Synchronicity | Behind The J

Synchronicity | Behind The J

Written: February 17, 2021

“Synchronicity is like being in love and then remembering you’re in love”. I wrote this quote the other day and Dara told me its a keeper so I guess I’ll keep it. I am fortunate enough that synchronicity is a frequent guest star in my show called life. I like to notice it and appreciate it but it happens so much I often just smile like acknowledging a stranger in the grocery store. Sometimes I feel I over attribute random events to synchronicity but also part of me doesn’t really believe in random events so I could really just believe its all this preplanned dance.

That is probably my least logical belief. I think the universe has been proven to run on math so I just round that up to the next conclusion that we live in a mathematical universe. If that is true then there may be one large algorithm that runs and can predict anything. Who knows and who cares really. The latest bit of synchronicity is a guy I have worked with in the past now lives in Austin a city in which I am considering moving.

He has started a video company and has asked me to work for him. Of course I don’t want to work for anyone but I do need a video person to collaborate with for my future endeavors so this feels useful if not slightly important even. Its stuff like that where I’m like look its synchronicity and it might just be a plastic bag blowing through the wind. I love magic. I like believing in something mystical and adding color and mystery to the universe.

It’s funny because I’m a very logical person and believe that even the mystery has some math behind it. Sometimes I think I am too romantic to the point where I ignore details and glorify things that are just basic things. One example is with creativity. I have put that on a pedestal for a long time. It is a very special thing but at the same time it’s just a skillset that can be studied and practiced like any other skillset. For some reason my worship of the mystical nature of creativity blinded me to that very basic fact and left me in awe but without making progress in a creative direction.

I guess it is just easier to fear that which you don’t understand and if I understand something all that is left for me to do is act. Taking action is where all of the risk is but also it is where the reward lies. I have taken action for other people in life but now I am working on taking that same action in my own life and it is a bit uncomfortable to be honest.

This is the challenge that I need and I pray that synchronicity meets me on this battlefield. I feel like something is missing but I’m not sure what it is exactly. I have the bones of my mission but I haven’t fleshed it out and I don’t feel the cause. I am to create every day focused on music and auxiliary things like video, social media, live video, etc and through these things I will discover my purpose. I do not seek or do in order to find I must do because I enjoy the doing.

If I enjoy the doing then what I find is just a bonus. This is a good key for me. I focus on finding my purpose a lot and maybe I just need to make a statement and say “I am ready for my purpose to find me.”. Maybe that is how one truly finds purpose is not with a flashlight in the dark but as a flame that draws in the moths. Maybe you don’t find your purpose maybe you embody it. You are your purpose you don’t do your purpose.

The doing is just a side effect of the being. So all energy can just be focused on being purposeful. I really like that concept. It makes me smile to think that in reality all we have to do is focus hard on being ourselves. The old adage just be yourself never really made sense to me but now it is starting to really click. It seems to be the only true answer there is.

You can be someone else but that will never be as fun and may lead you astray. What is life without a little love. How do you love yourself when you are afraid to be yourself?


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