The System
You must have seen endless talk shows that don't add up to anything significant. Huge piles of newspapers end up in your waste basket littered with articles about political & economic upheavals. Wonder why nothing really happens while there are loads of evidence against corrupt politicians? Its the System that really rules from the murky depths where no common man is allowed to venture. This system remains in place whether it was the era of Mughals, British and then many so-called governments in Pakistan. They are the sleazy elite. With money and power at their disposal they don't really care about Judiciary or any other department. They are the really movers and shakers. Their people are in every government and non-government powerful seat. They are the Waderas and the Industrial elite. Rest are there only to serve them. You will see immature slave minded people drooling at their feet to serve them. But be very clear that you are no part of it and it will only throw the left over crumbs to you. Hail The System!!