System Security: Ask This;
Gerard Blokdyk
???? 34K+ | Bestselling Author | Innovator | Speaker | Mentor | Founder and CEO at The Art of Service | Bestselling Author - With 1000+ Academic Citations my work is in the top 1% of most cited work worldwide
System Security: Ask This;
TLDR: Ask This;
1. Who will develop and manage your organizations information governance plan, information system security plan and data resilience or backup plan?
2. Does your organization have formal security assessment and authorization policies and procedures in place to manage the information and information system security posture?
3. Who will develop and manage your organizations information governance plan, information system security plan, and data resilience or back up plan?
4. Has your organization developed system security plans consistent with your organizations information system architecture based on the criteria contained in the control requirement?
5. Does your organization document and monitor individual information system security training activities including basic security awareness training and specific information system security training?
6. How does the information system categorization affect the use of common security controls?
7. Does your organization systematically monitor and record the information system security threats to which it is exposed?
8. Does your organization track and document information system security incidents on an ongoing basis?
9. Does your organization track and document information on system security incidents?
10. Where does all the information about the control system security incidents come from?
11. Are policies in place to monitor information system security controls on an ongoing basis to ensure the continued effectiveness of the controls?
12. How does your organization become aware of system security issues early?
13. What concerns do you have about system security and data confidentiality?
14. Is the system security plan reviewed and approved by organization management prior to plan implementation?
15. How does system security follow from data security?
16. Is the use of information system security engineering principles required in the specification, design, development, implementation, and modification of the information system?
17. Does your organization protect the system security plan from unauthorized disclosure and modification?
18. Does your organization allocate resources for use in identifying system security vulnerabilities?
19. Are information system security controls established to maintain the integrity of the system?
20. How will data, data quality and system security be managed?
21. Is there a documented system security plan for information systems?
22. Who officially reviews the information system security controls periodically or when major changes occur and accepts the residual risks?
23. What information technology and information system security issues need to be considered?
24. How is the overall security impact level of the information system determined?
25. Are changes to the system security plan communicated to relevant organization employees?
26. Has a system security plan been completed for the information system(s) supporting the project?
27. Is information system security a regular topic at management meetings?
28. Does your organization periodically review the system security plan within a certain timeframe?
29. What security measurement practices and data does your organization use to assist product planning?
30. How does your organization know if information security has improved?
31. How should information system security requirements be addressed?
32. What security measurement practices and data does your organization use to assist project planning?
33. How does information systems security strategically affect organization performance?
34. Does the system support appropriate data and system security requirements?
35. What measures should be taken to enhance system security and data privacy resilience in a fully functional digital ecosystem?
36. How do you ensure data and system security on your platform?
37. Do records indicate that information system security personnel are continually trained in duties?
38. Do records indicate that information system security personnel are continually trained in the duties?
39. What network and system security monitoring requirements have been defined?
40. Are the data exchange system security and availability requirements met?
41. Is information system security training performed at appropriate levels?
42. Are the information system security standards introduced?
43. What are your top information system security training needs?
44. Are personnel with significant control system security roles and responsibilities appropriately trained before being granted authorized access to the system, with periodic training thereafter?
45. Is there appropriate Information System Security Governance rule & regulation?
46. Has the ability to administer information security and alter system security parameters been limited to appropriate personnel?
47. Is the information system security architecture documented?
48. What are the challenges associated with information system security in your organization?
Are there appropriate key management practices in place?
Provide project documentation to include risk management and system security plan, information assurance assessments on systems development, integration, and operations and maintenance supports in compliance with the (internal) customer certification and accreditation process pursuant to security guidelines following organization standards and best practices.?
Does the leadership team predominantly work remotely?
Make sure your process maintains awareness of the most recent system security policies and directives to lead Systems Engineers, Project Engineers, other Information System Security Engineers, and Program Management with the analysis of user and system requirements and constraints.?
What are the best ways to identify system vulnerabilities?
