Tab Organizer Features Update - Skeema 2.0
After testing several tab organizers, I have come to appreciate and stick with Skeema and have written a product review about it here.
Skeema's talented team
1. Skeema 2.0 keeps your tab bar clean by automatically saving and closing tabs you haven’t used in over a certain time.
You can fine-tune the threshold of the time and the number of tabs Skeema starts auto-saving tabs for you. ?I set mine on 60 min.
This allows me ?to have a clean browser experience
2. ?Skeema closes all your open tabs, that aren't pinned so make sure to have your daily work tabs
3. ?It is recommended that you sort your tabs
As time goes, you can reprioritize the tabs, and archive any outdated projects. See pic here:
4. The Add-On "Instant Save" allows you to close & save a tab into Skeema to keep your browser sorted. ?This feature is accessible on any page with the Skeema extension button. ? For now, you can not choose where to store it. All tabs will be saved to the main bucket of "Saved by me".
?5. You can filter your main bucket according to 3 categories: "Websites", "Articles", or if they were saved using "Instant Save". See pic here:
The Skeema team just launched Skeema Pro, while the basic plan continues to provide all of the essential features for free.
I use this tool on a daily ?basis to gain clarity and stay digitally organized
As always, I don't have any business affiliations with any of the web-tools I review.
Looking forward to your thoughts and comments,
Bat Hen , Time Hacker & Digital Workflow Expert