The Synthesis of Entropy “Unordnung”
The Synthesis of Entropy
Part One the Synthesis of Entropy (Scientific Method)
Daniel J. Reurink
August 9, 2021 ? ? ?
Revision 10-12-2021
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“The increase of disorder or entropy is what distinguishes the past from the future, giving a direction to time.”
— Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time
“The … ultimate purpose of life, mind, and human striving: to deploy energy and information to fight back the tide of entropy and carve out refuges of beneficial order.”
— Steven Pinker
"In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order."
"In order to rise
From its own ashes
A phoenix
“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
The concept of entropy in an open or closed system is defined by the God Equation and also the foundation of the law of thermodynamics. These different states can define the geometrical code of the atom; showing us the mathematics that define the system of static and dynamic numbers. The system is based upon double limits of zero and infinite in which pure order is ground state (0K) and disorder is an infinite rate of entropy. The system recycles through an infinite state being reached or ground state; upon which the second law of thermodynamics states transformations within the quantum state? of the atom and cosmos. This transformation is known within physics as entropy; it consists of disorder, order, and chaos. These make the premise of our reality, which is defined by a God Equation of entropy dictating each frame of the arrow of time. The system of Entropy is as old as the ancients, yet as futuristic as the space age.
Keywords: Entropy, Disorder, Order
Part One: The Synthesis of Entropy
The basis for Entropy is based on Ludwigs Boltzmann basis of disorder stating; ? ““Disorder” was the consequence, to Boltzmann, of an initial “order” not — as is obvious today — of what can only be called a “prior, lesser but still humanly-unimaginable, large number of accessible microstates” (1). ?As we know; entropy is the amount of disorder present within a thermodynamic system, which constitutes the amount of multiplicate information of the micostates within the atom. A state of high entropy would have higher multiplicity and faster speeds; such as a gaseous state. While a lesser disordered state would be a solid; as there are less arrangements of microstates as they are solidified. As we know the universe is constant in motion allowing us to understand disorder and order as equivalent factors that are equal in relationship.
Entropy as in thermodynamics states that “a measure of the unavailable energy in a closed thermodynamic system that is also usually considered to be a measure of the system's disorder, that is a property of the system's state, and that varies directly with any reversible change in heat in the system and inversely with the temperature of the system broadly : the degree of disorder or uncertainty in a system” (2) This second law helps understand the arrow of time using inertia to transform order into disorder as entropy states change due to temperature change upon the system.?
As the time of an arrow pushes entropy along a linear path, it can move order to disorder or disorder to order based upon the amount of time and the temperatures between each field.? Additionally wave dynamics add its unique pulse to each photon to energize the available energetic state to be changed from order into a disordered state. This is the spontaneous wave to particle transformation; where the wave’s strings collapse upon a single point and create a geocentric node in order to produce mass.? This follows the first law of thermodynamics that the change is only based upon the transformation of the atom. As when the wave collapses, the first law creates a new constant yet based upon a point and not a wave; yet the energy of the wave is collected in the node; creating the entropic state. This is a cosmic transformation of order to disorder to order. The word for transformations is “Verwandlung”. The transformations of entropy are cyclic in nature; and as time pushes the arrow along; it can increase in entropy in a closed system or lose entropy in an open system. Furthermore, the entropy gives informational values of microstates that can show us how to isolate the particle within the wave’s system in time’s arrow,
“All things trend toward disorder. More specifically, the second law of thermodynamics states that “as one goes forward in time, the net entropy (degree of disorder) of any isolated or closed system will always increase (or at least stay the same).”(3) ?In short, we can define entropy as a measure of the disorder of the universe, on both a macro and a microscopic level. The Greek root of the word entropy translates to “a turning towards transformation” — with that transformation being disordered into ordered states or vis a vis. This “temporal dance” in terms of microstates is the possible states that can vibrate from each atom. The dance is in synchronization to each microstate, the longer the dance, the less steps you have left; or the less microstates as it infinitesimally becomes smaller. This dance continues until the system’s atom’s arrangement synergizes which states around it. “Entropy is the quantitative measure of disorder in the relevant distribution of the system over its microstates.” (4) This premise could be understand as entropy is the amount of order available to be turned into disorder; in which the greater the order, the greater the disorder within the field as the greater that mass of order the greater the systems to continue into disorder. This is evidenced that infinite energy is always changing forms from order into disorder constituting a relationship to the spread of chaos to the disordered field. The decline from order into disorder is by the recycling process of history. As according to Newton’s three laws, the force acting upon the inertia or order would create an equal and opposite reaction. The equal reaction would be the inertia of the arrow of time and the opposite would be a pull from gravity to the relative point of conception. The cosmos has an order to it; as in order to create, you must order the process. As a metaphor; the world could exist as the same ordered state of the cosmos. The metaphor of the planet could be seen as the potential order to create a system of information that is in chaos, in which a system of math would be used to define each state. This would also allow the mechanic system to formulate the math of the ordered world; as more order constitutes greater mass of work to be done. As this idea is metaphysical and mechanical, the terms of disorder and order are used as the concept of the system, as the energy of the universe is constant and always increasing; as new ordered states are created. And now we can see entropy as a penalty “exacted” upon the state of order to disorder, as in order to be transformed, work is done so the system loses energy as order state entropically changes. This is evidenced by burning coal as the system changes states and has a penalty of work done; yet the state changes as the entropy changes due to temperature. A concept of order would be the work available and disorder would be the work unavailable, as in order is the reasonable path and disorder the chaotic.
