Symptoms Of Diabetes & Who Do You Know With Diabetes Or High Blood Sugar Levels?
Who Do You Know With Diabetes Or High Blood Sugar Levels? Now all coffee lovers who take care of their health, can enjoy a great cup of coffee everyday! We have an awesome, all-natural product just for you called 'Sweet Balance Coffee'.
IF you or anyone you may know who has been diagnosed with DIABETES....You want to listen to Mr. Donnie's awesome testimony, visit
We invite you to listen any weekday morning at 7:30 AM CST @ 712-770-4005 pin 294617# and the Playback # 712-770-4009 Code 294617# **Bypass# 857-957-1147 (for T-Mobile and MetroPCS -- to prevent charges --Dial this bridge number first and follow the promptings)
Sweet Balance Coffee – Healthy Coffee & Great For Diabetes
The Sweet Balance Coffee is a delicious blend that contains special ingredients that are recognized by the association of Diabetes to promote better health*.
Watch our short video @
Order today for only $18!
Check out our Sweet Balance on our New Online Catalog @ -- pg 13
Our special blend contains ingredients such as Ganoderma Lucidum, Artichoke, Nopal Gymnema, Calcium Silicate, Cinnamon and Moringa.
We have also added an additional capsule with more of these key ingredients, to maximize your well-being.
So all coffee lovers who take care of their health, start enjoying a great cup of All-Natural coffee everyday! * PACKAGE 7 envelopes and 7 tablets for 7 days.
For more info please feel free to Message Me or Visit Me On Facebook @ Dr Vanessa Ardyss;
#WeightLossCafe4Ever #ArdyssUnited #Diabetes #AllNatural #IAmArdyss #ArdyssSweetBalance