Sweet, White and Deadly. The Hidden Dangers of Sugar
We don't touch on dietary issues every day in our blogs but some issues really deserve our attention - so it's time to turn our attention to sugar.
Sugar provides us with an instant burst of energy but many people are getting far too much sugar in their daily diet, especially the highly refined sugars that are found in many processed foods. Cutting down on your total sugar intake can make a major difference to your health and help you to lose weight.?That spike of energy you get from your sugar intake encourages your body to produce insulin, which flushes excess glucose from your bloodstream, leading to a rapid decline in energy.?So, instead of boosting your energy levels and powering you up to cut through the day’s challenges, sugar leads to an inevitable decline in attention, focus and concentration.
Cut down on your sugar intake today and help your body to maintain its natural, healthy balance as well as its optimum energy levels. We simply did not evolve to have so much processed sugar in our diet and it's poisoning our bodies. That’s a fact. Cut down on sugars now before they have a chance to cut you down and degrade your quality of life. It’s nothing more than a simple request for you to respect the miracle of your body. We want you to live long and enjoy a successful life with the best possible health. Excessive quantities of sugar cannot be part of that picture.