Clausius summarized the concept of entropy in simple terms: “The energy of the universe is constant. The entropy of the universe tends to a maximum.” (5) This means that entropy will create more order as the greater the order the greater the mass (This can be evidenced by the size of cities; compare a small town to a capital). So the more material and objective our society becomes; the greater the epochs of order. This can be seen as the more states of order, the more proportional states of disorder and chaos. The rates of order are subject to various nonlinear chaotic elements, where disorder is just present within the information itself. Disorder is the default; while order is sparked into a spontaneous reaction within the net value of “0” kelvins. This can be defined by the third law of thermodynamics which states “The entropy of a system approaches a constant value as its temperature approaches absolute zero.”? (6)
Within the second and third law of thermodynamics, the increase of entropy increases the net total system energy. This can be shown in the following and based upon the premise that “ At absolute zero (zero kelvins) the system must be in a state with the minimum possible energy. Entropy is related to the number of accessible microstates, and there is typically one unique state (called the ground state) with minimum energy. In such a case, the entropy at absolute zero will be exactly zero. “ (7). As the first state must be ordered at unity, as per due to the fact that the system is the opposite; disordered.?
“Ssys > 0 implies that the system becomes more disordered during the reaction.
Ssys < 0 implies that the system becomes less disordered during the reaction.”(8)
The above equation simply describes the direction of the reaction. This occurs in a closed system. In an open system; the entropy reaches a maximum that can never be reached; or an infinite maximum.? Or often, the sparks spontaneous directions occur when the spark creates the new state. It is important to know which way the arrow of time is going so one can compute the system becoming more or less disordered.? It’s possible for a system to decrease its entropy provided the total change in entropy of the universe increases.
The only system in the system in which the reversible process is allowed is when time is greater or lesser than 0. As we have concluded; not all reactions give off energy, so by assuming the arrow of time; we can determine if the system is becoming more disordered or ordered and find the occurrence of spontaneous states.
Available energy would be an open system as there is an infinite free space-time for energy to travel. Yet in a closed system, the energy is unavailable or bound by the limit of it’s system. An example of unavailable energy is pollution; and available energy coal.
As Nicholus Georgescu-Roegen states “in a closed system, the material entropy must ultimately reach a maximum'' so as per Newton's law of opposites, the opposite would be a field reaching a minimum as maximum as per an open system.
2. The Origins of Order
“The existence of crystals in nature is a manifestation of spontaneous symmetry breaking, which occurs when the lowest-energy state of a system is less symmetrical than the equations governing the system. In the crystal ground state, the continuous translational symmetry in space is broken and replaced by the lower discrete symmetry of the periodic crystal. As the laws of physics are symmetrical under continuous translations in time as well as space, the question arose in 2012 as to whether it is possible to break symmetry temporally, and thus create a "time crystal" resistant to entropy.” (10)
Thus, a crystal is perfect; hence absolute order. As the crystal begins to heat up; the change in temperature results in a higher entropic state of disorder as potential energy is created within that structure’s complex. The kinetic energy increases until the crystal begins to melt, thus it is transformed into a liquid; in which more disorder is present as the atom’s are not solidified. This shows that order is first and then the solution becomes slightly more disordered. As the potential energy, kinetic, rotational and translational properties it becomes a gaseous chaotic state as a final; in which a closed system results in greater disorder and in an open system dissipates into space-time.
