best #practices to implement in securing a #devops tool chain
173/ survey of what you like to learn most ?
174/ Basic Linux Commands
175/ just compared with and without http/2 on cloudfare. Timings: 12-19% better ! Great
177/ Grafana conf 2020 recordings
178/ pretty tree of the machine learning
179/ Web perf (webpagetest) for Big6 - FAANMG sites
180/ What do you like to READ more Survey
181/ How to reduce Java Boot and First Response time by 95% ? How to reduce Java Memory (RSS) by 85% ?
182/ Joe Thompson demo-magic - no need to typo during a demo
183/ Julia Evan's Zines/tips for computer, os, networking, http, containers, etc...
184/ Rust learning site and tools
186/ What is http/3 ? What is QUIC ? How to use it in Nginx ? and why http2 "ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR" and http3/quic vs http2 perf tests
189/ Free Databricks "Learning Spark" ebook 2nd edition with Spark 3.0
192/ Demo to use #Redhat #OpenShift #ContainerStorage for #elasticsearch.
193/ What is #Redhat #Openshift #Container #Storage ?
194/ Example: how to use it for #Jenkins pods to save up to 98% build times in #CICD ?
195/ 5 Stages of CI/CD pipeline
196/ TLS 1.3 benefits: faster and more secure
197/ My Acclaim badges
198/ Free Databricks AWS Databricks training series at
199/ web performance comparison of Walmart vs Target
201/ MicroProfile GraphQL talk and demo
202/ What is Terraform ? How it can help Automate your AWS, (GCP, etc...)
203/ I just found out I have completed a total of *138 LABS and 12 COMPLETED QUESTS* in #qwiklabs
204/ Free #JFrog academy - learn #Artifactory and #X-ray, etc. for Free at
205/ #Confluent now has a $200 free usage for 3 months offer at their Kafka cloud.
Senior Linux Sysadmin | RHCSA
2 年Hello Walter Lee, thank you for this trove of information. Do you have a good comparision of Redhat/Project Quay against GitLab CE Container Registry (on premise) ?