Synergy - could it be a new script for our next Generation of Leaders?
As the good Dr. Covey taught us, synergies are all around us, both in nature and in practice. Two plants in the ground next to each other co-mingle their roots and they enrich the soil more than twice as much as either plant could have done individually. Two boards nailed together as a joist can support more than twice the weight of each board on its own.
Two people join together as one and they form a third entity - their partnership - and they are stronger together than they could have ever been separately. One plus one in fact does equal three.
Could this become a new script for our next generation of leaders? These leaders could learn to combine the strengths and the skills of their teams to accomplish some truly remarkable things. They could:
Gear themselves to achieve new levels of service and contribution
Become less protective, less adversarial
Be more open, more trusting and more giving
Be less defensive, less protective
Be more loving, more caring
Be less possessive and less judgmental
They could be the generation that saves us from ourselves. Wouldn't that be something?