Sympathy for the Devil?

Sympathy for the Devil?

The fire causes a huge commotion on the street. People with bundles run from house to house, from street to street, there is no rescue, no one knows where to take shelter. They seek desperately, nothing, no rescue, no protection, death prevails everywhere. The ghetto walls are completely surrounded, no one can enter or leave. [The] clothes are burning on people's bodies. Screams of pain and crying, houses and bunkers are burning, everything, everything is in flames. Yad Vashem


The above quote, taken from a Yad Vashem site commemorating the liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto on 13 March 1943, is an object of history but it could just as well serve as a prophecy in the coming weeks.

Like all wars, the one about to start in Israel/Palestine is a racket and its very first casualty was not an Israeli civilian but rather “the truth”. The truth is that the disaster about to engulf the world is based on a lie. The Gaza border was not breached, it was opened. Outrageous atrocities by Hamas militants were allowed to happen in order to provoke the Israeli population into reciprocating in kind.

Evidence for the Hamas attack being a false flag is provided by the behaviour of the Israeli government. Firstly, the attack was allowed to occur. Then, instead of vigorously pursuing the attackers with special forces and precision operations, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, decided to bomb Lebanon, provoke Iran and make threats against the entire Palestinian population. Not to be outdone, Israeli Defense Minister, Yoav Gallant, declared “We are fighting human animals and we will act accordingly.” He then imposed a complete siege on the whole of Gaza: no water, no food, no electricity, and no escape - treatment that is illegal for animals in most countries.

It’s been 10 days now since Hamas terrorists breached the Gaza security fence and attacked Israeli civilians. Why has it taken the Israeli government so long to respond to this attack? Israeli forces - one thousand tanks and hundreds of thousands of soldiers - were all mobilized a week ago but none of them are moving. What is it that they are waiting for? Don’t they want their hostages back?

The answer is that the perpetrators of this deception – the devils on both sides of the conflict - are busy at work, laying the narrative foundation for what is about to happen. This foundation includes setting the Overton Windows within which all commentary will be constrained, on both sides of the conflict. It also involves entraining the whole world into tacitly approving what is about to occur by virtue of our silence - this is critical. Once this phase is complete, the killing will begin.

What does weaponized narrative look like? Well, in the west, we are told this is a ‘war’ but war, requires opposition and 99% of Gazans are unarmed. We are told that Israel has a right to defend itself, but its assailants are all locked in a prison - which they run. Meanwhile, Muslim people are being told by their political leaders that ‘loving one’s religion’ requires you to kill for it – a patent falsehood.

Collectively, we are told that global institutions of governance such as the UN are essential to world peace, but the whole Security Council just gave the extremists in Israel a free pass to conduct a racist pogrom which may well morph into ethnic cleansing or even a genocide. What comes after that will be even worse – for everyone.

I believe that true evil at work here. I worry that a combined tragedy is about to occur:

  • the civilians of Gaza are about to be massacred in a turkey shoot, while,
  • the young soldiers of the IDF are about to commit an atrocity on the scale of the one perpetrated against their grandparents 70 years ago. They are at risk of becoming the very thing they despise most.

One thing we know for sure is that the people who precipitated this crisis care nothing for either Jewish or Arab people. We are beset by devils on all sides - people who thrive on hatred, bloodshed and destruction and who love ideology above all that is good and beautiful in this world. These devils (all of them) cultivate messianic beliefs in their populations. They allude to concepts of 'divine right' and 'manifest destiny' as a way of deceiving people into pursuing nihilistic, self destructive courses of action.

What on earth did the Hamas militants who attacked and kidnapped Israeli settlers think was going to happen after their raid? What does Bibi Netanyahu think is going to happen once he steps up the slaughter of women and children locked into an open-air prison?

In the midst of all this there is barely a voice for restraint, reason or peace anywhere in the world. Where are the leaders who stand for peace, justice and proportionality? Where are the Nelson Mandellas, the Bertrand Russells and the Martin Luther Kings of this world - the people who once acted as the conscience of society? Where is the Pope? Did Jeffrey Epstein get to them all?

Faced with the predicament we are in, every one of us must take personal responsibility for ourselves and our actions. There’s little we can do to reign in the devils that claim to act in our name, but we can withdraw all consent to their assertions, publicly and persistently. And this we must do so as not to tacitly consent to the crimes being planned. It’s why I’m writing this article, because as Edmund Burke observed, "the only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing".

The Australian government does not speak for me. I speak for me, and I say “No” to terrorism, racist pogroms, and the murder of innocents. I say NO to war altogether. To those IDF soldiers commanded to commit atrocities I say, “don’t do it”. Don’t aim your rifle at defenseless civilians, don’t push the launch button on your missiles, don’t fly the bombing sortie. Suffer the consequences of conscience. You’ll be much better for it. To those who lust for violent Jihad and the glories of martyrdom I say "don't sacrifice your children for ideology". Read your holy books. Understand what Muslim scholars have said for centuries about ‘ardour for one’s religion’ (Jihad) and war and peace. Don’t fall for the deceptions of modern secularist interpretations of your faith.

Perhaps it is fitting at this time to consider the advice of a wise and compassionate man who, for reasons best known to himself, passed up the opportunity to be appointed as Israel’s first Prime Minister:

“It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder. Nothing will end war unless the people themselves refuse to go to war.” ?Albert Einstein.?


Beautifully written Alan.


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