Swept Path Analysis A.K.A Vehicle Tracking
The movement of different parts of a vehicle when that vehicle undertakes a turning manoeuvre informs many of our site designs to ensure that there is sufficient both access for vehicles and safety for pedestrians on developments.
Land Studio utilises software to provide information early on in a scheme to support the site layout decision process and maximise available land, helping inform junction kerb locations, turning circles or manoeuvres, stacking and passing of vehicles. This software is also extremely useful in helping to identify the appropriate location of landscape and SuDS features.
As a studio we can provide early-stage analysis to help inform the conceptual site layout with the production of CAD drawings for submission with a planning application. Additionally, this analysis can be used for a design team to demonstrate that the planned layout can accommodate the movement of vehicles, thereby validating the appropriateness of the design.
Where tracking is not favourable, we can offer practical recommendations and rational options for your project. Whilst the use of Vehicle Tracking is in place for all of our in-house landscape architecture projects, it can also be utilised as a standalone piece of work.
If you have any projects which you would like to have a chat about, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Studio on 01244 319019 or email [email protected].