Swift Current: What Is Your Why?
Epic Rivers Leadership
We provide high-stakes coaching and leadership development designed to accelerate 'life-giving leadership'.
90 seconds of elegantly simple leadership wisdom.?
More than 10 years ago, I (Chuck) moved to Greensboro, North Carolina, because of a BIG WHY…
Two weeks later, I joined Cone Health to focus on physician leadership development. In doing so, I joined?the story?of how they went from the bottom 10% in Provider Engagement to becoming the top 10% in the country and how patients and our community benefited!
If you ask me today why I do what I do,?I will probably tell you…
BELIEF #1: Work (and life) shouldn’t suck.
BELIEF #2: It’s usually a leadership problem when it does. In fact,?research?now reveals that “Managers impact our mental health MORE THAN doctors or therapists and EQUAL to your spouse or partner!”
BELIEF #3: Leadership is hard, but a few simple habits make the difference. Everything we do at Epic Rivers Leadership is about teaching and coaching leaders on these!
Ripple Effect
One of our?6 Strategic Anchors?at Epic Rivers is to be a “Force Multiplier for Good.” We intentionally focus on organizations and leaders who are committed to positively impacting society, including healthcare, higher education, non-profits, and?conscious businesses?of all shapes and sizes. If this describes your organization, we want to be your strategic partner and a force multiplier?to help you discover, clarify, and execute life and work in alignment with your why!?
My personal story above is just one reason why a large percentage of our Epic Rivers Leadership clients are in healthcare, and we have hand-selected?our team of coaches?with depth and experience in this industry, among others.
But sometimes, all you need is a great book to steer you in the right direction. If you are wrestling with your BIG WHY, check out these two.? One of my all-time favorites on this topic is “Let Your Life Speak” by Parker Palmer. It is a short little book that is dog-eared, highlighted, and worth revisiting every few years.
Another I’ll mention is a book by my friend and colleague Sharon Hull entitled “Professional Careers by Design: A Handbook for the Bespoke Life.”
Until next time BE LIFE-GIVING!
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