The Syrian War - Russia Playing Puppetmaster
Parthiva Mewawala
Content Writer/ LinkedIn Branding Expert/ Copywriter / Social Media Marketing / Storyteller /Full-on Nerd/ #chaiwalacopy
4th April, 2017 - Hassam Salloum, a volunteer with the air raid warning service witnessed a Sukhoi - 22 jet, belonging to the regime, approach the town of Khan Sheikhoum at low altitude. The warplane dropped 4 bombs at one go - 3 conventional explosives and one that little noise on impact but released a cloud of thick, white smoke that soon engulfed the town. It was an unusually chilly morning, with most people still wrapped up in their blankets on their beds. Most died in their sleep, quietly. Later reports suggested that the victims had been exposed to at least two different chemical agents, chlorine and sarin. Chemical warfare is internationally condemned, so in order to cover up their heinous crime and destroy evidence, nearby clinics where victims were being treated were destroyed. Numerous reports by the UN, as well as independent investigative bodies, pinned the attack on the state regime after studying available samples.
" Assad, Russia, and Iran have no interest in peace. The illegitimate Syrian government lead by a man with no conscience has committed untold atrocities against his people." Nikki Haley, the American ambassador to the UN, told the security council.
The US, Britain and France proposed a resolution to condemn the latest attack and to coerce Syria into handing over flight logs to an international inquiry. But Russia unsurprisingly vetoed the motion.
Diplomatically, Russia has time and again wielded its veto power to shield Damascus from scrutiny and punishment. It has also misused its authority to chalk out de-confliction zones in Syria, giving much needed breathing space to the military to lead an offensive charge. But Russian support did not end here. Russia and Iran have propped up the entire siege Syria has mounted on the rebels.
The Iranians arrived by the busloads in 2013 to add new force to the battle against the FSA, ANF, and ISIS. In 2015, Qassem Soleimani was dispatched to Moscow in an increasingly precarious battlefield situation. Within 2 months, Russia began its 'air force only ' military intervention under the pretense of fighting terrorism. The intervention soon escalated into a dreaded full scale foreign occupation.
In 2015, the regime's manpower had dropped to a measly 80,000 troops while the Iranians and Russians numbered around 90,000 fighting men along with several thousand paid mercenaries and militant outfits. Documents seized in 2017, show that 90,000 Syrians are fighting for local militias run directly by Iran, comprising of civilians as well as deserters from the army. In layman terms, Assad has had no control over who pulls the strings on the ground militarily for a pretty long time.
The Iranian government has maintained that they're fighting to support resistance against Israel while Russia stresses on it's war against western imperialism and jihadists. But they're not as noble as they sound. After all is said and done, ulterior interests always rule the roost.
The world Bank projects the reconstruction costs in Syria to surpass 226 billion dollars. Russia and Iran are in perfect position to reap the rich bonanza.
In late 2016, an Iranian firm was awarded a multi million dollar contract to restore electricity in Aleppo. Iranian firms have also begun buying lands, farms and businesses in and around Damascus. They all have their eyes set on the future treasure that Syria's destruction will unearth.
Russian companies signed deals worth billions with Assad and also won priority status in rebuilding contracts. Rumors say that at least one company has already signed a contract giving it a 25% stake in profit from oil wells if it helps liberate them.
As long as Assad continues to be a puppet in Russian hands, signing deals and ceding complete control of the army, Russia and Iran will have no problem molding Syria to their whims. And if he ever rescinds, the volatile environment in the country will afford them a free path to crucify Assad and depose him and usurp what little remains of the resource filled land.