The Sword of Damocles and Leadership
Brent Hayward, MHA
Chief Executive Officer, Critical Illness Recovery Hospital Division for St Louis Area
‘Boss, how am I doing?? I feel like I have all of these problems and once I get one solved, another springs up.’
‘Welcome to leadership young lady.? I think you’re doing great.? You’re aware of problems and actively searching for solutions – I couldn’t be happier with how you’re performing.? If you’re comfortable, you’re not being challenged as a leader.’
I smiled broadly at the obvious look of relief on my subordinate leader’s face.? A measure of discomfort comes with the gig, and I think it was reassuring for her to hear that I feel that same discomfort at any given time when in leadership roles.
I went on to recount the story of the sword of Damocles to illustrate my point.? (Awesome pun not intended, but taking credit anyway.)
For those unfamiliar, Damocles was a member of King Dionysius’ royal court.? He was also the King’s greatest fan.? One day, after particularly glorious praise from Damocles, the King offered to allow him the title of King for a day.? The throne and all benefits of being King would be bestowed on Damocles, who happily accepted.? Dionysius then had a sword affixed by a single strand of horse hair over the throne, much to the dismay of Damocles.? Dionysius was teaching his young fan that positions of authority come with risk, sometimes great risk.? (It’s worthy of mention that Dionysius had been quite ruthless during his rise to power and made many enemies.)
‘The bright side for you is I’m not Dionysius.? My job is to remove swords or, if they’re not movable, to catch them before they harm you so you can learn.? Take heart, embrace the discomfort of leadership, and keep learning.? I’m here for you. I have your back.? You’re doing great.’