Develop design documentation and conduct technical information system security testing for appropriate security risk management processes using security assessment and technical testing efforts to identify and patch vulnerabilities to the systems being developed.?
Which task can be accomplished by a standard user, regardless of the system security settings?
Ensure that all Team members, especially System Stakeholders, System Administrators, Network Administrators and Information Systems Security Personnel, are made aware of this patch management policy and procedures.?
What are the attitudes toward handling your organizations sensitive data?
Warrant that your team is developing and updating system security plans; managing and controlling changes to specific systems and assessing the security impact of those changes; incident handling; and development of information system security documentation, policies, and procedures.?
Are you struggling to meet your SLAs with the business?
Initiate maintains information systems security documentation, such as system security plans, risk assessments, disaster recovery plans, IT business continuity plans, and checklists to meet appropriate system and regulatory compliance.?
How does your data center meet the demand for business innovation and time to market?
Conduct security assessments of system security plans to help ensure that plans provide security controls for information systems that meet stated security requirements.?
Why is a methodology important in the implementation of information security?
Participate in network and system design to ensure implementation of appropriate systems security policies, designs and implement systems security and data assurance.?
What industry standards, guidelines, or best practices are followed?
Maintain operational security posture for an information system or program to ensure information systems security policies, standards, and procedures are established and followed.?
Are any of the systems or software being used, no longer supported by vendors?
Provide Information system security engineering that captures and refines information security requirements and ensure that the requirements are effectively integrated into information systems through purposeful security architecting, design, development, and configuration.?
Is the training provider interested in identifying specific needs and appropriate solutions?
Secure that your design is determining network and ATM centric security requirements by evaluating business strategies and requirements, researching information security standards, conducting system security and vulnerability analyses and risk assessments and identifying integration issues.?
Who is responsible for maintaining the plan?
Guarantee your company is developing and maintaining an information security or compliance/risk program, including system security planning.?
How is the copying of files controlled?
Be certain that your process is providing technical support in system security engineering, cybersecurity, software/hardware assurance, supply chain management, and risk management to implement, expand, and mature an end-to-end SCRM program.?
Has a system security plan been developed that provides an overview of the security requirements for the system with a description of the security controls in place or planned?
Certify your group implements long range risk and vulnerability assessments and provides systems security evaluations and reviews.?
How do you embrace cloud technology while reducing risk?
Make sure your organization is recommending and implementing changes to enhance systems security and reducing the risk of unauthorized access.?
What controls exist to protect your critical information – technologically and operationally?
Invest in and maintain a security risk management roadmap that continually assesses and improves your systems security posture.?
What should be taken into account when developing a configuration management process?
Warrant that your process is joining a team performing cyber risk assessments and developing risk mitigation plans.?
Are there clearly defined system security procedures?
Certify your group is skilled in risk assessment and response modeling.?
Has the recovery plan been tested?
Interface so that your operation fosters a culture where innovation, creativity, and risk taking are encouraged and rewarded.?
Does the computerized system generate an email or a security log file to be reviewed by the system security group when attempts at unauthorized use are made?
Provide technical review and recommendations for all Risk Assessments and Vulnerability Assessments conducted for the system, program, or site.?
Does your organization provide training to employees concerning information security risks and responsibilities?
Lead the Information Systems Security Manager (ISSM) and provide multi-discipline expertise covering project management, system security engineering, system administration, and network administration.?
How do you uninstall the remote support application?
Check that your company provides technical and programmatic cybersecurity and Information System Security Management Services to internal and external (internal) customers in support of network and information security systems.?
Does the plan include the necessary training/support to ensure compliance?
Make sure your staff develops, modifies, or provides input to project plans; implements project plans to meet objectives; coordinates and integrates project activities; manages, leads, or administers project resources; monitors project activities and resources to mitigate risk; implements or maintains quality assurance processes; integrates information systems subsystems; develops information systems testing strategies, plans, or scenarios; identifies standards or requirements for infrastructure configuration or change management; participates in change control (reviewing change requests); develops or implements information systems security plans and procedures; makes improvements, solves problems, or takes corrective action when problems arise; gives presentations or briefings on all aspects of the project; participates in phase, milestone, and final project reviews; identifies project documentation requirements or procedures; and develops and implements product release plan.?