The 0 point relationship can be seen as Absolute zero (0 Kelvins) in which a crystal assumes perfect order. “Third law: The entropy of a perfect crystal is zero when the temperature of? the crystal is equal to absolute zero (0 K).”? (11) As a crystalline object creates a reaction that can reverse or forward the equilibrium of what is occurring within space-time
As a crystal is in perfect order; they are, as time increases, the kinetic energy of the state increases and creates a liquid then creates a gas. According to the principle of the conservation of mass, each state stays the same mass yet the energetic frequency and vibration change. As “law of conservation of mass'' or “principle of mass conservation” states that for any system closed to all transfers of matter and energy, the mass of the system must remain constant over time, as the system's mass cannot change, so quantity can neither be added nor be removed. Therefore, the quantity of mass is conserved over time.” (12), the ordered state is perfect; yet upon the increase of kinetic energy, the creation of the next state creates the most disordered state as order is perfect unity; thus the highest infinite rate of disorder is attained, and flows down into micro states from the macro state of infinite. As ?“kinetic energy of an object is the energy that it possesses due to its motion” (13) which in essence is the velocity of the atom stringed from it’s initial attractor along the arrow of time. The strings are based upon string theory which supports the hypothesis “string theory is a theoretical framework in which the point-like particles of particle physics are replaced by one-dimensional objects called strings” (14).?
Disorder as stringed harmony results in a random chance of a many particle system in which there is some symmetry but results in a very brief system of Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, in which the speeds sometimes colloide and exchange momentum and kinetic energy; resulting in higher disorder and entropy of the system. The particle speeds in idealized gases, where the particles move freely inside a stationary container without interacting with one another, except for very brief collisions in which they exchange energy and momentum with each other or with their thermal environment. The term? “"particle" in this context refers to gaseous particles only (atoms or molecules), and the system of particles is assumed to have reached thermodynamic equilibrium.” (15).?
According to the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of speeds in random directions, entropy is structured in the most chaotic possibility due to the strings of atom’s along the initial order of the singularity
Another way of seeing the entropy of a system upgrading is when another system is added to a previous system; the net entropy increases and the increase is the total of entropy.
We can see that occurring to the “temporal dance” of the atom; the microstates decrease as the time of arrow moves forward was at the big bang there was infinite amounts of energy; and as time moves forward, the decrease of energy or energy would result in Goldilock states that allowed for the seeding of life upon the bacteria’s of crystals. By concluding the temporal dance, we can see that each unit is a geometric form that sources its information from the initial big bang and the spread of information from a supernova that basically constitutes the field of information exploding into the light of our system.
If one looks at the singularity as a perfect crystal; then explodes into a sea of
space-time functions; we can conclude that wave-formations are the essence of sound expression itself from the sound of the big bang. Like a stringed harmony from the initial explosion; in which the string’s of the M-attractor are the essence of what is pulling and pushing out.??
As information is in essence light; entropy can be seen is the geometric code of the atom; the Higgs Boson principle; in which the uncertainty of what is occurring is made certain; as our hologram matrix is math in the form of absolute conditions that recreate over the concepts of time.
2.1 ? The Associations of Order and Disorder
According to Rudolf Clasusius’ 1862 assertion entropy ?"admits to being reduced [reduction] to the alteration in some way or another of the arrangement of the constituent parts of the working body and that internal work associated with these alterations is quantified energetically by a measure of "entropy" change, according to the following differential expression" (17) ?all parts of entropy constitute an interchanging arrangement of systems that makes the part work with the whole. The whole is seen as Entropy and the parts seen as order, disorder and chaos. This is seen by the alternation between the differential expressions occurring in the atom.
According to
We can see that disorder is a molecular energetics that creates a relationship to order; as order is seen as an protagonist to disorder; in which absolute harmony is created. Yet; with spontaneous reactions, things move into a disordered or chaotic state as the ordering unit of that system has not been produced. Although; non-linear dynamics promote an inner harmony of order within a chaotic system.
Entropy is simply a measure of chaos within a system. It is either an increase or decrease in the thermodynamic range of chaos within the cosmos, which constitutes an ordering of harmony. As the Greek word Cosmos means “ an interconnected harmony of order which is opposed to the chaos of the universe”.
The relationship to chaos in the Universal Principle is that the geometric code relates to a pattern of interchangeable relationships. This is due to macro states of chaos becoming defined into a micro state that exists between both macro and micro elements of our Cosmos.
