Swindling Customers
Back again for another month of an article for this newsletter and I want to say that it was somewhat of a busy month regarding business and I was going to recall some events as to what happened last month as I have been working but I am going to do something different this month and talk about a common problem that often never gets discussed in retail, and that is the notion of customers asking or swindling most retail workers and the companies they work for.
Normally in most newspapers and magazines that write about business, I often read about most employees stealing from the companies they are employed with causing most retail businesses to lose a large amount of money. But there is another component that causes most businesses to lose money. And that is swindling customers that often ask for discounts they don't deserve and getting products or items and not paying the full price for them despite the sale of most items being over.
But what really gets me hot is when most customers end up asking for refunds or discounts when they often botch up their fuel purchases. Here is what I mean. I had one male customer who ended up choosing the wrong grade and fueled up his car. Then out of the blue he ends up asking for a discount or refund after purchasing the wrong grade for his car. Me and my coworker were literally besides ourselves when that happened. The nerve of this customer asking for money he already paid through the company.
Another customer I dealt with was a female who ended up putting a certain amount of fuel into her car. Because she didn't use it all, I was about to give her some of her money back, but then out of the blue she wanted me to refund her the whole amount, which didn't make any sense to me at all since she had already used some of her money to fuel up her car. Like, I just was beside myself and shook my head at the lack of logic on her part. Then she had the nerve to say that I was being childish for snapping at her which escalated the conflict even more.
But that is the stress that I and other retail employees have to deal with sometimes and of course most of all, management as well. Its just a part of the retail business but I would say that it is a loss for both sides within the company for both employees and managers because either way, the business never makes any money and as a result of that, the employees lose out as well due to the business not making money because if a retail business doesn't make a profit then the employees within the organization won't get paid and that is what happens dealing with swindling customers. See you next month.