T-Rx Health Notes #1 – How did he do that?
Readers: Many of you desire to learn more about improving your day-to-day health practices. In this post and others to follow, I address some of the more significant health issues people face after reaching their mid-30s and well beyond. Each post, excerpted from Coach Mo Harris and my recent book, Break Free From Low T (“BFFLT”), covers a current health & wellness topic and offers unique insights into how you might achieve better health for you and your loved ones.
IMPORTANT: You should always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health practitioner with questions you may have about your specific medical condition(s). Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in getting medical treatment because of something you learned from this post or from our book.
Celebrity Extra!!!
Many of you guys aren’t going to like this much, but you need to read this section carefully, especially if you want to resolve your male hormone imbalance problems in a short period of time. Here’s the deal. Most of you’ve heard of country star Tim McGraw. Yeah, he’s the late 40s aged country singer and actor who played major roles in Friday Night Lights and The Blind Side, two of my favorite movies.
Take a look at Tim’s “before” and “after” photos bookending a recent 6 year period.
WOW! What a physiological transformation. So, what happened to enable Tim to achieve such a radical makeover of his physique? It’s simple, he stopped drinking alcohol in 2008 (because he wanted to gain credibility with his kids as a father and husband), and he started a 6-day a week, 3 hr. per day, fitness program (because he realized he was getting older and needed to exercise more in order to maintain good health). Kudos to you, Tim! You can read about Tim’s fitness routine in his own words here: (https://www.mensjournal.com/magazine/tim-mcgraw-redefining-life-on-the-road-20151105).
What Tim doesn’t say but probably would if he thought you were listening is that by dropping his alcohol intake and exercising consistently, he boosted his human growth hormone (HGH) levels. And, by boosting his HGH, he raised his testosterone levels and lowered his total body fat too. SWEET!
How did he do all of that? It’s straightforward science. Consuming alcohol prevents HGH production because it disrupts your sleep, particularly restorative deep sleep. And it’s during your deep sleep that HGH is produced as a direct result of regularly exercising your muscles. In turn, higher HGH levels raise your testosterone which boosts muscle growth. What’s more, alcohol and the excess calories that come with it store pounds of sugar and other carbs as FAT around your waistline. When you stop (or significantly cut back) your alcohol consumption plus you exercise regularly, you sleep better, your HGH levels rise, your T levels increase, your muscles grow bigger, you burn more calories, and your body fat decreases. I call this a 6-fer.
Crucial Info for those whose alcohol of choice is BEER: Have you ever heard of “Brewer’s Droop?” Yeah, it’s exactly what it sounds like. If you’re a frequent beer drinker beware of brewer’s droop later in life. Hey, I’m not making this stuff up. This has been a known side effect of long-term beer making and beer drinking for centuries. To learn more, I encourage you to read this article: “The Fall of Gruit and the Rise of Brewer's Droop.” Enjoy! https://www.gaianstudies.org/articles6.htm (If you’re a history buff, as I am, you’re going to find this article fascinating from many perspectives.)
Guys, you have to make a choice between continuing your drinking of an unhealthy amount of alcohol night after night OR becoming fit and feeling great again. It’s not me or even Tim McGraw telling you this. It’s your body that’s doing the talking now, and it’s giving you living proof of your unhealthy choices. Don’t believe me? Look in the mirror, dude. It’s time to make a change!
Aha Moment: If you want to channel your “inner” Tim McGraw (sans the commercial singing voice and fame of course) and get your body into “look at me” shape like his, just read our book. Coach Mo and I will show you a few tricks for getting fit again, and we’ll get you “there” with SHORTER (max time 55 mins. per day) and EASIER TO FOLLOW (YouTube videos for each exercise) WORKOUTS than Tim’s.
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Ed Parr