【The #Symmetry of Riemann ξ-Function】

Read full article: https://tinyurl.com/y6ewxxtv

Article by Chuanmiao Chen, from Central South University (China) and Hunan Normal University (China).

A lot of numerical experiments verified that Riemann Hypothesis (#RH) is valid. However, RH has not been proved to be valid or false in theory. Why so difficult? Some researchers think there are two kinds of incorrect guide: studying ζ and using pure analysis method. They think that studying ζ is hopeless, and using pure analysis method has always met a wide gap: How to prove no zero for the infinite series? The new thinking in this paper is that researchers have found the local #peak_valley_structure of ξ, and proposed a basic framework of proving RH by concise geometric analysis. #Riemann_ξ_Function 


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