2.2? Various Cosmic Principles
An idea of how a thermodynamic system increases is seen in a black-hole, in which entropy cannot decrease but becomes more energetic as new atoms are added from within the event horizon. Additionally, the surface area of a black-hole cannot decrease according to the second law of black hole dynamics based upon the hypothesis of Stephen W. Hawking.
To see how the trinity of Entropy works, we must segregate each thing by the essence of themself; examples would be properties or parameter values. A homogeneous substance such a disorder and chaos is in essence information of binary. It is present throughout space as is interpreted by the brain via neurotransmitters and programmed into consciousness in our matrix hologram. An isolated system full of gas is in perfect disorder; as nothing can be added to the volume within the closed system. The higher the disorder the greater the
??????Ssys = ∞?
The less entropy within the system means the particles are more organized; hence internal order of the
???????Ssys =?∞
3. Space Time Entropy
As we have now concluded, the introduction of order and disorder is a key to understanding spontaneous entropy change; it is when disorder reaches infinitesimal energy of infinite energy; an epoch in forward or reverse as the arrow of time and creates a system that can implode or explode into either species (order / disorder).
"Harmony, which is perfect at the Center, becomes corrupted as it moves away from the resonance imperfection of the periphery. And the human ignorance that radiates disorder is the involution that generates chaos" (18)
3.1 Transformations of Orders
“Verwandlung” or “transformation” is the occurrence that occurs when the ordered state transforms into the fusion of vapour or liquid; we the value of the entropy is seen as?
disgregation values; which constitutes an informational probabilistic and quantum value that incorporates the numerology of what is occurring within the entropic system.
As we can conclude, a “initial order” would be hypothesized as a singularity that is
T < 0.
This shows that time before 0 was a negative infinity in which the singularity was an initial perfected order. And upon reaching the epoch of 0; in which
T > - ∞
resulted into the big bang in which
T > 0
and resulted in a hologram based upon the postulation that
T > + ∞.
0 here corresponds to ?∞ which is in direct contrast to + ∞”
The rate of disorder and order is proportional to the limit of each state; in which the double limit of “1 = infinite” and “0 = infinite potential”; due to the fact of the limiting system of? ? [0,1).
?[0,1) ?therefore [0,1) equals [ -∞, +∞).
4. Universal Formula of Entropy
The introduction to a God Equation comes through the definition of reason.The meaning of the universe is compounded into a single formula that defines the certainty of the atom. The formula, of which reason is stated, develops through the universe in multiple dimensions and propagates the essence of possibility and probability.The formula is as follows:?
“ T (D) = C “?
“T (ΔS) = C”
Let D = ΔS
Example of disorder as a star with fusion energy at its initial state (in which energy is at a high rate of entropy).
Let T = Time? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??T = .01 s
Let D = ΔS (disorder) D = x
Let C = Speed of Light ? C = 299 792 458 m / s
T (D) = C
.01 s (x) = 299 792 458 m/s
D = 29, 979, 245, 800
This shows the amount of Disorder (ΔS) within the system is created as a massive amount of energy emanating from the star .To express the energy moving relative to the ΔS and time is as follows.
Time in this equation is lowered to a closer net to zero, so the example of a star of disorder ΔS. Its rate of disorder is highly present; as a mass of energy (ΔS) fuses together and forms order through waves of light. Thus, disorder of the star.
Let T = Time ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ???T = 10 000 000 000 s?
?Let D = ΔS (disorder) D = x
Let C = Speed of Light ? ? ? ? ? ? C = 299 792 548 m / s
T (D) = C
10 000 000 000 s (x) = 299 792 548 m / s
D = .0029992458
D= .003
Outcome 2
We can see from the above equations, the closer the relative point of entropy to the state of the star, it creates a larger system of energy. The farther the time is from a star, the less the entropy of the system as the strings have timed to weken through strength from the initial attractor, lessening the strings gravity; in which constitutes a lesser gravity based upon the relative point that we address, showing us that stars are great disorder, but also give order as a pulse when the time of its arbitrary epoch transforms due to the second law of thermodynamics.?
An electromagnetic wave light does not need a medium to travel, as shown by the Michelson–Morley experiment we can conclude that the framework of wave dynamics promotes a singular freeze in a long frame which gives us the mathematical code of the atom. The formula is based upon the speed of light as the velocity of the system; in which time and distance equate into its factor. And as time moves with velocity; this gives the meaning of the arrow of time as the direction due to velocity is how the light wave travels. Additionally but seeing the time and speed of light; we can conclude the probability of the atom; in the essence of disorder which constitutes a mathematical reference of reality.
