SpyGlass CDC review test 1
To have review for spyglass cdc, first we need code, here i attached 2 codes
1] cdc_test2.v is top
2] clk_rst_unit1.v is for clk and clk div and reset logic.
For test there is tb.v as well
module clk_rst_unit1
?? ?( clkin,rstin,clk_div2_o,clk_div4_o,clk_div8_o,rst_o);
?? ?
?? ?input? clkin,rstin;
?? ?output reg clk_div2_o,clk_div4_o,clk_div8_o,rst_o;
?? ?reg q0,q1;
?? ??? ??? ?
?? ?always @(posedge clkin,negedge rstin)
?? ??? ?if (~rstin)
?? ??? ??? ?clk_div2_o <= 1'b0;
?? ??? ?else
?? ??? ??? ?clk_div2_o <=? ~clk_div2_o;
?? ??? ??? ?
?? ?always @(posedge clk_div2_o,negedge rst_o)
?? ??? ?if (~rst_o) ?? ? begin
?? ??? ??? ?clk_div4_o <=??? 1'b0;
?? ???? end
?? ???? else? ??? ?
?? ??? ?begin
?? ??? ??? ?clk_div4_o <=? ~ clk_div4_o;
?? ??? ?end?? ?
?? ? always @(posedge clk_div4_o,negedge rst_o)
?? ??? ?if (~rst_o) ?? ? begin
?? ??? ??? ?clk_div8_o <=??? 1'b0;
?? ???? end
?? ???? else? ??? ?
?? ??? ?begin
?? ??? ??? ?clk_div8_o <=? ~ clk_div8_o;
?? ??? ?end?? ??? ? ?
?? ??? ?
?? ??? ?always @ (posedge clkin or negedge rstin)
?? ??? ?if (!rstin) begin
?? ??? ?
?? ??? ?q0??? <= 0;
?? ??? ?q1??? <= 0;
?? ??? ?rst_o <= 0;
?? ??? ?end
?? ??? ?else begin
?? ??? ?q0??? <= 1'b1;
?? ??? ?q1??? <= q0;
?? ??? ?rst_o <= q1;
?? ??? ?end?? ??? ??? ?
endmodulemodule cdc_test2(din1,do1,din2,do2,clkin,rstin,clk2o,clk4o,clk8o,rsto);
?? ?input [7:0] din1,din2;
?? ?input clkin,rstin;
?? ?output? reg [7:0] do1,do2;
?? ?output? clk2o,clk4o,clk8o;
?? ?output?? ??? ?rsto ;
?? ?reg [7:0]? t1,t2;
?? ?
?? ?clk_rst_unit1 inst(
?? ?.clkin(clkin),
?? ?.rstin(rstin),
?? ?.clk_div2_o(clk2o),
?? ?.clk_div4_o(clk4o),
?? ?.clk_div8_o(clk8o),
?? ?.rst_o(rsto));
?? ?
?? ?always @(posedge clk2o ,negedge rsto)
?? ??? ?if (~rsto)
?? ??? ??? ?t1 <= 8'h00;
?? ??? ?else
?? ??? ??? ?t1 <= din1;
?? ??? ??? ?
?? ?always @(posedge clk4o ,negedge rsto)
?? ??? ?if (~rsto)
?? ??? ??? ?do1 <= 8'h00;
?? ??? ?else
?? ??? ??? ?do1 <= t1;?? ?
?? ??? ??? ?
?? ?always @(posedge clk4o ,negedge rsto)
?? ??? ?if (~rsto)
?? ??? ??? ?t2 <= 8'h00;
?? ??? ?else
?? ??? ??? ?t2 <= din2;
?? ??? ??? ?
?? ?always @(posedge clk2o ,negedge rsto)
?? ??? ?if (~rsto)
?? ??? ??? ?do2 <= 8'h00;
?? ??? ?else
?? ??? ??? ?do2 <= t2;?? ??? ??? ?
?? ??? ??? ?
?? ??? ?endmodule
?? ??? ?
module clk_rst_unit1
?? ?( clkin,rstin,clk_div2_o,clk_div4_o,clk_div8_o,rst_o);
?? ?
?? ?input? clkin,rstin;
?? ?output reg clk_div2_o,clk_div4_o,clk_div8_o,rst_o;
?? ?reg q0,q1;
?? ??? ??? ?
?? ?always @(posedge clkin,negedge rstin)
?? ??? ?if (~rstin)
?? ??? ??? ?clk_div2_o <= 1'b0;
?? ??? ?else
?? ??? ??? ?clk_div2_o <=? ~clk_div2_o;
?? ??? ??? ?
?? ?always @(posedge clk_div2_o,negedge rst_o)
?? ??? ?if (~rst_o) ?? ? begin
?? ??? ??? ?clk_div4_o <=??? 1'b0;
?? ???? end
?? ???? else? ??? ?
?? ??? ?begin
?? ??? ??? ?clk_div4_o <=? ~ clk_div4_o;
?? ??? ?end?? ?
?? ? always @(posedge clk_div4_o,negedge rst_o)
?? ??? ?if (~rst_o) ?? ? begin
?? ??? ??? ?clk_div8_o <=??? 1'b0;
?? ???? end
?? ???? else? ??? ?
