Syrian Christians Perilous Future ….Tsar Alexander III- Imperial Palestine Society – Tsar Putin ..Protector of the Faithful??

Syrian Christians Perilous Future ….Tsar Alexander III- Imperial Palestine Society – Tsar Putin ..Protector of the Faithful??


To unravel all the pieces in this extremely complex puzzle

…requires a lifetime of scholarship, firsthand on the ground investigation and an open mind to see how this matrix fits together


My visit impression of the Mariamiya Cathedral in Damascus was somewhat underwhelming

…except for its altar that was literally as big as a queen size bed

…no less gilded in eighteen carat gold with embellished enameling

WOW—world class in every manner


In the front center was the distinctive monogram of Tsar Alexander III


Putting A + B together it was apparently a gift to the Patriarchate of Antioch from the Tsar

Upon further investigation more precisely

…a gift through the auspices of the Imperial Palestine Society to commemorate the visit of Tsar Alexander III to the Holy Land in the 1880’s


More than a one hundred twenty years old – the quality of its craftsmanship was so fine

?– you would think it was brand spanking new


With the fall of Constantinople in 1453 along with the marriages of the last Byzantine Emperor’s sisters

– the Paleologos Dynasty bloodline came to be part of the Kiev Rus Princes

The mantel of Protector of the Faith found its path from the Second Rome- Constantinople

….to the new and final Rome – The Duchy of Moscow

….later the Russian Imperial Empire

…a sacred mission that the Royal Family took very personally


The deep connection between Russian and the Levant has been an ongoing relationship for many centuries


Ottoman Rule of Greece and the Mideast were four hundred years of brutalization – pogrom for Christians—so many massacres


Tsar Nicholas I created this Ecclesiastical Mission to Jerusalem in 1847 that began as an Institute that was rapidly expanded to preserve the remaining faithful ?

The state of these Orthodox Patriarchies were on life-support

…it must be stated that without the intervention of the Tsars and the Patriarch of Moscow that today there may have been only a shadow resemblance of an Orthodox presence in places like Syria

......instead of the vibrant communities that exists currently

Holy Mother Russia –the Third Rome was invested as the Protector of Orthodox Christian – this was a righteous cause against Islamic Oppression

It created within this region lots of local influence that came to a pinnacle in WW I …

After the Russian Revolution with the assistance of funding from the huge Russian émigré Abroad Community on a lesser scale IPS labored on for seventy years


In the 1990’s with the collapse of Communism

….Russia’s Patriarchy went into overdrive

..wasting no time regathering land, churches, resources and extending global relationship

As religion worship declines in America

…in just regional Moscow in the space of ten years over one hundred new churches were built

In the span of a generation the prolific work of the Patriarchy

..has added almost fifty million new communicants

..along with these missionary efforts and global media presence


In Syria during this horrific Civil War as the Islamic armies destroyed churches and massacred Christians

Putin like any good Russian Tsar in cooperation with the Patriarch of Moscow provided support—rebuilt churches and endowed educational programs


One of my former seminarians has a YouTube Channel that highlights all these charities of the Russian Church in Syria – Impressive!!


Assad Administration was on-board completely with Russia ‘s Christian Ministry work

Assad just like Saddam were protectors of these religious minorities communities who may have been small but possesses some of the most educated and professional people in their countries

In Egypt the Coptic Communities boasts the brightest minds in the nation and some of the wealthiest.

As I’ve stated things here are nuanced and uber complex

…you got to know lots of the background to see how it works


…of course our unprofessional US Media does not have the bandwidth to begin to understand what’s really going on here


For Putin if this evolves in Syria to the same type of sectarian violence like happened in Iraq after Saddam fell

…it will give him a public relations advantage on a Global Stage


In the Iraq the Christian Communities were all but totally eliminated with savage brutality


When Tucker interviewed Putin

..he was nothing short of astounded as Putin answered the question by going back to the ninth century and proceeded to the current times

This is how it works here

…lots of reoccurring themes that just keep playing themselves out over and over again

Damascus was conquered in 643 AD by the Muslims

..all the history going forward is one of systematic and sporadic persecution of Christians by their Islamist Overlords


Nothing will change with this yet new group of Islamists Rulers

…just the Umayyads, Abbasids, Ottomans all have placed the Christian Communities in a tenuous balance – never in a place of security


In 1860’s the Christian Massacres in Damascus sent an entire generation fleeing to America and Europe

Only the intervention of the Tsars who diplomatically pressured the vastly weaken Ottoman Empire saved Christianity in Syria from this Turkish genocide

So more than some unnatural relationship with Syria

Putin is just taking a page out of Imperial Russian Foreign Policy


The question now that I’m waiting to see --

…will there be the imposition of Sharia Law?


I’ve been talking all day yesterday with brother clergy as we speculate

..what “False Flag” incident will become the incendiary excuse for the wholesale jihad against the Christian Communities

…there is a two-fold motivation behind the scene

…first to punish their support of the Assad Regime and to weaken any future power base

…confiscation of the material wealth of these successful entrepreneurial communities


Trump Administration position on this is not correct as it is not the best Human Rights path

Just a small preemptive nudge to these radical Islamists would send a signal that there is lots of economic downside to ?their persecution of minority groups

Jolani’s Islamists Syria- Ottoman Buffer Province will quickly become a pariah nation on the “outs” with the International Community


So don’t be surprised as Tsar Putin takes the moral high ground and manifests to BRICS and the Global South Nations His Superior Orthodoxy as Protector of Human Rights in Syria

The counter balance to Trump- Israel's power vacuum that was allowed to occur

… Israel is itching to fight it out with Jolani Radicals

..the Syria- Israel Showdown is coming


One must openly wonder why so many innocent people are constantly but chips in this poker game of power and control?

We continue to hear that Putin is down and out in Syria ?


Don’t count him out just yet


…our poor policy here will provide yet another opportunity for Putin to be shown as predictive and on the correct side of world opinion


Our absence of scholarship is stunning as there is no need for conjecture on what’s going to happen next

......Not a matter of IF--

….to the informed mind

…Only a Matter of When










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