Symptoms of Coronavirus
Symptoms of Coronavirus
Just some info to put ur mind at ease????
An Italian doctor who worked at Shenzhen Hospital in China was appointed by the Chinese government to participate in the hive study group of Wuhan or Corona-Virus pneumonia. He wrote a very interesting article, which is summarised below:
- If a person has a runny nose and has phlegm, he is not infected with the Coronavirus, because pneumonia gives a dry cough without a runny nose. This is the easiest way to locate it.
On the other hand, it is good to know that the Wuhan virus or coronavirus is not heat resistant and dies at a temperature of 26 to 27 degrees. Therefore, drink plenty of hot water such as tea and herbs. It's not a cure, but it's good for the body. Drinking hot water is effective for killing all viruses. Try not to drink cold or frozen fluids. Expose yourself to the sun if it's winter
- The virus is quite large (the cell has a diameter of about 400-500 nm), so any normal mask (not only the mask 3M & N95) can filter it. However, when an infected person sneezes in front of you, it will spread about 3 meters before falling to the ground. That is, it hovers in the air.
- When the virus falls on a metal surface, it will live for at least 12 hours. So remember that if you come into contact with any metal surface, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. ****** Amendment - another source has stated the virus can live 9 days on hard surfaces such as metal, ceramic, plastics.
- The virus can remain active in tissues for 6-12 hours. Regular laundry detergent kills the virus. Winter clothes that do not need daily washing should be placed in the sun to kill the virus.
Information about symptoms of pneumonia caused by coronavirus:
- First, it will infect the throat, then you will feel a dry sore throat that will last 3 to 4 days.
- Then the virus will merge with the nasal fluid, enter the trachea and enter the lungs causing Wuhan's pneumonia. This process will take 5 to 6 days.
- A condition of pneumonia, high fever and breathing difficulties will follow. Nasal congestion is not like normal nasal congestion. You'll feel like you're drowning in the water. It is important to seek medical attention immediately if you have this feeling.
On prevention:
- The most common way to get infected is not to touch things in a public place such as railings, door handles, handles on the bus, etc., so you should often wash your hands. The virus can only live on your hands for 5-10 minutes, but many things can happen in these 5-10 minutes, such as rubbing your eyes, touching your mouth or face, etc.
- It is recommended to gargling with Betadine gargle to eliminate or minimize germs while still in the throat (before moving on to the lungs).
Maybe the new coronavirus shows no signs of infection for many days, so how do you know if someone gets infected? The latest information is that the incubation period may be up to 28 days before the symptoms of the crown appear.
By the time a person has a fever/cough and goes to the hospital, the lungs can be 50% in fibrosis and maybe it is too late.
Taiwan's experts give us simple self-control that we can do every morning:
Take a deep breath and hold your breath for more than 10 seconds. If you do it without coughing, without suffocation or a bad sensation, etc., it is proof that there is no fibrosis in the lungs, a basic indication that there is no infection.
At critical moments, please look at a fresh air environment every morning.
We must all ensure that our mouth and throat are wet, NEVER dry. Drink minimal water every 15 minutes. WHY??? Because even if the virus enters your mouth ... drinking water or other liquids will transport it through the esophagus to the stomach.
There, stomach acids will kill the virus. If you do not drink enough water regularly the virus can enter the trachea and enter the lungs. And that's going to be very dangerous.