?? ??? ?begin
?? ??? ??? ?clk_div8_o <=? ~ clk_div8_o;
?? ??? ?end?? ??? ? ?
?? ??? ?
?? ??? ?always @ (posedge clkin or negedge rstin)
?? ??? ?if (!rstin) begin
?? ??? ?
?? ??? ?q0??? <= 0;
?? ??? ?q1??? <= 0;
?? ??? ?rst_o <= 0;
?? ??? ?end
?? ??? ?else begin
?? ??? ?q0??? <= 1'b1;
?? ??? ?q1??? <= q0;
?? ??? ?rst_o <= q1;
?? ??? ?end?? ??? ??? ?
?? ???
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module tb();? ?
?? ?reg clkin, rstin;
?? ?reg [7:0] din1,din2;
?? ?wire clk2o,clk4o,clk8o,rsto;
?? ?wire [7:0] do1,do2;
?? ?
?? ?cdc_test2 inst (
?? ?.din1(din1),
?? ?.do1(do1),
?? ?.din2(din2),
?? ?.do2(do2),
?? ?.clkin(clkin),
?? ?.rstin(rstin),
?? ?.clk2o(clk2o),
?? ?.clk4o(clk4o),
?? ?.clk8o(clk8o),
?? ?.rsto(rsto));
?? ?
?? ?initial?? ?
?? ?begin
?? ? clkin = 1'b0;
?? ? forever
?? ? #50 clkin = ~clkin;
?? ?end
?? ?initial
?? ?? begin
?? ?? rstin = 1'b0;
?? ?? #100;
?? ?? rstin = 1'b1;
????? #5000;
?? ?? end
?? ?? initial
?? ?? repeat (10)
?? ?? begin
?? ??? ?#200;
?? ??? ?din1 = $random;
?? ?? end
?? ?? initial
?? ?? repeat (10)
?? ?? begin
?? ??? ?#400;
?? ??? ?din2 = $random;
?? ?? end
? endmodule
?? ? ?
?? ?
The block / schematic diagram is as below , fast to slow , slow to fast pair are there, din1 - do1 is fast to slow , din2 - do2 is slow to fast data paths
For spyglass setup, we need three files for this test setup.
1] cdc_test2.prj
2] cdc_test2.sgdc
3] verilogfilelist.f following is listing of all these three
1] cdc_test2.prj
##Data Import Section
read_file -type sourcelist verilogfilelist.f
##Common Options Section
set_option projectwdir .
set_option language_mode verilog
set_option top cdc_test2
set_option active_methodology $SPYGLASS_HOME/GuideWare/latest/block/initial_rtl/cdc
set_option designread_enable_synthesis yes
set_option report_incr_messages yes
##Goal Setup Section
current_methodology $SPYGLASS_HOME/GuideWare/latest/block/initial_rtl/cdc
current_goal clock_reset_integrity -top cdc_test2
read_file -type sgdc cdc_test2.sgdc
set_parameter enable_debug_data yes
current_methodology $SPYGLASS_HOME/GuideWare/latest/block/initial_rtl/cdc
current_goal cdc_verify -top cdc_test2
read_file -type sgdc cdc_test2.sgdc
set_parameter enable_debug_data yes
current_goal cdc_verify_express -top cdc_test2
read_file -type sgdc cdc_test2.sgdc
set_parameter enable_debug_data yes
current_goal cdc_setup -top cdc_test2
set_goal_option report_incr_messages noE
2] cdc_test2.sgdc
current_design cdc_test
clock -name clkin -domain clkin
clock -name clk2o -domain clk2o
clock -name clk4o -domain clk4o
clock -name clk8o -domain clk8o
reset -name rstin -value 0
input -name din1 -clock clk2o
input -name din2 -clock clk4o
output -name do1 -clock clk4o
output -name do2 -clock clk2o2
3] verilogfilelist.f
Keep these 3 files in one folder, and in same folder make another folder of codes in which all code files present if not alter the verilog file list accordingly.
Now open the tool by command spyglass -gui , and then open project file file > open project > select the cdc_test2.prj file it automatically read the all necessary files. if it has any error it will show in cmd prompt, after this you have to click for goal option tick for required goals, there are lots of goals we can select by using option select methodology button. But for simple review we are using initial rtl hand off / cdc.
for goal there are two options block / soc , and each has different methodology accordingly its flow. by selecting any item from it, you will find the complete lists of goals as below, from that you can select according to requirement
After select the desired goal, you can run it by goal run button click, After run you get the details report for each of the goal that we select, in sub folder with project name.
you can go thro the all these goals reports or follows the msgs from msg tree, which is easy to navigate in either code or in schematic as well.
as from msg it is clear that there are 3 clocks and 2 reset are present in the design.
I will add the pre and post synthesis simulation results to check the data loss in fast to slow clock domain, either by ncsim or by dve tool along with synthesis by DC or RC-compiler.
for now please wait. for more details [of each goal] you need to ref the user manual which is more than 1000pgs.
all files you can find at https://github.com/vlsicad/spyglass-cdc-review-test1