Synthetic Grass Putting Greens
At Hill Country Greens?, designing the perfect green or short course begins by listening to the client, visiting and analyzing the site and conceptualizing both the practical and aesthetic aspects of the project together. HCG is meticulous in addressing all design elements, including the elevation, tiers and undulation of the green, the placement of bunkers and water hazards, the natural look, feel and roll of the turf, drainage and maintenance, and the incorporation of natural features like lakes, mature trees and other plantings. The result of the design process is a specification book that guides all phases and aspects of materials acquisition and construction.
The HCG Austin Texas team stands at the top of the industry in delivering outstanding quality, performance, durability and aesthetic appearance. All this achieved with LawnPop artificial grass.
Hill Country Greens is committed to the unqualified satisfaction of the client at every phase of the project and in every detail of its execution.