That ‘syncing’ feeling
ERP Assistance Ltd
Leading consultancy providing end-to-end assistance on implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions
Excuse the pun but there are many factors within an organisation which can trigger that ‘syncing’ feeling when change is due to happen, especially in the instance of ERP implementation/upgrades. The fear of change amongst the workforce; Is it ever the right time to change; The minefield of upgrading or implementing an ERP system for the first time? You could say it’s like ‘ripping off a plaster’ uncovering lots of issues and process failings which have been covered up for years. In a nutshell, it all seems like one huge and daunting task!
In one context the above it all good! 'Why' you ask? Having a workforce who voice their concerns and opinions shows their passion in their roles. Uncovering issues and process failings means these are now going to finally be addressed and resolved.
But yes, this all takes time and a lot of effort which understandably can tricker a very big ‘syncing’ feeling!
There’s no denying that implementing an ERP system is stressful. It requires a change in the way business processes are performed, a significant change in mindset, which can be a daunting change for some if not all employees. It is paramount to let these conversations happen and ensure the ‘voices’ are heard. To ensure a successful implementation/upgrade, it is important to get buy-in from all stakeholders right at the start. Effective communication, training, and involving employees in the implementation process every step of the way ensures the best possible outcomes for everyone.
ERP systems are essential for modern businesses to manage operations and achieve business goals. By implementing/upgrading ERP within a business means the organisation is focusing on the features that make a positive change. Along this journey, hurdles and issues are uncovered but these can and will be resolved, that’s one of the significant reasons for ERP. It's important to evaluate all the features of an ERP system and identify the ones that are most critical to business operations. Then, focus on using these features effectively and continuously improving them to ensure maximum benefits.
In summary, such systems are essential for modern businesses to succeed. By training and retraining employees, focusing on the features that make a positive change for the business, employees can focus on their roles knowing they are supported by a robust software system behind the scenes and that ‘syncing’ feeling ….is gone!