SWITCH x AIII China-Singapore Technovation Ecosystem Summit for Sustainability
On November 11, 2021, 1300-1500 SGT, China-Singapore Technovation Ecosystem Summit for Sustainability was successfully held Singapore Week of Innovation and TeCHnology (SWITCH).
This summit was moderated by John Cai, Partner of SparkPlug Capital.
The summit started with the following keynote speeches from a diverse group of speakers from industry, education, research, and investment as follows:
"AI Innovation, Ethics, and Governance" by Dean Feng Tian, Intelligent Industry Research Institute??
Dean Feng Tian shared SenseTime's framework for AI Innovation, Ethics, and Governance based on 3 principles of "Sustainability," "Human-Centric Approach," and "Controllable Technology" to ensure the well-being of Humankind. He also cited examples in various industries such as education and healthcare and SenseTime's commitment, leadership, and strategy to develop her products and services to enable more and more applications towards meeting United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
"The Digital Transformation: Reimagining Jobs, Higher Education and Research Collaboration" by Prof Yeo Kiat Seng, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Associate Provost
Professor Yeo Kiat Seng from SUTD asserted that as "we are experiencing and riding on a wave of global economic uncertainty," education needs to change in order to enable a digital economy where students should be educated with cross-industry, cross-cultural training. He also articulated a new interesting and comprehensive model of E=MC2 linking Entrepreneurship, Market and Credit where Credit has 2 parallel meanings of "Creativity, Research, Enterprise, Digital, Innovation and Technology" and also, "Capital, Resource, Enabler, Data, Idea, and Talent."
"Management Challenge of Chinese High-tech Startups: Taking R&D Innovation as an Example" by Prof Xianghua Lu, School of Management at Fudan University
In her presentation on management challenges faced by China's Sci-Tech enterprises for innovation, Professor Lu Xiang Hua presented her view that in order for China to achieve the next phase of development and innovation, China will need to cultivate original innovation for her own sci-tech industry as their next phase of internationalization. This is an area Fudan University School of Management is currently developing with original Sci-Tech Innovation Management theories and courses with Chinese characteristics
"Vertex Global Innovation Partnerships and Cross Border Value Creation" by James Lee, Vertex Growth Fund, Managing Partner
Lastly, James Lee shared from the angle of investment on how Vertex approaches global innovation and cross-border collaboration and where he sees opportunities between China and Singapore. He also asserted that South-East Asia is an attractive and open market for many of China's technology companies who seek overseas expansion and internationalization where Cross-border partnerships and mutual open innovation would be crucial to delivering mutually beneficial outcomes.
Following that, as the second segment of the summit, SenseTime and Artificial Intelligence International Institute (AIII) held a ceremony by Feng Tian. Dean of Intelligent Industry Research Institute and Dr. James (Kayliang) Ong, Managing Director of AIII respectively where SenseTime, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Qing Yuan Research Institute, and Artificial Intelligence International Institute (AIII) jointly released the
?"AI Sustainable Development Report 2021-2022: AI Ethics for Balanced Development"?
?"Best Practice Cases"
SenseTime, Shanghai Open Source Technology Association, and Artificial Intelligence International Institute (AIII) also released their joint work on the
?"Best Practice Cases For The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals"
The release of these two reports demonstrates the organizations' commitment to promoting Ethical AI, Responsible AI, and Sustainable AI towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
During the launching ceremony, Feng Tian, Dean of Intelligent Industry Research Institute at SenseTime, and Dr. James Ong of Artificial Intelligence International Institute (AIII) shared their views on the report.
Dean Feng Tian shared the overview of the report and explained why "Artificial intelligence should be developed in a human-centric, controllable and sustainable way". He also reinforced SenseTime's positive progress towards its long-term goal of contributing towards the sustainable and ethical development of AI.?
Dr. James Ong expressed his appreciation that the release of this report is made possible via the consistent dialogue and collaboration that resulted in this concrete outcome enabled by the fusion of both Singapore and China tech ecosystems, i.e., Singapore Week of Innovation and TeCHnology (SWITCH) and World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) respectively. Also, he emphasized that the participation in this report matches the vision of Artificial Intelligence International Institute (AIII) to advocate "Sustainable AI for Humanity".
It is also with such dialogue to reach a deeper and meaningful understanding of critical issues such as AI Ethics that Artificial Intelligence International Institute (AIII) is able to participate and contribute towards this report initiated by SenseTime towards United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Follow this link to download the reports:
The summit was concluded with a round table discussion with the following panel speakers from diverse backgrounds in the industry, education, research, and investment. The dialogue was held to cover topics that are relevant to stakeholders from both China and Singapore ecosystems:
Yan Huang, Lantern Capital, Managing Partner?
As a veteran investor who knows both China and Singapore well, Mr. Yan Huang shared his insights and experience to advise how Singapore tech companies want to enter China and that there are areas where Singapore tech companies have some unique value-add while other areas such as software will face stiff competition. He also elaborated how investment funds could collaborate more between the two countries.
