Synerise Cleora sets new standards in identifying substitutes and complementary products.
Jaroslaw Krolewski | | | |
Finding similar products or products that complement each other represents one of the most critical challenges in data-driven e-commerce. It is essential for effective recommendation and substantially improves the shopping experience from the customer's perspective.
While finding related products is well-studied in the end customer context, studies from the retailer standpoint are limited. Here, substitutes are considered products for which the demand shows a negative correlation. That is, consumption of one product reduces the need for the other. On the other hand, a complementary product of a given item is the one whose demand increases with this item's popularity.
Finding substitutes and complementary products is not an easy task. From the machine learning perspective, it is unsupervised. It means it has to uncover product relations without any background knowledge about their presence (e.g., given in the form of product links). One of the most recent methods applied to this problem is the SHOPPER algorithm published by Ruiz, Athey, and Blei (University of Cambridge, Columbia University, and Stanford University) in 2018. It uses sequential probabilistic modeling to capture the forces that drive customer choices.
As we love to challenge ourselves and our ideas, we have also decided to approach this problem using Cleora– our universal hypergraph embedding method, available as open-source here: It is a general-purpose algorithm allowing to obtain high-quality entity embeddings for heterogeneous relational data. Functionally it uses hypergraph expansion breaking down all existing hyper-edges into pairwise edges, which are then used to form an embedding matrix. It is built using an iterative procedure, with iteration number serving as the parameter controlling the neighborhood's breadth on which a single node is averaged. You can find more details about Cleora here:
To find product relations, we embed transactional data, with products representing nodes in the graph. Figure 1 illustrates this process.
Figure 1. Cleora embedding of retail transactions
When complementary products are to be found, we use only one iteration of the algorithm to find the one-hop neighborhood. To identify substitutes typically, an optimal value of 5-7 iterations can be used. The closest substitutes and complementary products are calculated using the cosine similarity of the corresponding product embeddings.
Figure 2 demonstrates the accuracy for the first substitutes for each of the benchmarked algorithms. It is equivalent to the ratio of experts who have chosen them as one of their preferred two substitutes.
Figure 2. Accuracy of the first substitute identification.
The accuracy of substitutes identification with Cleora embeddings is the largest by order of magnitude. Figure 3 shows the results of a similar study for complementary products.
Figure 3. Accuracy of the first complementary product identification.
While in general, it is easy to observe that finding complementary products is more complex and subjective, again, Cleora proves to be the most competitive, with the SHOPPER algorithm being only slightly more accurate for one product category.
Finally, our algorithm not only offers exciting results, but it also runs more than ten times faster than SHOPPER, without the need for GPU computing, and does not require supplying any parameters. We also use Cleora embeddings for other purposes, such as building behavioral segments.
Preliminary results of this study, done by the members of the Synerise AI team: Sergiy Tkachuk, Jacek D?browski, Anna Wróblewska and Szymon ?ukasik was submitted to ACM SIGIR 2021 Industry Track – one of the most prominent scientific events in the area of machine learning, chaired by Hema Raghavan (LinkedIn) and Rishabh Mehrotra (Spotify).