Symbolic imagery in service
Let's turn our thoughts once again to the Law of Group Progress as symbolized by a goat standing on a mountain summit. All hard places can be surmounted and the summit reached by the "Divine Goat",' symbol of the group, viewed as a unit.
Mountain peaks are, in themselves, wonderful symbols - natural steeples that stir the true religious spirit. When obscured by the cloud, we are reminded of the greater reality that is hidden by the planetary veils which the group must penetrate. All the mountain summit, far above the clamor of mundane life the intense silence of Nature's power can be felt - hinting at the rapturous beauty of the inner worlds which, one day, will be externalized. This same, intense silence exists at the high peak of meditation. A sublime tone may then be felt resounding throughout the secret chamber of the heart - and issuing out of it, a voiceless invitation to become a part of nature's revelation. And overwhelming urge to sacrifice everything for the majesty of the whole - just as the snow crystal makes its sacrificial fall to form of a blanket of unity on the mountaintop.
While the pure white snow is a reminder of the pristine consciousness that is required to live at spiritual altitude, it also symbolizes the synthesis that counterbalances Nature's infinite diversity. The snowflake is a miracle of sacred geometry - its perfect six-pointed design shared with every other snowflake, and yet no two are said to be identical. Each crystal of snow that falls from the heavens unites with others to temporarily obscure the diversity of the physical landscape in a breathtaking display of natural synthesis. With the passage of time, so will every human being achieve a unique and perfected design - each point of light radiating in concert, revealing as One, the purpose of the planetary Logos on Earth.
While this divine Purpose may lie hidden in the "pattern of things in the heavens", it is descending to earth incrementally via a geometrizing process that has much in common with the formation, precipitation and coalescence of snowflakes.