Synapse's Summer: Growth, Gen AI, and gender parity in tech
Illustrations by Nour Ahmed

Synapse's Summer: Growth, Gen AI, and gender parity in tech

Hello everyone!

With all the days off, June felt pretty short, and so will this newsletter! But worry not – its brevity does not reflect its depth, nor does it reflect the scope of our groundbreaking work at Synapse Analytics. This month, through your now-favorite publication, techQualia, we introduce new ways to apply rigorous philosophical thinking to your everyday dealings with technology. From thinking cybernetic-ally about including humanity in technology, to pondering whether to live expeditiously or optimally by using data science, our latest articles delve deep into contemplative tech.

We applied the same incisive analytical thinking to all our undertakings this month. From CEO and co-founder Ahmed Abaza leading a highly collaborative panel discussion on GenAI’s impact and implications, to Aliah Yacoub’s examination of the current state of gender (under)representation in AI within the MENA region, we surely left a mark.

Interested in learning more about the work we’ve done this month (and/or looking for a status update on summer internships)? Read on!

In this issue:

1. Contemplating tech and the latest in techQualia

Back in full swing! Dare we call it the collaborations 'comeback'? We think so!

At techQualia, we attempt to bridge the gap between cutting-edge technology and profound philosophical insights (it's in the name!). This month, we feature two thought-provoking pieces that invite you to rethink your relationship with technology and life.

In our first article, the one and only Marwan Eleskandarani asks: should you live optimally or expeditiously? And how can shortest path finder algorithms uncover the secrets to one of life’s greatest questions? Eleskandarani believes there’s an algorithmic solution to this philosophical conundrum, and we’re here for it. Drawing lessons from algorithms, data science, and philosophy, this piece examines the trade-offs and benefits of both approaches. It challenges you to consider how these concepts can influence your decisions and lifestyle, ultimately guiding you toward a more fulfilling existence

The solution to the timeless dilemma includes the following:

Two algorithms: Dijkstra’s algorithm and the A*algorithm; a colosseum: the metaphorical kind; a philosophical life lesson: you can skip this week’s therapy session; and finally, true-to-form: an Eskandarani-an commentary. ??

Click the link below to read more about how despite our intrinsic, genetically-coded efficiency, our creations (and tech!) lack this seamless optimization found in nature:

In our second article, Dr. Mina Henein explores the fascinating world of cybernetics and AI. Using a surprising case study (the humble toilet!), Dr. Mina Henein argues that thinking cybernetic-ally can help us understand and design better AI systems in MENA.

He elucidates the core concepts of cybernetics and advocates for its application in technology development, ensuring that our innovations serve and enhance the whole of the human experience (are you think Gestalt? we are too!)

We’re more intertwined with technology than ever before, from the moment we wake up and check our phones to the AI systems that guide our decisions. This deep connection means we must think about technology cybernetic-ally—considering the dynamic, co-constitutive interplay between ourselves, our environment, and the tech we use. In this article, Dr. Mina Henein, a robotics and AI researcher with a rich background in integrating responsible AI principles across academia, industry, and government, shares his insights on the state of cybernetics in MENA and how best to ‘include humanity in technology’.

Read the full article here:

Explore these insightful articles and discover new perspectives on the interplay between technology, philosophy, and everyday life.

2. Generative AI in Industry - Mastercard Innovation Week

Earlier in June, our CEO and Cofounder Ahmed Abaza joined a panel discussion at 萬事達卡 's Innovation Week '24, where he discussed the latest and greatest in Gen AI alongside industry leaders Khaled El Fakharany and Ahmed El-Shamy , moderated by Nader Elewa .

The conversation focused on the very real and practical applications and use cases of Gen AI in the Fintech world. What made this panel unique is its highly collaborative nature and the engaging audience participation! Special shoutout - May Said Fougere for coordinating this.

3. Aliah Yacoub's collaboration with the MENA Observatory on Responsible AI

It's hard to think that a month might pass by without us engaging in Responsible AI discourse. Be it through panel discussions, collaborative publications, or public policy formulations.

This month, Aliah Yacoub's latest article ‘Towards Gender Parity in AI Development and Deployment in MENA’, was published on The MENA Observatory on Responsible AI! A project of Access to Knowledge for Development Center, the MENA hub of the f<a+i>r Hubs (Feminist AI Research Network), an initiative of the A+ Alliance Women At The Table.

Through the lens of Data Feminism, the article examines the current state of gender (under)representation in AI within the MENA region, exploring its technical ramifications, societal challenges, mitigation initiatives, and pathways forward. Instead of only employing a critical lens (as she usually does), Aliah looks at the proactive measures and mitigation efforts underway in the MENA region to address gender disparity in AI. The output is a blogpost that offers real hope for a future where AI is not only technically robust but also ethically sound and socially just.

?? You can read it here:

4. Azka Vision takes on Socials

Our die-hard fans might have noticed that for the past couple of months, the Azka Vision team at Synapse Analytics has been dipping their feet in the Socials waters with hilarious (but deeply informative) posts.

ICYMI, here's the rundown: (And if you're looking for the man behind this who is equal parts funny and genius, it's Ahmed Rayan !)

5. Summer Internship Updates

After receiving an enormous amount of applications for our summer internship programs, we're happy to announce the following:

The applications were thoroughly reviewed, the applicants filtered and interviewed, and now that the dust has settled, a new cohort of interns has officially joined Synapse Analytics!

Over the past couple of years, Synapse interns have been a significant part of the company's growth and development. We like to think of our interns as our special forces team—highly skilled, highly motivated members who will take our products and solutions to the next level.

We can't wait to share more news on their progress with you - stay tuned!


