The Switch.
Gautam Reddy
Building culture-obsessed creative entities that deliver brand-love and memorable entertainment | South-Indian Culture Enthusiast
What 2020 has done to a lot of businesses is made them evaluate their very core closely. After careful evaluation, we ascertain the value we intend to bring to the table. Next, we need to focus on designing the business internally, and how it presents itself to be able to achieve this value and deliver it. Here's a quick note on what 2020 has done for us and hopefully will manifest into the PAD that will be.
The pre-COVID-19 scenario:
We were largely focused on sales and revenue. A big learning has been that sales and revenue alone cannot be the path to growth. It is the balance of revenue and re-calibrated service value with respect to the segment being catered to that engineer sustainability into the business. What we were almost blind to was that the development of a custom internal recipe and periodic reflection over it should direct sales. Knowing what to say in a sales conversation is a whole ocean of a difference from having that covered at the delivery end of the business. 2020 for us has been less about winging it and more about ensuring we are it. The awareness of what we were and what the market we intend to work with needs us to be has been our biggest awakening.
We were guilty of indefinite optimism. We lacked a design and vision for the world and despite this, we were highly confident of positive outcomes. We trusted in our process (or the fluidity of it!), took little bets to learn and arrived at a perceived place of market-fit. This was PAD circa 2020.
However, 2020 has brought along with it a turbulent storm that has forced the market and businesses to change in order to survive. While journeying through 2020, what has been brought to light is that market-fit and growth are closely interlinked.
By virtue of this, we are pleased to announce that we have a specific design for the future. A vision that is complete, and work that is underway to realise this vision. We have built a concrete plan to make the future better than today. Which effectively means we make our clients happier with our service and bring about a differentiation through delivering results. We are supported by a great team braving through trying circumstances to realise this vision.
PAD at its core is moving from momentum-dependent, indefinite optimism to design-led, definite optimism. An important chapter in our evolution and hopefully only the beginning of many more transformations around our ever-improving and evolving core.
Inspired by the book "Zero to One" by Peter Thiel.