Can authorizations change over time?
Liaison so that your team is completing Risk Management Framework Step 5 authorizations in the Information System Security Engineer (ISSE) capacity.?
What can designers and developers of mobile applications do?
Work involves systems analysis and design; programming and/or solution identification; installation, configuration, database management, and system security for business applications software.?
Which dollar ranges includes the annual revenue of your entire organization?
Guarantee your company provides assessment and authorization (A and A) management support by guiding the development of all documentation necessary to complete the A and A process to include system security plans, contingency plans, and other associated documentation.?
What factors should be considered when using an automated system assessment reporting tool?
Act as a technical management resource for information system security matters.?
Are security awareness and training efforts leading to measurable results?
Establish that your organization oversees network management and system security administration functions.?
Are you applying correlation and analytics to identify patterns or exceptions?
Be sure your company is involved in applying information systems security principles and concepts and project management principles.?
When personnel are terminated, what takes place?
Ensure your organization takes responsibility for management of system security and compliance.?
What are the measures for ensuring access control in your organization?
Oversee that your workforce provides support for the HRIS and other related systems such as troubleshooting, resolving HRIS performance issues, maintaining configuration of business rules and workflows, system security administration and ensuring overall data integrity.?
What type of security training is being administered?
Check that your company is responsible for HRIS data quality and integrity by ensuring system output is monitored, interfaced and systems are validated in compliance and system security is administered appropriately.?
How effective are the deception strategies the system provides?
Verify that your group leads periodic audits to ensure data is regularly reviewed, and provides guidance to users on system security and capabilities.?
How does it manage its recordkeeping practices for incident reports?
Be certain that your company reviews your organizations current practices for system security and data integrity and ensures compliance and industry best practices.?
Did the switch manufacturer follow industry best practices in the development process?
Manage user access and system security using principle of least privilege and best practices to ensure strict data security and integrity for all HR systems.?
Who is responsible for analyzing vulnerability scan reports and security control assessment results?
Interface so that your staff completes and updates documentation as Data Classification Guidance, System Security Plans, Risk Assessment Reports, Contingency Plans.?
Are key safety stakeholders involved in the final development of the transportation plan and program?
Verify that your staff is involved in system security settings, profiles, roles, permissions and other data access and integrity features.?
How does virtualization support security?
Oversee that your personnel is involved in information systems security risk assessments, compliance reviews, or in-depth vulnerability assessments on a variety of OS, databases, web application/services or virtualization platforms.?
Is your organization committed to maintaining the mitigation for the duration of its lifetime?
Maintain data integrity and system security for the desktop environment including installation of all antivirus software and ensure virus definitions are up to date.?
Who maintains the maintenance tools?
Oversee that your company maintains passwords, data integrity and file system security for the desktop environment.?
Where do you find security updates?
Safeguard that your process develops information technology strategies, recommendations and plans for the procurement of new technologies or equipment that can manage and maintain, system security integrity through patch management and application updates.?
Who said that for dynamic analysis you need to execute the entire program?
Manage and execute extensive required Information Technology system audits, including IT system security access, configuration, controls, data quality, annual processes, and system integration validations.?
How might your organization go about selecting the software to meet its needs?
Interface so that your personnel is engaging with business partners to refine requirements and strategies to help drive business goals/objectives and lead the team to deliver and support innovative digital technology solutions to meet business goals.?
What mechanisms does your organization use to support transaction recovery?
Ensure you deliver information technology strategy, support, and solutions.?
When data are sending to other organization, do you encrypt the data?
Make sure the Internal Audit Manager, Information Technology.?
When data are resold or copied, are users given appropriate notice and choice?
Create organization standards, policies and procedures for use of tools and technology.?
What are the true costs of IT assets and services at your data centers?
