Swiss Made Time Mastery
If there’s something the Swiss make the best, it’s the watch! Wearing a Swiss watch means wearing not only time but also a work of art. But how did it all start and what is time in reality? ??
Who doesn’t even know about the reputation of Swiss clocks and watches? While Swiss chocolate is undoubtedly exceptional, watchmaking remains the Swiss's greatest speciality.
Time is a universal constant, an unrelenting force that governs every aspect of our lives. Its importance cannot be overstated, as it shapes our schedules, dictates our routines, and defines our very existence. Switzerland's watchmaking industry embodies the significance of time tangibly and profoundly. Renowned for precision, craftsmanship and innovation, Swiss watches are not only timekeepers but also symbols of meticulous attention to detail and mastery of time.
“Life holds one great but quite commonplace mystery. Though shared by each of us and known to all, seldom rates a second thought. That mystery, which most of us take for granted and never think twice about, is time”
As we explore the world of Swiss watches, we remember the philosophical ideas of German author Michael Ende in his book Momo. Ende suggests that time is not merely a sequence of seconds and minutes, but a profound journey beyond our comprehension - a journey we are all encouraged to undertake.
“Swiss Made”
History tells us that the Swiss Abraham-Louis Breguet designed the first wristwatch for Queen Caroline Murat of Naples in 1810. This design paved the way for modern wristwatches. Women carried their watches on chains around their necks, although men usually wore them on a chain attached to their pockets.
The first portable clocks were made in Germany at the beginning of the 16th century. However, the “Swiss Made” watches became a thing after the French came to Switzerland. But how? Switzerland's watchmaking tradition traces its roots to the 1550s, when Huguenot French Protestants migrated to the country, introducing the craft of horology. This influx was prompted by the prohibition of jewellery as part of the emphasis on living a humble lifestyle.
The Song of the Week
This is “I han en Uhr erfunde” by the Bernese singer-songwriter Mani Matter. It’s about inventing a clock that always stops after two hours. Hilfiker's famous station clock also stops momentarily every time the sweep hand reaches twelve because synchronisation to the second was not yet possible at his time.
Momo and the Time Thieves
"Momo" is a German tale by Michael Ende that focuses on the essence of time, friendship, and the battle against societal forces that seek to rob individuals of their most precious commodity: time. The story revolves around a young girl named Momo. Her peaceful existence is threatened by the arrival of the mysterious Men in Grey, who manipulate time to steal it from unsuspecting individuals.
“Time is life itself, and life resides in the human heart.” - Momo
Ende likens time to a piece of music you just don’t hear because it’s always there. It comes from far off, but people seem to hear it deep inside them. That’s how time works. And the more you save, the less you have. Ende wants us to question: “Why waste it by waiting?”
Ready to Explore Zurich? ??
Did you know the biggest clock tower in Europe is in Zurich? It’s the Clock Tower of St. Peter’s Church aka “Fat Peter.” It is even in the Guinness Book of Records. Good news is that you can now explore Zurich with your personal travel guide, Piri Guide!? Download Piri Guide now!