Systems Innovation Hub
I was speaking at the?launch?of the?Systems Innovation Hub for London?which I think will be great for people from different sectors to practice and share work on this issue.
Si Hubs are a global network of local “spaces” for learning about and doing systems innovation — we are the local chapter for the London area. We see ourselves as an open collaborative platform for learning and applying the new ideas and methods of systems change. Systems innovation is something new to most of us, so maybe you are not familiar with the concept. This is a new approach to innovation that tries to tackle complex problems and enable transformational change through the use of ideas from systems thinking and new networked ways of organizing; it is an approach that has huge relevance given the complexity of the challenges in the 21st century.
I’d recommend attending their?next sessions
I was asked to say a few things about the following topics
1. Why systems change is important to me and my role?
I lead on?policy, research, public affairs, funding and partnerships for Newham. That’s ultimately about:
2. Why me or my organization think systems approaches are important
We describe our systems change work as?community wealth building, where we work with our anchor institutions and our communities to bring their skills & resources to:
We embed?wellbeing?at the heart of everything we do, which is so important as we navigate the impacts of the pandemic. As well as mobilising communities and partners through Help Newham, it’s one of the first boroughs to focus on livelihood & well-being as a key measure of economic success.
Systems change has to start with putting citizens at the centre. We are a council that is embedding?participative democracy?through having the UK’s first-ever standing citizens assembly, doing participatory budgeting with each of our neighbourhoods and developing youth movements. We want to go further and scale up this work
3. How about systems change in the context of London?