Synthesis is the process of converting RTL code, typically written in hardware description languages like Verilog or VHDL, into a gate-level netlist. It involves mapping the functionality specified in the RTL code to a library of standard cells, such as NAND, NOR, XOR gates, etc., provided by the target technology.
Inputs : RTL, Technology libraries, Constraints (Environment, clocks, IO delays etc.)
Outputs : Netlist , SDC, Reports etc.
Synthesis = Translation + logic Optimization + Mapping
Synthesis is a crucial step in VLSI chip design for several reasons:
Logical synthesis takes the RTL (register transfer level) description of a design and produces a gate-level netlist.?Logical synthesis operates at a high level of abstraction, where it is concerned with the logical functionality of the design.
Physical synthesis takes the gate-level netlist and produces a physical layout of the design. Physical synthesis operates at a lower level of abstraction, where it is concerned with the physical implementation of the design.
Synthesis Inputs
Technology library is a collection gates along with characteristics information of it. Technology libraries are provided by fabrication house (such as TSMC, UMC etc.) based on technology of manufacturing. Thus technology libraries contain information about the characteristics and functions of each logic cell provided in a semiconductor vendor’s library.??Technology libraries are distributed and maintained by semiconductor vendors (i.e. fabrication houses).
A link library is a collection of cells that are used to describe the function of mapped cells prior to optimization. The link library is typically used to provide cells that are not available in the target library, such as RAMs, ROMs, and macros.? The link library can contain cells from any technology library, but it is typically recommended to use the same technology library for the target library and the link library.
The technology library you want to map to during synthesis. Target library is used for technology mapping. All the combo (AND, NAND, NOT, etc) and the sequential (SDFF, DFF, etc) are mapped to equivalent gates from the target. Synthesis is about converting RTL to gates.