Confirm that your group is partnering with the IT Leadership team on strategic technology initiatives and projects to forecast costs, equipment, and resources.?
What is in it for the information thieves?
Be certain that your workforce participates in future HIE technology needs and data sharing needs and benefits.?
What are managements procedures to ensure controls operate effectively?
Verify that your organization communicates effectively with business lines and various technology groups.?
How good are query optimizers, really?
Be sure your workforce facilitates all stages of technology equipment lifecycle for organization departments.?
Do you have a record retention plan that supports your financial and business needs?
Make sure the Data Science and System Security Department aims to build novel big data solutions and service platforms that simplify the management of complex systems, from networks to cyber-physical systems, and to develop new information technology that supports innovative applications, from big data analytics to the Internet of Things.?
Is the merger or acquisition contingent upon an internal or third party review of existing source code?
Be sure your organization implements systems security policies, guidelines and procedures for systems, including initial design, system lifecycle change review, and configuration management.?
Is refresher training required to maintain proficiency?
Guarantee your company is allocating System Security Engineering requirements (commonly expressed as security controls), which includes working with lead systems engineers to decompose system-level security requirements across relevant Segments, Subsystems and down to specific components.?
How should object oriented projects be planned and managed?
Lead the Information System Security Officer (ISSO) with maintaining the System Security Plan documentation and ensuring compliance of managed systems.?
Who are you protecting data from?
Make sure the Information System Security Officer (ISSO) designs, develops, and recommends integrated security solutions for multiple classified systems/projects.?
How do you know that a particular security control is appropriate to meet a specific type of risk?
Invest in evaluation of security solutions to ensure they meet the security requirements for processing classified information in coordination with the Information Systems Security manager.?
How much stress does the user experience from repetitive use of the applications controls?
Verify that your team develops or implements information systems security and entitlement requirements and plans; and ensures appropriate product-related training and documentation are developed and made available to (internal) customers.?
What release of the operating system are you using?
Interface so that your company performs system upgrades and maintenance tasks, including installation and configuration of Windows operating systems, administration of user accounts, and maintenance of system security posture.?
How will updates, upgrades, and other changes to components impact the subsystem?
Safeguard that your company implements Operating System security updates and patches management for all domain systems.?
Does the software include content produced by suppliers other than the primary developer?
Implement approved system security policies to include the configuration of user access and permission across a variety of systems.?
Where do functions as access control, authentication, encryption, etc, fit in?
Ensure system security requirements are addressed during all phases of DARPA program life cycles (concept development, Request for Information (RFI), Request for Proposal (RFP) or BAA, Proposal, Selection, Award, Closeout, Transition, etc.?
What is in scope for data center transformation?
Ensure your design is participating in development and implementation of system policies and procedures, considering business needs, systems security, and performance.?
Which modern operating systems, mobile devices, and desktops will your organization support?
Provide authoritative advice to other specializations in areas as disaster recovery, capacity planning, applications development, hardware strategy, and operating systems security.?
Is your organization involved with controversial trade?
Confirm that your organization is involved in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle.?
What security practices does your plan need to cover?
Warrant that your design is involved in budget and business plan development.?
Do suppliers think that you monitor the operation and analyze the products?
Make sure your team is performing collaborative design and development with other engineers and suppliers.?
Are all of the key safety stakeholders involved in the planning process?
Secure that your team is involved in configuration and development of dashboards as Tableau and Power BI.?
Are system logs or error logs been kept for an appropriate period of time?
Secure that your staff is involved in agile software development methodologies and containerized software.?
What is the potential impact of mobile attacks to enterprise customers?
Guarantee your team leads the development and implementation of user training programs.?
What are the practices to ensure all points of access and egress are identified?
Confirm that your group is involved in implementing best practices for secure software development.?
Does your organization tailor security control baseline?
Ensure your workforce is responsible for understanding the overall security design of the project, program, or environment; often activities can range from initial creation to reviewing current system security technical controls and recommending enhancements.?
What actions may mitigate the risk?
