Sword play of destiny
Leroy Magai
Owner of Magai Media & YCFRAMES// Creating stories through Filmmaking, Photography and Conceptual Writing
So, it has come this far. I should have known, it was inevitable anyway. The day you would draw your sword against me, is today. After 17 years you have grown to be strong enough to face me. You think you can handle my skill? I am sorry for having you to leave parentless. They knew the risks when they got in our business. We parents do not wish, and hope our children will walk a different path. I hoped, all these years, you would become someone bigger than us. Someone more important. Like a doctor or a lawyer. Heck, I’d even would like you to see become a big movie star. Having your motion pictures played all over the world with you as the main star!
I’m sorry for being the reason you are the woman you are today. Such a beautiful young woman should not live a life off vengeance. It is as they say; bitter sweet. I promise you, may you defeat me with your sword, the symphony playing in your life will not change for the better. It will stay on this saddened love song. Your parents where good people, too bad a job is a job. You must understand, we are who we choose to be. So did your parents. They did not want this life for you, there is always a way out. Even now. All though that would not be satisfying to you, besides you have trained for this day for so long. I can see in your eyes the hatred against me. Me, whom you consider to be a monster. A monster, a cold blooded killer who left your parents in a big puddle of blood. To be honest, I consider myself as a monster sometimes, yet I am still human. I never had a choice. I was born in this world to be a killer. My father killed my mother after she refused to hand me over to a vigorous training. That is the kind of a man my father was. A devil, and I’m his son. There was no room for other dreams, no space for peace. The only thing that was meant to be on my mind was to kill.
As a kid I was thrown into a pit with only a kunai to defend myself. My father send hungry wolves at me who wanted nothing more than to rip the flesh of my bones. I still have the scars on body, but I wear them proudly. Even so, deep inside of my heart I wished for a better life. Of course I have riches but I’d rather be poor than rich and a killer.
Do you know what kind of people you parents were? What they have done? It is not so different as what I did in my life time. Perhaps even worse. I’ve heard stories about your father. He was named; “Ghost”, because he’d kill his targets without them even notice a slight change in the air. He loved to kill his targets from the shadows. Your mother, well she was blood thirsty. The closest thing to a vampire, if they would exist. It was because of that fact her nickname was; “Dracul”. She was unstoppable when blood was shed. She turned into something else and went on until the body was drained from all of its blood. Those two were the most feared amongst the assassins. No one was save, not even children. That is why it was…..awkward to see those two have a child by themselves. There is no denying it, your parents were evil people, much like me. We do not deserve to live a life of glory or happiness. We live by the sword and we die by the sword. Just the way it should be.
It is sad that their destiny became yours as well. Witnessing the murder of your parents in front of your eyes. I was not aware of your presence. If I would have known, I would not have fought them there. No child should be witnessing an act like that. Sometimes I wonder, if they let you there, in the closet on purpose. That they knew they would die that day but wanted you to become their tool for revenge. Willingly or not, you have become their tool for revenge. You have been on a killing spree for five years now. Of course it would not slip by unnoticed. I’ve been following your…how should we say it, progress since that day you killed the minister of secretary. I did deserve it, going fooling around with little children. Such filth is not tolerable in this world. You handled it with less bloodshed and more stealth than your parents. In a way I am proud you have become so skilled. Never the less, you are still a child. Can I change your mind, even though I am part of the horrific facts of your past? Thought you’d say no. Raise your sword then.
Good, I see you can hold your sword steady and with one hand. Says a lot. Most women are mediocre swordsmen. I see you are different. You must have trained for hours and hours each and every day. I bet you even are the best of your class. I see why you are feared. You move so graciously, like a leaf that falls from a branch and follows the course of the air it rides on. You are close to become a master. It is time for me to accept my fate, I should have died a long time ago. I am glad I shall die by your sword. In this life of horror and bloodshed, dying this way is the greatest honor.
-Yorel Cairo-?