As the arrow moves light in all directions; we must assume an initial point of reference; which in essence is the quantum relativity of the atom. By choosing a point of time; we can define the frame-work of disorder represented by the mathematics it concludes.? We can assume from the formula, that as time progresses, the system of entropy loses no momentum, but changes its mass and also “heat” of the wave. Yet as there is no heat in the strings of space; we can assume from the point of reference, such as a sun or planet, the arbitrary element of space-time atomical codes based upon the geometry of what we define using time and the speed of light to conclude the variable of disorder. The numerical values of time are closer to the net of infinite maximen the lesser the time; and the greater the time; the lesser atomical code as the disorder is less present in the “heat” of the string.? “The reason the heat radiated from the sun is hotter the closer you get to the sun, and cooler as you move away from the sun is due to the inverse square law.” (19) Additionally, we can conclude the pulses of order from a star based upon the time in which the pulses are exploding off the star. This could show us the order of life, based upon a cosmic relative quantum space source.
5. Concepts of Order and Disorder as a Metaphor
A more principled example of the Entropic system would be water; as the premise of lakes, rivers and ocean. As there are three different premises yet all exist as water. As we can see, if the sea is filled with more water; the total entropy of the system increases; as more disorder is added to the system; the total entropy increases. Additionally, in Neumann Entropy Matrix’s, it shows that the density matrix increases as such due to water adding more elements to itself; increasing the disorder of the system.
As shown below; when adding entropy to ice; an ordered crystalline structure moves forward with a change in the kinetic energy, increasing the entropy and changing the state.
Water melting results in a more disordered state of water. As shown below; the order is dispersed unevenly so this shows as stated above; the symmetry of the geometric form is broken down. Additionally; the structure of water is less structured as the ordered structure of ice.
As concluded; we can see a solid crystal turning into a liquid. This could be used as a hypothesis for the Primordial Soup; in which elements were interchangeable and identical in nature; as all was one within the elements of a primordial essence. As heat increased; the amount of entropy in the system went up in the singularity and as time move forward, the next reaction was a explosion of information in which the heat of the system reached infinite and had to move into the next information of energy; as energy cannot be created or destroyed it just changes form. The state change is known as the “big bang” (20).
5.a Probability Theory?
In probability theory; the disorder of the system is the probability that the essence of water is increasing or decreasing as a variable of the elements contained within the aqua. The available resource of water would be the amount of disorder present; while the order would be the potential of new rain based upon the hypothesis of a cloud forming or addition of water. The potential order of rain would be seen as the addition to the amount of disordered water already present; in which it becomes chaotic, evaporates, and changes phases through states due to the kinetic motion of the system.
5.b Information Theory
In information theory, the addition of water (disorder) increases the compression of water to increase the information content of the water; as such, when the entropy of water increases, the amount of information of probability increases as the total disorder of the system increases. As shown the average flow of information of units increases as water is increasing in the sea; so more the more disorder or water added to the dynamical system; it increases the totality of the complexity and dynamics of the system.
In the totality of all said; entropy means the disorder or chaos in the system; as shown in
Ssys .
5.c Ecological System
An ecological system would see that living organisms evolved into higher structured orders being in a lower entropic system in which they grew. The proportionality of order in a lower disordered entropic system.
5.d Essence of Entropy
In essence, the initial order can be seen as a clean house that then in time becomes chaotic and disordered as more clutter is created again and again. Yet once you clean the house again, it creates order; this is in essence the interconnection of Order creating Chaos creating Order ore rotando.
Additionally, the more objects you add to your house, the more disordered it becomes as you add more elements and things into the “space” you are in. So by adding less and creating Fen Shui; the harmony of order is attained.
As disorder is multiplicity, it shows that many things are still one thing; so by adding more into one; you create greater disorder and the probability of disorder goes up; so by adding less to more; you create more order; by adding more to one space, you create greater chaos.
6.0 Conclusion
As we have evidenced above, the origin state of order can transform into disorder in which it constitutes a change in entropy. These things can happen on all levels, and by realizing the essence of the formula and information, we can conclude the new age of frontiers within this machine. As the macro and micro level are both supported by the essence of entropy; we can marvel at how it’s principle through all levels. As a final point; these axioms are in essence entropy.