Understanding and Knowledge of the Management System

Understanding and Knowledge of the Management System

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UTUBE Link https://youtu.be/kWf5YwovhaI

A System is RULE BOUND BUSINESS. The sun never breaks a rule of the natural law; and that is why, this business is called 'Solar System'. Any management system ought to have rules running it. A family is example of a System. Football or Cricket or any other rule bound business in area of sports is example of System.

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Football tournament is RULE BOUND BUSINESS. This is a reason why players enjoy playing the game and achieve their goals by use of the System. They demonstrate mutual respect, team work and leadership, focus on the goal, comply with requirements of system and decisions on the basis of facts/ measurement. These ingredients make a management system stable(sustainable) and need least effort (naturalized) for the goals of business or work.

A system is evaluated for the benefits it can offer. All of us love to live and happy to work in an organization provided that has a management system.


  1. A System gives us predictability, an assurance or an absence of uncertainty.
  2. It gives us freedom, independence and yet remain goal focused.
  3. We act in our roles and interact with others responsibly and
  4. We develop mutual respect and succeed in our common goals by team work.
  5. We enjoy the system because system allows us to keep achieving new goals, improves our ability and recognition

Principles of Management System

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A prison is also a Management System which is certainly more secure, every one is given guaranteed food, clothing and medical care for a lifetime and so on; but, without any responsibility, without a goal and without teamwork and leadership. If prison door gets broken for one minute, every one of it will run away. An assurance reached by high amount of control is therefore undesirable or not sustainable.

There is no certainty or sustainability in the Management without System. These ingredients in a management system are called the Principles.
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The current statement of definition of Management System (by ISO) is set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organization to establish policies and objectives and processes to achieve those objectives


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When we can understand this definition of a System, we can make our own decisions whether or not, or an extent to which, our management of organization is run by a System e.g., rules and principles. for a commitment to the chosen goals of Quality, Environment or Occupational Health and Safety.


Principles of Organizational Learning

Purpose of Learning

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Learning is a journey from different individual perceptions to go to the one truth. Every individual sees things differently. Each one differs in perspective (from where they see or point of view) and perception (what they see). These make things difficult because management of an organization cannot run by whims and fancy of an individual. A common knowledge (of the System) is an aim of the organization. By doing so, perspective of the organization becomes large and accommodates all their perceptions into one common perspective.

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Artist and Actor

We should never forget the difference between Artists and Actors. Artists are independent of roles they play. Biggest and multi billion Artist plays Role of a beggar in a Film.

Irrespective of the Role given, the Artist fulfills the requirement of the Role, perfectly, in order to make a Film, successful. Actor is bound by Role based performance. Artist has a vision for the entire Film.

Similarly, people in an organization play/act in different Roles but, their goal as Artists is no different. Any Role Conflict ends by this understanding of the System in any purposeful Organization.

Management as Science

A valid method of 'collective learning' about System, and validation of that learning by results achieved, give us a confidence in work.

Purpose of Work is more important than the Work itself. Goals of humanity and noble ideas are realized by understanding the theory or principles of the management in our every work.

Management therefore becomes a Science with predictable results. This is how management is called a management system or the science.


One of the best way of Learning is sharing your perception (what you see) and let others know your perspective or where you are. Building a common perspective make us all think in one direction.

Learning Techniques - Sharing of Private Knowledge

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Children play hide and seek. Children learn rules of the game by discovering hidden things. They develop a common perspective by using rules of the game 'hide and seek'. Identify gaps in understanding and bridge it. A teacher learns better because of different view points of her/his students. She/she resolves gaps in understanding of her/his students about an object or idea and brings peace in the their minds.

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We all can see the same thing but each one of us understand differently. By identifying the understanding gap in thoughts, our learning is principled or is, just and free from biases.


Learning Techniques - PDCA


Swamidass P.M. (eds) Encyclopedia of Production and Manufacturing Management. Springer, Boston, MA cites .....

The Deming cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act) is a methodology for continuous improvement. This methodology, originally called the Shewhart cycle, was developed by Walter A. Shewhart. It was renamed the Deming cycle by the Japanese in 1950.

W. Edwards Deming suggested that this procedure should be followed for the improvement of any stage of production and as a procedure for finding a special cause of variation indicated by statistical signals.

The Plan stage involves studying the current situation, gathering data, and planning for improvement.

The Do stage consists of implementing the plan on a trial basis.

The Check stage is designed to determine if the trial plan is working and to see if any further problems or opportunities have been discovered.

The Act stage consists of implementing the final plan. This leads back to the Plan stage for further diagnosis and improvement.

The cycle is never ending.

Krishna Gopal Misra 
[email protected] 


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