Szann's Raw Ego Travellight
Hey y'all, this explanimation project is already a bit older but we never posted it and that is a shame because we love it. For the actual service but also for the joy of creating it.
We worked with ad agency Epidemie on this one. High five for Michel de Wit acting as the illustrator on this project. We usually illustrate ourselves so it gave us more time than usual to focus on the animation. Almost every part is rigged and bouncy mirroring the bubbly fun feeling of not being dragged down by excess suitcases.
The 2.5D animation style, that’s 2d planes moving around in a 3d space, gave us the opportunity to make funky transitions. Going smoothly from scene to scene so that it does not feel that we interrupt the journey akin to the product. We love to make those metaphors to really embed the concept on all levels. Even with something as mundane as a transition.
Have a nice one and see you next time, Szann's Raw Ego!