Systems - Are you an insider or outsider?
Casper Abraham
Still learning, while delivering, 30+ years of Technology Business Execution.
I am a firm believer in being outside a system to fix a system. We can call it the "internal system" that has an "external system".
I will lead up to motivating you toward climate change action, but we will come to that shortly.
A core argument for a lot of Corporate training is out-of-the-box thinking. It implies that you are in a box and that you should think outside the system to solve the problem of the box, for the box, by the box. There are 2 sides to this argument.
Within a box you are static, slow moving, things work this way around hers. It's always been like this. This is the way it is. Most often you are in the present, in that moment, on that day. Not considering too much of the past nor is the future a thought for the day. You are in the box. To think outside the box, you have to consider where you came from in time, where you want to be - next year perhaps. Take an aerial space view, overview of what is happening inside the box and outside the box. Things in you control versus not in your control.
Most counseling such as marriage counseling, student and career counseling or the science and discipline of psychiatry is based on the fact that someone outside your system can help you with your systemic problem. Most faith and religion has an external "religious" person interpreting or sharing the knowledge of ages with you and to your situation. External system to your internal problem.
The "car system" is getting complex. To date the whole system is in and within the car as long as it's in running condition. Not any more with GPS, GIS, satellites, Uber, Google maps, connected entertainment, driver less cars, aerial cars (drones carrying people) and a future car that has more "external" systems than "internal" systems.
The concept of a guru and sishya, mentor and protege implies that the recipient system needs inputs and support and help from outside his or her system from another external system of thought, inputs and processes.
In industry and automation, feedback loops are within the system. A catalyst in chemistry is typically outside the system that influences and now becomes a part of this newly formed system.
Everything is a system and you get a feel for it the moment you enter a system. Walk into a shop and you get that goods are being brought in, display, you buy some, it's replaced, more comes in. Their is security for all the stuff. Billing and money collection, back-end accounting and re-conciliation. An entire whole shop-system - you are not a part of it. You have a different perception, as an external component to this system.
Walk into an airport. People are walking in with baggage. Walking out with baggage. Planes are landing and taking off. Security works. Lighting, air conditioning, rotation of staff for 24 hour operations. A entire airport system - you are not a part of it. You have a different perception, as an external component to this system.
Testing of software, beta testing and user acceptance testing, implies that the system of developers may have missed something and another, other, alternate, external system can test this and correct the system. Testing is a key industry vertical or horizontal in software and?many other technologies.
The human body (or any other living creature) is a complete internal cohesive whole system. Any invasive entry, breaking the system, opening, changing affects the system. That's the basis of medicine, medical intervention and the whole external system of doctors, nursing, care and monitoring of one system from the outside.
Systems correct themselves, over time. They accept the anomaly or cancer or prosthetic or good or bad, its now a part of the new system. We have to again go and search for something outside the system to change something within a system.
If you are a whistleblower within a company, inherently you are ratting or sneaking on your company. The regulator says its good and its probably for the better, longer term interest of your company. But in the moment, you as a part of your system, is affecting your system, from within - is considered a cancer of sorts by many.
In finance, we have these 2 systems clearly defined as Internal Auditors and External Auditors. A clear understanding that when it comes to money, that's what matters to everyone and countries and global economies we are able to quickly agree on this. HOWEVER, there is a problem even with this??Which is the hand that is feeding the auditor? On which side the bread buttered? Who is paying them? If its the same company paying the internal and external auditors, you stand back and think about it, what's the difference?
My solution to the above auditor dilemma is that the external auditor must be paid for by regulators or anyone else. Of course you will have the down side of corruption - that's human nature. A way to finance this is reduce a fixed amount or percentage and allocate to a THIRD PARTY newly created AUDITORY body.
A key takeaway from all this is that anyone inside a system will become a part of the problem over time and rarely are a part of a true and genuine solution. At least over time being a solution within the system corrupts and creates problems of their own.
With complex systems, and as an example the many systems that are developing outside of a "car system", you still need a THIRD class or level or SILO of systems that does not have a VESTED interested in any of the systems. Else, deja vu, you are back to the same core problems.
When it comes to climate change action no human being has a choice for the foreseeable future. Of course, you can get off the planet and go elsewhere, but not going to happen any time soon. So I, you, we have to solve the Climate Change problem within this system, our systems, and be a part of the solution and not corrupting your goals and value even when living within the system.?
The earth planet system is finite. Energy. Water. Air. Raw materials. Commodities. Food. Shelter. Clothing. Carbons. Hydrogen. Oxygen. Nitrogen. People and populations. It's all being recycled again and again over seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, quarters, years, decades, centuries, millennia. Figure out your own time scale. It's still being recycled.
Of course we are damaging the planet more than any other species.
Leaving it to the next generation is escapism. Not paying for it means you are not paying your rent - your time on earth and in your life time.
So, I, and we all have to accept that we have to stay within this system and still effect changes to this system in baby steps to giant steps - its a journey as with a musician for whom practice is an end in itself whether you perform or not. Climate Action is a journey of a lifetime from a baby to the grave, before and after, join the system rather than being an observer.
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