T2: How We Walk It
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
Countenance and Gait. They matter. Countenance can be defined as look, expression composure; I like to think "spirit" expressed. Gait can be defined as a manner or rate of movement, in our walk if you will. With Trustworthiness and transparency in mind, and as someone who has taken some humble pride in my appreciation of "spelling", I must note that I only recently realized that I had been spelling gait as gate; wrong. Lesson finally, humbly learned.
That said, Trustworthiness has a countenance and gait.
Patience does too.
They have a look and walk. They have a manifested walk and talk.
I invite you to read the Reflection Cards provided here and ask yourself, "What would these look like in countenance and gait?"
Commitment... it has a countenance and gait. As does Confidence.
What does the countenance and gait look like for manifesting true Confidence? Deconstruct it to construct it. Indeed, we can do this with all aspects of Character; that which we refer to as Virtues.
We can take any of these and consider what they look and walk like. This is what I refer to as the practice of Character.
Indeed and in deed, Purposefulness has a countenance and gait. And so does Unity. Each and every Virtue has a countenance and gait; a look and walk. And we can practice them. That is our work. That is my being, doing and work. Indeed, I humbly contend that manifesting Character is driven by how we practice it, every day. In business. In teaching. In how we care. In leadership.... and how we hold conversation with one another.
Character matters in this world, and we need it more than ever maybe. Definitely, I suggest. It manifests in countenance and gait. With that in heart and mind, I offer up two strengths of Character to recommend for such an exercise of deconstructing in order to construct.
Read and reflect on Temperance and Transcendence. What do they look like in thought, will and action? What do they look like upon the face and in our walk and talk? What is their respective and collective countenance and gait? What would they look like manifested at home, school, work, business and community? Locally and globally?
I saw a meme yesterday that clearly drew a "line" between reset and awakening and I understood the motive and message. But I see reset and awakening as one. Reset and reawakening maybe. Either way, we need new ways of working and living, locally and globally. Either way, many of us recognize that changes are afoot, and needed. But historically, we have always had such moments of great and systemic and necessary change. The 20th Century had its share. I humbly contend that part of that path of navigating such is that of Character. Character converses and builds. With such we talk and listen better and we build something better. We move beyond ego and selfish ambition to ambitions for a greater good; and we need that now and moving forward. That is my middle and higher ground. That is my Zeal.
In the meantime, I invite you to deconstruct on the countenance and gate of Temperance and Transcendence... and maybe even Tenacity. T3 maybe. :-)
If we are to build something of a better world, maybe some walking and talking with Temperance, Tenacity and Transcendence might be in order.
Even if we simply want to build a better home, school, workplace, business or community... this is a noble path. And noble paths reach nobler goals.
Peace, passion, purpose and prosperity...