Bright Yang, 6789group, Vice GM
With his extensive experience with global multi-national firms and tech startups at 6789 Group, Mr. Bright Yang shared his views on what and how global tech companies should do when entering the China market. He particularly emphasized the importance of strategic positioning. He also gave an overview of the various services 6789 Group offers to help these companies into China, and also, they offer to help China tech companies to go overseas, especially market like Singapore and ASEAN.
Christopher Lim, GleeTrees, Co-Founder and CEO
As one of the leading AI tech entrepreneurs, Christopher Lim, shared his thoughts and experience on expanding into the Chinese market, as well as the difference compared with the Singaporean market where he mentioned the 3S of "Speed, Scale, and Shared Values" as key elements needed to be successful in China. He also articulated his view about technical comparison. Differences between Singapore and China's deep tech companies where he highlighted that market segmentation and approach are different where in China, the big tech tends to offer a similar solution to grow market share while in Singapore, there is a strong emphasis on deep tech with government, private and education institutions. Nevertheless. The similarity at both markets is the focus on solving customer problems using technologies.
Dr. James (Kayliang) Ong, Artificial Intelligence International Institute (AIII), Founder and Managing Director
Last but not least, based on his 20 years of experience navigating cross-border between Singapore and China, Dr. James Ong pointed out the three unique advantages of Singapore as the great landing point for China tech companies for global expansion. First of all, he emphasized that Singapore has unique root as the maritime silk road for the past 700 years to foster cross-border cross-cultural, cross-language exchanges and as a melting pot between Asia regional economies. Second, he articulated that Singapore has a solid foundation as financial services and logistics center with the maturing and vibrant tech ecosystem cultivated by Enterprise Singapore and Monitory Authority of Singapore (MAS) in the past 10 years. Third. he also brought up the soft power of Singapore in the areas of research and talents with universities like NUS, NTU, SUTD, SMU, SUSS, etc., research institutes like ASTAR, and the overall focus on talent development program training and attracting best brains from all over the world.?
Dr. James Ong also shared his holistic observation on where the bilateral collaboration between the two tech ecosystems are progressing in terms of industry, education, research, and investment where industry and education collaboration is progressing well while there are a lot more opportunities to grow on research and investment front.
John Cai, who moderated the entire summit, concluded with his closing statements that China and Singapore share longstanding and broad-based bilateral relations. The two countries have many things in common, and the two nations can learn from each other by sharing the experiences and challenges of economic and social governance. Many of Singapore's social governance practices are still a role model for China, while China is currently creating unprecedented momentum in innovation empowered by its huge market and inclusiveness.
This summit is a continuation of the "China-Singapore Technology and Innovation" series of dialogue events, with the last one held in Shanghai on July 10, 2021, at the World AI Conference (WAIC). It was conducted in a hybrid online-offline format organized by SWITCH, Donghao Lansheng, and Artificial Intelligence International Institute (AIII).
SWITCH x AIII: 中新科创生态高峰论坛双11圆满举行
2021年11月11日13:00-15:00 SGT,新加坡科技创新周(SWITCH)中新科创生态高峰论坛成功举办。
杨杰圣教授认为,全球经济面临不确定性,教育需要做出改变,以实现数字经济,学生应该接受跨行业、跨文化培训的教育。他还阐述了一个新颖有趣而全面的E=MC2模型,将创业(Entrepreneurship)、资本与市场(Money & Market)和信用(Credit)联系在一起,同时他也进一步细化信用(Credit)的含义,用了两个平行意思来表达。第一个含义是创造力(Creativity)、研究(Research)、企业(Enterprise)、数字(Digital)、创新(Innovation)和技术(Technology),第二个含义是资本(Capital)、资源(Resource)、赋能者(Enabler)、数据(Data)、想法(Idea)和人才(Talent)。
《平衡发展AI伦理观 —— AI可持续发展报告 2021-2022》
翁家良博士表示本报告的成果发布是通过新中两大科创生态,“新加坡科技创新周 (SWITCH)” 和“世界人工智能大会 ( WAIC)”的融合下,经过持续的交流和协同促成的具体成果。此外,他也强调参与本报告非常符合AIII人工智能国际研究院倡导“以人为本的可持续人工智能”的愿景。
James Ong翁博士在新加坡和中国之间20多年的经验,他指出新加坡作为中国科技公司全球扩张的重要着陆点有三个独特的优势:首先,他指出新加坡作为过去700年海上丝绸之路的独特根基,促进了跨区域,跨文化、跨语言的交流,是亚洲区域经济的大熔炉。其次,他强调新加坡作为金融服务和物流中心有着坚实的基础,新加坡企业发展局和新加坡监管局(MAS)在过去10年培育了成熟和充满活力的科技生态系统。最后,他提出新加坡在科研和人才培育的软实力,有全球顶尖的学府如新加坡国立大学NUS、南洋理工大学NTU、新加坡科技设计大学SUTD、新加坡管理大学SMU、新跃社科大学SUSS等大学,以及像ASTAR这样的国家级研究机构,并全面注重人才发展计划的培养和吸引世界各地的优秀人才。