Develop or implement information systems security plans and procedures and monitor project activities and resources to mitigate risk.?
Are you implementing the prescribed policies and practices?
Review and evaluate designs and project activities to ensure secure development best practices.?
Who is responsible for information security?
Make headway so that your strategy is responsible for managing complex and cross functional projects for the Network Operations Center (NOC).?
What kinds of capabilities can projects incorporate to support system security and reliability?
Certify your team is providing INFOSEC engineering support to CIO projects, including the evaluation of proposed analytic tools.?
How are the tools protected from unauthorized access and modifications?
Verify that your design assures execution of/assists with quality control activities for architectural elements on projects.?
Are reports generated by the systems security software?
Manage activities of other team members through project teams or direct report.?
Which personnel would be involved in the containment, eradication, and/or recovery processes?
Interface so that your personnel is involved in large scale enterprise Cloud projects from ideation to finished production product.?
Does your system or device provided for role based access?
Maintain, track and collaborate with dev teams to ensure project estimation for delivery.?
Does the product support remote administration?
Respond to BU queries in support of the business programs and projects.?
Who will be responsible for scanning the backlog of files?
Be sure your group works closely with DBA Lead and internal and external teams on installation and configuration of system fixes, updates, patches, and performance tuning, hardware/software interface and interoperability problem resolution, system security evaluation and remediation, IT device security monitoring, incident reporting, system scanning and security control verification.?
Are individuals / stakeholders / users involved in the development identified?
Check that your design is involved in both custom application software development and packaged software implementations.?
Are security group representatives involved in all stages of the project life cycle for new projects?
Make headway so that your workforce is involved in cloud computing and software as a service (SaaS).?
What makes mobile threats different from threats to PCs?
Oversee that your team evaluates software requirements and capabilities and makes recommendations.?
What information must be available for each function to be performed?
Certify your team is involved in troubleshooting technical issues that can arise in software applications.?
Does the app allow users to inadvertently send data to non authorized places?
Certify your staff expands its knowledge in areas of software requirements and software testing.?
Who is responsible for reviewing and approving the contingency plan?
Make headway so that your operation provides quality assurance review and the evaluation of new and existing software products.?
How do you foster professional development opportunities?
Ensure your team is completing the Financial/Community Development software conversions.?
What changes could incentivize the right organization to do more to prevent cyberattacks?
Make headway so that your design leads the analysis and makes recommendations for changes to hardware, software, and facilities.?
What skills are needed for the position to be effectively carried out?
Develop experience effectively working on projects with cross functional teams (including software developers/engineers and QA teams).?
Who is responsible for planning and implementing malicious code protection security controls?
Interface so that your organization is responsible for adequate system security in compliance with IT protocol.?
How much is going to go wrong if someone hacks a cows monitoring system?
Monitor advancements in information privacy laws to ensure organizational adaptation and compliance.?
Who is responsible for ensuring appropriate personnel have the required refresher training?
Safeguard that your operation is responsible for creating, reviewing, approving, implementing, and ensuring compliance with technical policies and procedures.?
How far do you feel supported with carrying out data management?
Develop policy, plans, and strategy in compliance with laws, regulations, policies, and standards in support of organizational cyber activities.?
How will the early warning data be communicated to stakeholders?
Ensure your design researches and interprets current and pending organizational laws and regulations, industry standards, and (internal) customer and vendor contracts to communicate compliance requirements.?
Who has the most control over the risk?
Be certain that your organization advances key compliance initiatives.?
Does the system use an automated mechanism to maintain the configuration baseline?
Establish and maintain good working relationships with the Group Compliance Services colleagues.?
Can your providers guarantee sufficient security?
Validate compliance with those policies overseeing self audit and compliance tracking activities.?
Where are the monitoring devices deployed within the system?
Manage compliance testing and monitoring of current and future regulatory obligations, and other regulatory matters with priority.?
What enhancements will be possible for existing manufacturer programs?
Improve and enhance existing compliance programs and processes.