THE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN. Project Management Part 3.
Dr. LemueL King MBA/MS/IT(LTU)/BBA(UL)/Certif ICT/IT WFP.
Writing software code is a big challenge, in the development of software engineering project. To developed a product one must have good understanding of the product development process or the production development life cycle. This article is for you to understand the process taken in developing a project or a software project. If you have not read the article on the project writing, you will need to read the part 1 and 2 of the project management in order to understand the part 3. This phase project Management is focused on the how to analyze the system and developed it. The process hear is approach used by the world biggest company and professional institution in writing software project. The approach is more advance in a teaching to help you understand the project educatively.
The Analysis of the system and development.
Consider that you are given a project, as in the project management part1 and 2, to developed a project how will you developed the project?
As mention, in phase 1 and 2, of the project management; you will need to write the project. But that is not all to the product development. You also need to do a lost of research and analysis about the product you want to make. After doing such you need the drawing diagram of how you want the product to look and what you want it to do. Such requirement need lots of skills and knowledge. In more development project there will be haring of skillful and knowledgeable workers. That is great. But what if you want to do it alone? That is a big challenges.
The advantage of academy education vs on the job education.
I had hear many people talking about skill from the job. That sound great, we all had worked in many filed and on many jobs. But what is the important of getting an education in a field, paying thousand of dollar if the job can job give you the skill? The fact is you will never get a complect set of skill in doing a job from you work area. People working in an car industry will never know how to build a car completely, Those building celling phone will never know how to build the cellphone alone and computer will never know such job complect. To have better know you will have to go to school and learn all the skill needed.
For example: To build things you will need to learn engineering. That is different from working on a job. you will never learn engineering. To build software you will need to learn the sciences of information technology and engineering. Else you will never get that complect skill on the job. Many project build product for over 50 years never know how that product is build complect. Reason, company only need you to know little or do little. The are thousands or hundreds of people who will build the product. Meaning, you will only know a little or contribute a little. This is what is called the workplace.
Code Value.
Many company will never want a person to understand the complect code values of that company. They protect the values the make the company different from another company. Meaning they want to keep the idea and knowledge being the product On good reason, that people will not leave the company and product it. All those reason never give people the knowledge behind the development of project. But will these article you will be able to learn most of the idea on knowledge and development. Consider as in the above that you have a project to build a cellphone. Belove is the approach to used in the Analysis of the product system and it development.
The steps.
To develop the above product you will need to do the following.
Illustrations of the above steps.
The system development life cycle is important to understand and apply into the approach of the development process. It help you to have a process to follow. There are different approach used in doing such. How ever consider, the below outline is a great step to follow in the development. The out line point out how the system or project will be develop. The starting of the project, the number of phases, the planning process, analysis, design or drawing and many other more as you can see in the below.
The 3D drawing.
The 3D drawing is, an important phase of the process. It fall within the design phase of the process. The 3D give a clear and physical picture of the product. It point out the different parts on the product or the hardware. The 3D cover most of the hardware part of the project . You will need skill to builds up the 3D. I have build this to show you how the process. In most case those will out the skill will haired skillful and knowledge people to do it. But this give you what a 3D look like.
The application processing language.
This is the application processing language. It show the approach more clearly in order that those building the project can understand what hidden or how the system truly look. other hidden parts of the project. Theses process are used in advance project management. Reason is it require too many skill and knowledge. Company spend million of dollar to get such work like this done. I have given these work to the public to give people the skill needed to do the job at a professional level.
The system and it design framework.
This is the complect framework of the product or the phone system. With this framework, the team will be able to follower the project with understanding. Everything needed within the system will be includes and implemented as require. This is a values to any company. The process can be use over and over in building millions of products. Will this blues print the different skills and worker needed can be selected to the project.
The electrical engineering design, give a more clear view about all the paths; of the electrical components within the system. Note this can become more complex handle. There are many more parts with in the power supply. the networking, switch, card of flash storage and many other more. However, this is just to show the framework of the electrical, including all the mother board parts which are hidden. In most company to the parts are bought from different company of other company are hired to build the board. Most of these work on the board are build by high level robot under computer program. To build a board is very company because of the small parts. For example have to study electron for 2 years in building bord by hand. You will need to understand the different part for the board such as capacitor, transformer, the different coloring coding, diol, resistors as within other board. For computer and phone the part are very small that a human is not able to build the bord with hands. They used robots to build the board.
The system path analysis is needed after a job well done. This keep track of the system function, and viewing of the system from another devises. This is part of the security and system management. It give a quick view if changes is made to the system. With this build within the system will give administer the opportunity to worked on the system at an advance level. This is not includes in most phone system but is needed.
The complect of the process is done when you are able to calling on the implementations of the project in producing the product from the above analysis and design. With such a document a company is able to product a product. Not following these process is not consider. There are many good reason documenting the project in such a way. The documents can me used for many years. It can build a value for the company.
in all phase of the coding. Many software engineering takes days, months, and years to accomplish most of the innovation we see in the world today. Computer programing had taken many years to reach the world. It is important to understand the challenges face in software engineering project.
This book was Written by: Dr. Lemuel B. King.
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